All Classes and Interfaces

Command class that updates the portal context state for a abort flow event.
This exception is used to indicate a task could not be aborted.
Abstract base class for date(time) between functions.
Internal abstract class for easy IDatasourceXml implementation, to avoid catching of InitializationException for every datasource xml implementation.
Abstract base class for functions that returns a part/unit of a date(time) value.
Extend the AbstractFormatOnlySymbol when the symbol is for formatting dates only.
Abstract base class for date(time) incrementing functions.
This class represents an abstract implementation of the list plus.
Abstract class to simplify mask implementations.
Base class for decision tree nodes.
Base class for references that can be added to containers/composite elements.
Abstract class which is responsible for creating a SchedulerJobConfiguration.
Every schema element that has to be validated MUST extend this class.
Abstract base class for a soap client that uses xml element to connect to a Soap webservice.
Abstract mask class to parse the following optional parameters.
Abstract base class to parse a text based resource.
Base class for primitive values.
Base class for visitors that splits the generic accept method into more specific accept methods for each type of element.
Writer to write Xml objects to a stream.
This class holds the action definition of a decision table model.
Portal context implementation for action handlers.
Action handler factory implementation that may be used to add action handler implementations.
This class defines the available action node of the flow engine.
Simple class that represents an action type from the client.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Service to activate a single instance.
Parameter class for the ActivateInstance service.
This visitor iterates over the content of the container, and adds an action to all the buttons inside which will activate the currect instance once clicked.
This class contains the information of a single instance that needs to be active in a flow context.
This visitor is used to retrieve the ID's of the instances that are active in the (page) context of an element.
This internal class is responsible for the portal session of the running process task.
This command holds the information needed to execute an add command.
Class representing an AES key.
This class holds the static definition of an aggregate.
This class defines the information that is logged about the actions taken in the AggregateDAO plugin.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the aggregate definitions.
A class which generates the XML code for an aggregate.
A class which generates the XML code for an aggregate.
This class defines the possible alignment types for table cells.
The All expression is used to collect all the instances of a specified entity type.
This node represents a unary operator on a identifier.
The All expression is used to collect all the instances of a specified entity type.
This function performs an annuity calculation for the provided arguments and returns the calculated value.
An anonymous user contains no username, "anonymous" user id.
This container adds the list of answered questions to itself.
This object holds the attributes that should be answered.
This class holds the static definition of an any particle.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class represents an unknown value of any type.
Abstract class for data access exceptions.
Base type for all non fatal exceptions.
This class holds a single (executable) application module.
This class holds the configuration settings of an application.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Class to make sure multilangual elements have fallback behaviour defined for dialects.
Class for building an application export.
This class uniquely identifies an application by name and version.
The application mode class defines the several modes of operation an application can run in.
This class holds the debug information of an application.
The application store class is responsible for the loading and caching of application objects.
Class that contains an application name with one or more versions.
Application visitor that is used during initialization to add all the applications and names to the application store that are available through the data source.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Application server aware factory.
Class to connect to studio's exposed management webservice to retrieve application data.
This class contains an arithmetic expression that results in a numeric value.
The arithmetic expression is used to compute a new value using two single values.
This internal class contains information of an arithmetic operation and it's result type.
This internal class is responsible for knowing the valid operations and resulting types of arithmetic operations.
Simple runtime page element to represent a block of text.
Decision tree node representing a asset result.
This class defines an asset element that can be included in a container.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This class holds the result information of an asset node.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the text elements from the data source and add them to the definition store.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Assignee filter for the TaskContextFilter.
Assignee information for specific assignees.
A PropertyFilter that can also hold the identity of the user performing the request.
This service can be used to assign a task to specific users or a combination of teams and roles.
Base class for functions that are associative (swapping left and right argument has no effect on the result).
Decision tree node representing a set-attribute action.
This class is used to store a single action of a decision table.
Profile value object for the boolean type.
Profile value object for the currency type.
Profile value object for the datetime type.
Profile value object for the date type.
This trace message is constructed to trace a decision tree from a service call.
This class holds the static definition of an attribute in the meta model.
Comparator for IAttributeDefinition on their 'name'.
This class maps the methods of an attribute definition to the IValueDefinition interface.
Dump of an instance that can be serialized and deserialized.
This class contains the implementation of the various actions that can be performed on an attribute.
Profile value object for an entity instance.
Default attribute filter implementation that can be used to exclude attributes by name.
Profile value object for an infinite value.
Profile value object for an integer value.
Profile value object for a list value.
Internal IAttributeDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
Contains the definition of a mapping on the Attribute level.
Internal visitor class to create field definitions from a datasource.
Processes all attribute mappings from an attribute mapping datasource and turns them into a map.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class is used to convert a data source implementation to XML.
This class is used to convert a data source implementation to XML.
Node of the rule graph representing a single attribute for the specific entity type.
Profile value object for a number value.
Profile value object for a percentage value.
Profile value object for a range value.
Simple class that holds a reference to an attribute.
This class contains the score details for a single matched attribute.
Class to keep track of details about the score of a multivalue attribute.
This class holds the state of a single attribute.
This class contains several utility methods that are used by the attribute state class.
Profile value object for a string value.
Implementation of the attribute visitor interface used during initialization of the attributes from data source.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Exception to indicate that authentication is failed.
Implementation of the AuthorizationAlgorithm
Internal class to generate xml from an authorization algorithm datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from an authorization algorithm datasource.
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while evaluation an authorization algorithm.
This class evaluates an authorization algorithm to the required roles.
This class defines the automatic user.
This function calculates the average value from a list of number values.
Validation implementation that forwards its call to the BankAccountValidatorCall.
Standard validation rule that can validate if a string is a correct bank account number.
Represents a binary data type.
This node represents a binary operation on two nodes.
This class represents a direct boolean condition result.
BooleanFormat is a class which formats boolean's to string and can parse strings representations back into booleans.
Speller to spell a boolean value.
This class does not extend the AbstractValue class, as the auto-conversion methods to ranges and lists are useless (and even unwanted) for the boolean type.
This class holds the condition and the process path of one of the brances of a group.
Base class for nodes that support multiple (conditional) branches.
Business rule object, which is constructable for a business rule datasource and converts into an IInferenceRule.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Runtime page element representing a button.
This container adds the buttons for the decision-tree run to it's definition.
This class holds a static button definition.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class represents a resource pointing to an array of bytes.
Class responsible for creating a expiring data wrapper.
This class may be used to cache license keys from a delegate (slow) license provider.
Portal context implementation that is passed to callback functions.
This class holds the information of a single callback method.
This class is used to gather all the callbacks that are added during a page composition.
Page visitor that is used to invoked the handle methods for the registered callback methods.
This class represents node to call a sub-process.
Handler for (sub) process call nodes.
This function capitalizes an input string and optionally lowers the rest of the characters
This class contains the values of a single case in the casebase.
This class contains all the cases of a specific entity type.
This class contains all the casebases of a match engine.
CaseBase visitor that simply collects the data sources.
Internal listener used for detecting the situation where handling a message event results in a case being closed and deleted.
This class may be used to create a selection criteria for cases.
Should result in a Json representation of the changes done to the profile.
This class is used to keep the case data in database consistent with the current profile containing the data.
This exception is used when case data can not be updated.
Note that this file has a template for .NET Conversion
This class may be used to create selection criteria for case events
This class defines the possible types of case events status.
This class defines the possible types of case events.
Comparator that compares string in a non-case-sensitive manner.
Simple hashmap that has case insensitive keys.
Interface describing the methods available for an entry of the CaseInsensitiveMap.
This expander expands a caselist.
Implementation of the abstract list plus for displaying the cases and case related data.
Class to remember the state of the caselist.
Class to remember the state of the caselist.
This class describes a case propery and contains all possible case properties.
This class defines the possible case status types.
This exception is used by the match engine updater to indicate that a case insert, case update, or case delete failed.
Internal action handler class to update the case data with the profile of the implementation application.
This visitor is used during initialization to add values to a case.
A data transfer object representing a view of a case model.
Encapsulates the criteria for querying case views.
Represents the result of a query for task views.
This visitor is used during initialization to add cases to the casebase, but also to initialize the values of those cases.
This class is used to define a log category.
NumberSymbol class to represent the centisecond (=10�2 second) field in a date string.
Factory class to create certificate sets.
The CertificateSet keeps track of two related certificates.
This command holds the information needed to execute a change property command.
This command holds the information needed to execute a change property command.
This command holds the information needed to execute a change value command.
This object holds the definition of a single channel.
This class provides the data for the attribute.
Implementation of a datasource for a channel.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available channel definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Instance reference that hold the instance definition it refers to.
Implementation of the split node (previously a XOR group node).
Handler for nodes that choose a branch based on conditions on the edges.
Exception used to indicate a circular reasoning has been detected during the evaluation of an expression.
Exception used to indicate a circular service call has been detected.
This class provides loading and registering implementation classes for an interface class in such a way that a jvm can be started with -Dlookupkey=nl.everest.myimplementation.
This command holds the information needed to execute a clear-value command.
This exception is used to indicate a case could not be closed.
A code version represents the version of the code.
Utility class helping with type conversion etc.
Parse node representing a collect statement.
Internal class containing a column definition for the list container.
This class describes a worklist column type and contains all possible types.
This node holds a comment definition.
TSL node representing a comment.
Search criteria for searching comments.
Internal ICommunicationEngine implementation that uses a datasource, metamodel and ruleengine for construction.
Communication engine implementation that is exposed in the portal context.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a communication engine definition from data source.
Base class for all exceptions specific to the communication engine component.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of ICommunicationEngine.
Internal communication engine handler to delegate calls to dynamic schema element with a portal engine context.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal flow node that is used by the FlowPath to indicate that the flow node is completed.
Command class that updates the portal context state for a complete flow event.
This exception is used to indicate a process task could not be completed.
Default Implementation for SymbolFactory, creates plain old Symbols
ComplexSymbol with detailed Location Informations and a Name
This class holds the static definition of a complex type reference.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class hold the license information about a specific component.
This is an enumerated type class containing the type of components for which a license may be present.
Composer implementation that contains the logic to expand definitions to runtime elements.
This internal composer context wraps the inference context of the client, and adds instance management to keep track of the instances that were activated by containers.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Composer data source wrapper that adds execute task page(s) if needed.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal wrapper class to add inline justifaction texts to the composer.
Internal wrapper class to add inline justifaction texts to the composer.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a composer from a data source.
This class holds an error or warning message for a field or page.
Base class for all exceptions specific to the composer component.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of IComposer.
The composer handler is used by the composer to render dynamic containers and masks.
Class to create an xml of a composer datasource.
Class to create an xml of a composer datasource.
Portal engine data source implementation that may be used to combine several data sources.
Base class for composite elements.
This class is an IJsonWriter implementation that can combine multiple json writers.
This implementation of IMultilingualText can be used to combine multiple multilingual texts with a specified seperator.
Base class for content and document definitions that adds composite support.
Compound resource manager specifying an ordered lookup.
Implementation of the CONCAT function.
This class makes sure that concurrent profile calls are handled correct.
Flow scope implementation that uses locking to handle concurrent method calls.
Inference context that may be used to handle concurrent profile calls.
Page scope implementation that uses locking to handle concurrent method calls.
Abstract portal message scope implementation that uses locking to handle concurrent method calls.
Abstract portal scope implementation that uses locking to handle concurrent method calls.
Session scope implementation that uses locking to handle concurrent method calls.
This class contains a condition expression which will always evaluate to a boolean.
This class holds the data of a single condition from a decision table.
Simple class wrapping an expression that always results in a boolean value.
This class holds a PresentationStyle and the IExpression that determines if the presentation style should be displayed or not Note: If no condition is set, then by default the presentation style should be displayed
This node holds a condition definition.
This class holds the condition definition of a datarule model.
The condition expression is used to compare two single values against each other.
TSL node representing a condition.
This class defines a node that should wait for a condition to become true.
This handler is used to schedule and evaluate condition nodes.
Enumerated type class containing the possible comparison types for filter values.
This class represent a single condition from a Constraint rule.
This class is used to store a single condition of a decision table.
This class will sort a condition array when needed so that the ELSE condition is always last.
This class is used during initialization to gather and validate the condition definitions of a datarule.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Language datasource implementation that gets its format names from the application configuration.
Language datasource implementation that gets its format names from the application configuration.
Visitor implementation to wrap the language datasources.
Visitor implementation to wrap the language datasources.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Datasource implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Factory for getting the application configuration.
Implementation of a datasource for a value format.
Implementation of a datasource for a value format.
Visitor implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Visitor implementation to wrap the project datasource and delegate some method calls to the IApplicationConfiguration.
Exception used to indicate conflicting results have been detected during the evaluation of rules for an attribute.
base class for a connection used by the connectivity services.
This class contains the definition of a single resource connection.
Connection manager implementation that may be used to provide application connections.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the parameters of a connection definition.
This class is used to define the available connection types.
This visitor is used to gather all connection definitions and inline resource connections.
Certificate provider for decrypting/encrypting connectivity data.
This exception class is used by the connectivity service to indicate a failure.
This base class is responsible for parsing the parameters of a connectivity service.
Base class for services that use connections to external systems to retrieve data.
The const expression is used to hold a constant value.
The const expression is used to hold a constant value.
This node contains the value from a constexpr production rule.
Inference rule that determines a default value based on the possible values of the current domain.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
The constraint engine contains the logic to narrow domains of attributes by applying constraints to them.
This iterator is used to determine which constraints are applicable for a specific attribute.
This constraint uses a decision table to determine which values are valid.
Exception used to indicate that a value is not valid within the current domain of the attribute.
Rule visitor that is used during initialization to add constraint rules to the rule graph.
Internal class to generate xml from a IConstraint.
Internal class to generate xml from a IConstraint.
This class defines the composite container element.
Decision tree node representing a container result.
IContainerContext implementation using the current page context.
This class holds a static container definition.
IContainer implemenation that delegates to an IContainer for easy container extension.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Exception class that can be used in containers to indicate that the processing (handle) failed.
This class contains the definition model of a dynamic container.
The dynamic container visitor that is used during initialization to add all dynamic containers that are available through the data source.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Container factory implementation that may be used to add container implementations.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Delegate visitor for easy datasource extension.
Implementation of the containment visitor interface which is used during the initialization of the (static) composer content.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Exception that should be thrown when user does not have the right role for accessing a content.
This class holds a single content node of a document.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Delegate visitor for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
ErrorCode implementation for content item related errors.
This class is used during initialization to add context information to an error message.
An input stream that obtains data from a content manager.
The content model represents a content node that needs to be displayed in the document.
An IContentManager implementation which delegates to another content manager.
The content style is used to indicate where a content element should be rendered on a page.
This class defines a content style.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the available content styles.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Utility class used by IContentManager implementations.
Content visitor implementation that adds the static definitions of various interface elements to the composer.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class maps the inference context methods to the IValueSource interface.
Exception for errors while parsing a data contract.
The conversion expression is used to change the result data type of an expression.
Wrapper exception class for ConversionException.
This exception is used to indicate that an object could not be converted to a requested type.
The conversion expression is used to change the result data type of an expression.
This rule is used as a wrapper for inference rules that return values of an incorrect type, and will convert the result of the wrapped rule whenever needed.
Abstract base class for objects that wish to implement the IConvertable interface.
Utility class providing method to convert objects to IValue classes.
Delegate for the converter to add support for IEntityInstance values.
Conversion function that is able to convert any data to a boolean.
Conversion function that is able to convert any numeric data type to a currency.
This function converts a a date value.
This function converts to a datetime.
Conversion function that is able to convert various data types to an integer.
This function converts a single value or list to a list.
Conversion function that is able to convert any numeric data type to a number.
Base class to convert values to a numeric value
Conversion function that is able to convert any numeric data type to a percentage.
This class implements the expression function 'text' which accepts any type combined with an optional pattern and locale, and which will result in a formatted string.
Class used in order to generate correlation ids.
This exception is used to indicate an operation on the case is not allowed as the case is locked.
This function returns the number of elements that are present in a list.
This class hold the information to rollback a create instance action.
Exception used to indicate that an instance could not be created.
This exception is used when a process to create a case could not be started.
Action handler to create the output response for an exposed rest service.
Action handler to create the output response for an exposed soap service.
Action handler result class for the CreateResponseHandler.
Action handler result class for the CreateResponseHandler.
This class contains a single cross-table definition.
This visitor is used during initialization to add the distances to the cross-table definition.
Implementation of the cross-table match function.
Match function factory for cross-table match functions.
This class contains the ID of a value that can be matched with a cross-table.
The crypto factory takes care of creaating encryptors and decryptors.
-=[ WARNING ]=--=[ WARNING ]=--=[ WARNING ]=--=[ WARNING ]=-
Generates CSRF tokens.
Internal object that implements the metadata for a single csv column.
Connection implementation that contains the details for a CSV connection.
Connectivity service that uses an resource connection (CSV) to retrieve the data.
Condition object to build a CsvQuery.
Data inference rule implementation that uses a CSV resource to source its values.
This class is responsible for parsing the csv metadata.
Util class for easy datasource creation for a CSV resource connection.
Query object to be executed on a CSV resource.
Result object for an executed CsvQuery.
This class can be used to read a CSV (Comma Separated Values) resource.
This class can be used to query a CSV (Comma Separated Values) resource.
Class to create a ICsvResourceMetadata implementation base on a connection that is available in a project.
This class represents a single currency value.
This class provides the data for the system.currentpage attribute.
Internal custom element composer context.
The Custom Field Priority Algorithm can be used to define the priority as a task based on an expression.
Utility class for building exception messages and throwing different types of exceptions.
Representing an Array object.
This class defines additional error codes for warnings and errors that are detected in the XML data source implementation.
Member definition of a value type.
Represents an object in the data structure.
Builder object for construction Data Objects without type definition.
Represents a primitive in the data structure.
This class holds the definition of a single data rule.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Exception for reporting errors during serialization / deserialization of Data Objects
This class defines all the data types that are supported by the foundation.
This interface holds the numeric id's of the various data types.
This class holds the names of the various data types.
Base class for DataObjects
Representation of an array object type.
Representation of an object type.
Representation of an primitivetype.
Type description of a data value object.
This function returns a date based on year, month and day.
This class is intended as a replacement for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.
Match value implementation containing a single date value.
This mask applies a date format with a specific pattern to a date(time) value.
Implementation of the Ramp match for date values.
This match function factory provides implementations of the ramp match.
This class holds the supply value for a date ramp match.
This function returns the date as calculated from a string form.
NumberSymbol class to represent the Calendar.DATE field in a date string.
This function returns a date time based on year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
This primitive class holds the information about a single datetime value.
Validation implementation that forwards its call to the DateValidatorCall.
Validator that can be used to validate an attribute containing a date value.
This primitive class holds the information about a single date value.
This functions returns the day of the month for the specified date value.
Speller to spell days of the week.
This function returns the number of days between two date values.
Portal session wrapper implementation that handles process engine task execution.
Portal session wrapper implementation that handles process engine task execution.
This class holds the information of a single execute task call definition.
Flow initializer that sets the modelled parameters in the profile for DCM Widget flows.
NumberSymbol class to represent the decisecond (=10�1 second) field in a date string.
This class holds the definition of a single decision table.
Inference rule using a decision table model to determine the result values.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This trace message is constructed to trace a decision tree from a process.
This class represents a single decision tree definition.
Decision tree node representing a condition.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Base class for exceptions generated during the evaluation of a decision tree.
Decision tree exeption that is used to indicate a lookup failure.
Internal class to create an XML of a tree engine datasource.
Internal class to create an XML of a tree engine datasource.
Callback handler which registers a chosen decisiontree on the session for usage by a decisiontree runner.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to create an XML of a tree engine datasource.
Internal class to create an XML of a tree engine datasource.
Decision tree exception that is used to indicate a type error.
Decision tree visitor used during the initialization of the decision tree engine.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to create an XML of a tree engine datasource.
Internal class to create an XML of a tree engine datasource.
This class is responsible for decrypting an envelope using the certificate it is constructed with.
Default details object that is used for action nodes.
Default Annotation names.
Application configuration implementation that may be used to start an application with the default settings, or as base class for a custom configuration.
Default canonicalizer.
Default details object that is used for condition nodes.
Default application configuration that must convert to .NET.
The default container factory that provides implementations for the containers that come bundled with the aquima runtime.
Default SAX2 ContentHandler base class.
Default inference context which uses a profile to locate the active instances.
The default schema composer factory that provides implementations for the schema composers that come bundled with the aquima runtime.
Default implementation of serializer factory
Default domain values factory that always returns no values (null).
Default SAX2 / DOM ErrorHandler class.
Inference rule that uses an expression to determine a default value for an attribute.
Internal class that wraps a default rule datasource to implement an external rule datasource.
This factory manager contains the default factories available within the aquima-interaction engine.
This factory manager contains the default factories available within the aquima-interaction engine.
This class assumes that the String representation of the GUID that used to identify content is a suitable value to create files and directories through the provided FileSystemConnection.
Default details object that is used for flows.
Default noop flow initializer
Internal class containing information about the flow to call within the flow node.
The default action handler factory that provides implementations for the handlers that come bundled with the Aquima runtime.
Backward compatible ignore mode settings.
The default license provider that returns a license read from a license file.
This is the standard log factory wich results in only logging to standard out, for overriding this one can call the static method LogFactory.registerLogFactory or add the JVM option as described in the LogFactory class.
Default logger that uses the standard output to print messages to.
Default mail domain configuration.
Mask factory that supports all build in masks.
Default match type factory that provides implementations of the match function factories that are supported.
Node details factory that is used when no custom factory is provided.
This is the default parse listener which outputs it's parse errors to the logging system.
Class that provides a backwards compatible implementation of IProcessEngineSettings
A factory that provides the default extensions to the process engine.
Backward compatible process list settings that always return IgnoreMode.DEFAULT for ignore mode settings.
Default internal profile factory implementation.
Default implementation for QR Code Generator.
This is just a empty implementation for IJobParameters Used by DefaultScheduler to create empty job parameters instead of returning a null object
This class defines the default resource manager for aquima applications.
Default details object that is used for result nodes.
Rule factory implementation that is capable of providing (custom) rule implementations.
This class defines the possible type of default rules that may be defined for an attribute.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This is just a empty implementation for ISchedule Used by DefaultScheduler to create empty schedulers instead of returning a null object
This is just a empty implementation for IScheduleBuilder Used by DefaultScheduler to create empty ISchedule instead of returning a null object
This class provides a default implementation for the IScheduler interface.
The default service factory that provides implementations for the services that come bundled with the aquima runtime.
Default soap handler factory that always returns no values (null).
Default Implementation for SymbolFactory, creates plain old Symbols
Default time tracker factory that returns a TimeTracker or a NullTracker instance for each request.
Default implementation of the ITslExpressionPrinter that prints an expression to a string.
Validator factory implementation that supported the default validator types.
Inference rule that uses a constant value as result.
Default implementation of the xml delegate interface.
Internal xml element context implementation.
Default XSS blacklist implementation based on regular expressions.
Default security properties that is used by XxeSafeDocumentBuilderFactory to generate a new DocumentBuilderFactory
This class contains various global definitions used by the match engine.
This class contains some definitions that are used throughout the process engine.
Parse node representing a list of TSL nodes.
The definition store holds all the static definitions of various content types.
This DeleteFileService is used to provide a service to delete files and folders from the file system.
Service delivered with R5 that can be used in all projects to delete an instance.
This class hold the information to rollback a delete instance action.
This class holds the information about a dependency of a rule.
Entity instance wrapper that keeps track of all the attributes that are used.
Profile wrapper that keeps track of all the used entity instances.
This class defines the type of dependencies that are allowed for an inferenced value.
Inference Context wrapper for decision tables that returns values for actions that have already been inferenced.
This node may be used to specify a deprecation warning for a node.
Class representing a DES certificate.
De-spacer, as in, remove excess spaces (whitespace characters).
This object contains the result of a detail match.
This class is used during a detail match to gather scoring information.
Internal class to wrap a multilingual text to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
This function returns a list containing the difference of the two lists provided as argument.
This class implements the difference function for various range, list and value combinations.
The dimension expression is used to change the dimension of the wrapped expression's result.
The dimension expression is used to change the dimension of the wrapped expression's result.
Class implementing a disposable content which will remove all created content when it is disposed.
A content manager which will place a DisposableContent on the IPortalScope.
Class for disposable portal context implementation.
This class holds the justification information for a DMN decision.
This class defines the root element of a runtime document.
Root xml element context implementation.
This class holds the definition of a single document.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Document engine to be used in the portal engine.
Base class for all exceptions originating from the document engine.
Service (AQ_Document_Generate) for generating documents
Document link dynamic container implementation.
This class is responsible for parsing the parameters of a document link container.
Represents the definition of a document reference (on an attribute).
Service to render a document and place it in the scope for later reference.
Parameters for the DocumentRender service.
Class containing the result (=document content) of the document action handler.
This message is created to trace a creation and update of a file, a move of a file, a delete of a file and an update of a metadata file.
Default xml renderer to render composer objects to document xml.
This class represents the domain of a typed expression.
The domain class is used to hold all the values that are valid for an attribute.
This class holds the values that are valid for a domain constraint.
Implementation of the domain definition interface.
Comparator for IDomainDefinition on their 'name'.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Data Object definition implementation.
Generates Xml from datasource
Generates Xml from datasource
Data Property Definition implementation.
Generates Xml from datasource
Generates Xml from datasource
Compose a DataObject from the profile using a DataContract.
Definition implementation of a data contract.
Parses a DataObject to the inferenceContext based on the data contract.
Internal visitor class to add data contracts.
Generates Xml from datasource
Generates Xml from datasource
Utility class that can be used to check if domains have an intersection.
This class holds a single possible/allowed value for a field.
Represents the definition of a domain item, consisting of a value and an optional list of presentation style names.
This class represents the values of an external domain.
Implementation of the domain value visitor interface used during initialization of the domain definition from the data source.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Implementation of the domain visitor interface used during initialization of the domains from data source.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This XML renderer object is constructed to convert a Decision Requirements Graph DMNDecisionTree object to a XML document for persistency purposes.
The manager and resolver for internal DTDs.
This exception is used to indicate duplicate definitions were found.
This class contains a parsed multilingual TSL object.
The each expression can be used to check if all of the selected values matches the condition.
This class holds the information of a single edge from the process.
This class is used to sort edges on sequence number.
Visitor which is used to iterate over all edges during construction of an InternalFlow.
This visitor is used during initialization to connect the nodes to each other with edges.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Class containing the version constants for the Aquima Standard Edition.
Base class for all runtime page elements.
This exception is used internally in the composer to notify that the compose of an element failed.
IElementComposer implementation used by services and containers.
This class provides various utility methods which help converting multilingual objects to xml.
Base class for (static) element definitions.
Error code implementation that uses the element name and type parameters to implement the getElementName and getElementType methods.
This class implements a visitor that may be used to locate an element with a specific key.
This class holds the static definition of an element mapping.
Internal visitor to gather all element mappings.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Element particle mapping definition that can be created with a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Schema Element reference that can be created with a datasource.
Reference based on name and type.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class defines the standard element types.
An action result that can be returned from action handlers which don't have a specific result.
Default empty store for when there are no external datasources.
Utility class for various string to byte encoding/decoding.
This class is used to encrypt an envelope using the certificate passed to the constructor.
This class defines an end node in a process definition.
Handler for process and group end nodes.
This class contains the values of a single instance from the match request, and the configuration that should be used when matching this instance against a case.
Entity context delegate which maps the methods of an entity instance to the ICompoundValue interface.
This class holds the static definition of an entity.
Comparator for IEntityDefinitions on their 'name'.
Delegate class which maps the methods of the meta-model entity to the IObjectDefinition interface.
This class hold the data of a single entity instance.
Simple wrapper class that can be used as base class for entity instance wrappers.
Contains the definitions of a mapping on the Entity level.
Processes every entity mapping from the mapping datasource.
This class is used to convert a data source implementation to XML.
This class is used to convert a data source implementation to XML.
This internal match function is used to match relation attributes.
This match function acts as a place-holder for the actual EntityMatch during initialization.
Match value for the EntityMatch match function.
The entity node class of a rule graph is used to represent a single entity type.
Simple class that holds a reference to an entity.
Class which generates the XML representation of an entity reference.
Class which generates the XML representation of an entity reference.
This class holds a reference to an entity instance.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the entity definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Basic R4 encryption envelope.
Envelope serializer.
Version of the envelope.
This function compares strings case sensitive, as opposed to the '=' operator which is case insensitive
Utility class that allows easy comparison between objects for equality.
This class identified an error.
This class combines the error code with the parameters to form an actual error message.
This semantic node is used to indicate a fatal error in the semantics step.
This class holds the context information for a task that is being processed by a node handler.
Implementation of the evaluation queue.
This class is used to hold a single task that is scheduled to be processed.
This class provides the data for the system.event attribute.
The event dispatcher class is used to forward an event to it's listeners and parent dispatcher.
This object hold a single error that was encountered during the processing of the event.
This object contains the errors that are generated during the processing of a single event.
This class hold the definition of an event node.
This handler is used to schedule and process nodes that wait for an event.
Defines the available event node types.
This recoverable exception is thrown when an invalid request could not be handled by the portal session.
This object is used to store the value of a field from a page.
This class will be used as visitor of a page model to convert all the values from the event to values that can be inserted into the profile.
Page visitor that checks if required fields are present.
Exact match implementation for values that can be converted to a number.
Match function factory implementation for the exact match.
Exact match implementation for values that can be converted to a string.
Match function factory implementation for the exact match.
This class implements the except function for various range, list and value combinations.
This is an empty service implementation.
This class is used to provide the information needed to initialize an execute task button.
This class holds the information of a single execute task call definition.
This class holds the event information of a single exit event from the execute task service call.
This class is used to replace an execute task service call node.
This class is used to provide the information needed to initialize the execute task page.
This function returns a boolean indicating if an element is present in a list.
The exists expression can be used to check if at least one of the selected values matches the condition.
This enum represents the possible exit action of an process.
The exit event class which can represent an edge in a node.
Implementation of the property visitor interface which is used during initialization to add additional properties to elements.
Internal helper class to generate xml from a Exit Event visitor.
Internal helper class to generate xml from a Exit Event visitor.
This class defines the available exit node types of the flow engine.
This class contains the definition of a single (container) expander.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the expander definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This exception is used during expansion to pass along an error with additional information about where the error occurred in the page structure.
Class for generating exports.
Class containing the type of stream generated by of ExportBuilder.writeToStream(
Class containing information about the stream of ExportBuilder.writeToStream(
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Key provider for decrypting/signing exported application release 17 xml's.
Key provider for decrypting/signing/validating exported application release 17 xml's.
This class describes an export type and contains all possible export types.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r17.ExportUtilR12
Utility class for decrypting/encrypting and signing/validating of exports.
ZipWriter class to write exports to a zip.
Implementation of the expression datasource.
This class holds a single expression.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class contains all the error codes for all the errors and warnings that may occur during the parsing of expressions.
This exception is used when the expand of a TSL text (dynamic text) fails.
Base class for exceptions that may be raised during the evaluation of expressions.
This class rewrites decision condition alternative expressions to full expressions which are parsable by the 4.2 expression parser.
The list expression combines the result of multiple expressions into a single list.
Expression parser base class containing the default implementations of the various parse methods.
The expression class holds the parsed and checked expression.
This class contains the information of an expression template.
Expression template visitor that is used during initialization to add the expression templates to the rule graph.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Class for easy exposure of the internal structure of a parsed expression.
Validation rule implementation that uses an expression to check if a value (or combination of values) is valid.
Parse node representing a list of expressions.
This node represents the root of the parse tree.
Implementation of the IExpressionParser interface for the 4.2 expression syntax.
Utility class that prints a semantic node structure as an R7 expression.
Visitor implementation that prints an expression in a release 7 format.
This class implements the external flow connection interface.
Default IExternalFlowDefinition implementation.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Default IExternalFlowEventMapping implementation.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
ICaseBaseDS implementation for external match engine XML.
ICaseDS implementation for external match engine XML.
Cross-table data source implementation for custom match engine XML configuration.
IApplicationDS wrapper for external match engine XML.
IMatchDefinitionDS implementation for external match engine XML.
This implementation loads match engine definitions from an external XML file.
IMatchDefinitionDS implementation for external match engine XML.
IModuleDS wrapper for external match engine XML.
Ramp data source implementation for custom match engine XML configuration.
Customizable factory manager implementation.
The failed constraint is a constraint implementation that can be used to replace constraints that were unable to load.
This class element is used to represent an element that failed expansion.
The failed rule is a inference rule implementation that can be used to replace rules that were unable to load.
The failed validation is a validation implementation that can be used to replace validations that were unable to load.
Class containing the fallback information for dialects.
This class defines the Field element.
This class holds the definition of a field.
Parse node representing a field (value) from a TSL expression.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This class is used by the definition store to hold all the field definitions.
Internal class containing a single field validation message.
TSL node representing a field (value) from a TSL expression.
This visitor can be used to add global parameter value definitions to a field definition.
Implementation class describing the field type definition
This class defines the standard available output for field types.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class defines a single field validation.
Internal IFieldDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
This class contains a single definition of a validation that is defined for a field (value).
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Exception that is thrown when field(s) did not validate.
Internal visitor class to create field validation parameters from a datasource.
Internal visitor to collect the parameters of a field validation.
Internal visitor class to create field validation definitions from a datasource.
Field validation visitor implementation used during initialization to gather the validation definitions.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
The field expression retrieves the value of a field from the instance returned by the parent expression.
The field expression retrieves the value of a field from the instance returned by the parent expression.
Parse node representing a field variable.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Signals that an operation involving a file denoted by a specified pathname has failed.
This class holds the resource information of a file resource.
This class represents a file on disk.
Resource manager implementation that uses a file system to locate the resources.
This FileSystemConnection is used to write, update and delete files and folders to the file system.
A manager of content on a file system.
Metadata representation.
Indicative of a problem related to the interaction with Content-related metadata on a file system.
Resource manager implementation that uses a file system to locate the resources.
This class may be used to represent a condition on a query.
This class may be used to represent a condition on a query.
Factory class that builds a IViewFilter containing CompositeViewFilter or IGenericFilter based on the parameters supplied in the constructor
This class can be used to specify the operator of a query filter.
This class can be used to specify the operator of a query filter.
Find function that uses a regular expression to find a pattern in a string, and returns the first occurance that matches the pattern.
This class holds the information of the element that triggered the portal event.
This mask converts the first character of a string to upper case and the rest of the string to lowercase.
This class can be used to read a fixed width text resource.
Floating point fixing for enhanced precision.
This exception is used to indicate a flow could not be accessed.
This exception is used to indicate the processing of an action node failed due to an exception.
Node details object for nodes representing a service.
This exception is used to indicate the flow could not be accessed due to a required role not being present.
This exception is used to indicate the current flow should abort at once.
This exception is used to indicate the processing of a condition node failed.
This class holds the transactional data for a flow.
This class contains the information needed to create a flow context.
This class is part of a visitors pattern and implements a method to follow all flow-paths within a flowModel.
Flow data-source wrapper that is used to replace execute task services.
Flow engine handles the evaluation of a flow and holds all information on available flows.
Flow engine data-source wrapper that is used to replace execute task services.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of IFlowEngine.
Class to create an xml of a flow engine datasource.
Class to create an xml of a flow engine datasource.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a flow engine from data source.
different types of flow evaluators supported.
Base class for all exceptions specific to the flow engine component.
This class defines an exit of a flow node.
This exception type is used when no edge could be found in a node for a certain exit event.
The blueriq flow function is a function which can execute a function flow using in- and ouput parameters.
This exception is used to indicate the processing of an action node failed due to an exception.
Flow handler implementation of the portal engine.
Node class for the flow engine to represent a (sub)flow.
Counts flow nodes reached during the execution of a flow.
Delegate class which maps the methods to the internal IFlowNodeDetails.
Node details object for nodes representing a (sub)flow.
This exception is used for errors that are specific to a flow.
FlowOnRefresh Container Implementation
Internal class to retrieve the flow parameters for the NodeFactory.
Simple class holding the nodes that have been processed during a flow action.
Node details object for nodes representing a page.
This class implements the IFlowScope interface and is used to store flow specific objects.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a flow scope implementation.
This class contains the information needed to create a flow scope.
This object is used to hold the position of a flow request.
The flow type representing a type of flow.
Accepts flows which are registered to the data source.
Flow visitor wrapper that is used to replace execute task services.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Value source wrapped used by foreach loops.
Parse node representing a FOREACH loop from a TSL expression.
This node is responsible for iterating over instances and evaluating the contents for each instance.
Wrapper for an instance of a TSL foreach loop.
Class containing the version of the component.
Flow evaluator which can evaluate a flow.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Factory capable of creating fulltext match functions.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
This class holds the definition of a single function argument.
The function expression can be used to invoke a (custom) function.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
The function expression can be used to invoke a (custom) function.
Base class for function libraries.
This class creates the function library for the R6 expression parser.
Utility class for function matching.
This class contains a parsed function call.
This document handler generates a document with the current portal context.
Action handler that retrieves a message for the specified as parameter.
This service will get the meta data for a file.
Service for putting request parameters/flow parameters in the profile by mapping the keys to attributes.
This service can be used to read task properties into the profile (for display purposes).
This class defines the standard global parameters.
Implementation class describing a global parameter's definition
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class defines the standard global parameter types.
Represents the value of a global parameter, consisting of: the name of the parameter whose value is represented by this object the type of the parameter if the parameter is of type primitive, the value resulted from evaluating the parameter value expression if the parameter is of type text, the content item containing the text
Represents the definition of a parameter value, consisting of: the name of the parameter whose value is defined the type of the parameter for primitive parameters, the data type and expression used to obtain the actual value for text parameters, the reference to the content item with the text
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Helper class for the process builder that rewrites group nodes.
This class contains defines a dependency on a specific rule group.
This node is used to group statements in an expression.
This node holds the paths into which the process may split.
Node handler for group nodes (AND / OR).
Internal IElementGroupDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
Visitor implementation to gather particle mapping definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class defines all the group particle types that are supported.
This class defines the possible group types.
This function when invoked generates a new GUID.
The GUID class is a simple wrapper class for a string representing a unique identifier.
Action handler to handle the input request for an exposed REST service.
Action handler to handle the input request for an exposed soap service.
Action handler result class for the HandleRequestHandler.
Action handler result class for the HandleRequestHandler.
Utility class to calculate hashcode of objects.
Mask to convert an IntegerValue to hexadecimal notation.
This element is used in the page model to represent a hidden element.
This functions returns the hour of the day for the specified date time value.
This function returns the number of hours between two date time values.
NumberSymbol class to represent the Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY field in a date string.
This Writer proxies a writer so that any html written to the writer is passed escaped to the underlying writer.
This class can be used to create an html email message that can be send via a IMailConnection.
Class providing a simple implementation to interact over http connections.
This class defines all available http methods.
IHttpResponse implementation
Class providing a simple implementation to interact with http SOAP interfaces.
Interface for the context of an action handler.
Interface for a data source capable of providing the information of an action.
Interface for objects that can handle action from the client.
The action handler factory is responsible for providing implementations for action handlers.
Interface for action nodes in a flow.
This data source provides the basic information for a action node in a flow.
Interface for objects containing the result of an action handler.
Interface used during initialization to add actions to a decision table.
The definition of an aggregate.
Interface for an aggregate data source.
The interface for an action which must be performed on all aggregates which are part of a meta model.
State / behavior object for the tree engine.
This interface defines an any particle of a type.
This interface defines an any particle of a type.
The portal application contains the static data of an initialized application.
This interface exposes various application specific configuration settings.
This interface defines the methods that should be implemented by an object defining an application specific configuration.
This interface provides the information needed to initialize an application project.
This interface provides monitoring information about the portal engine.
Interface for objects that contain, or can load on demand, application definitions.
The application visitor interface is used during the initialization of the portal engine to determine the applications that are available.
This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented by the global aquima configuration object.
The argument list interface defines the methods that functions may use to retrieve the values of the arguments that were passed to the function.
Interface that defines the methods for an argument type declaration.
Interface for runtime text elements.
This data source defines the methods that are needed to initialize a text definition.
This visitor is used during the initialization of a text element to gather the actual text objects and their formats.
Get the assignee information to whom this task is assigned.
This interface defines the methods that can be used to request static information about an attribute.
This interface is used to load most, if not all, the information of an attribute.
Interface for objects that can determine if an attribute value from the profile should be included in the match request.
This interface defines an attribute of a type.
This interface defines several method that can be used to retrieve attribute mapping definition information.
This interface defines an attribute of a type.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a mapping for a (relation) attribute.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the attribute mappings.
This interface represents an attribute in the dependency graph.
This interface defines a method for adding attributes and/or relations included in an entity reference.
This interface defines a detailed match result for a single attribute.
Interface for basic information used to compute the score for a multivalue attribute.
This interface defines several methods that can be used to retrieve static information about an attribute.
The attribute visitor is used to process the information of a single attribute.
This interface describes an audit message.
This interface can be used to define an external authorization algorithm for the process engine.
This interface describes an authorization algorithm.
This interface represents the data of an authorization algorithm.
This interface defines the evaluation context of an authorization algorithm.
This visitor is used during initialization to add the authorization algorithms to.
This validator may be used to validate an attribute containing a string representing a IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
This interface is used to define a single branch of a group or split node.
Interface for nodes that support multiple (conditional) branches.
A base interface for constraints, validations and inference rules.
Data source interface for business rules that may be used to inference a value for an attribute.
Interface for runtime button elements.
This data source interface defines the methods that need to be implemented to initialize a button definition.
The service interface for use within flows.
Generic cache configuration used in the application
The callback function interface can be implemented by objects that wish to be notified when an action takes place on the current page.
This interface defines a node in a process that is used to invoke a sub-process.
This interface defines the methods for a single case from a casebase.
The casebase interface defines the methods that can be used to retrieve cases of a specific type.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to initialise a casebase.
This interface defines the method which can be used to register case bases.
This interface defines the properties of a case data object (instance) from database.
This interface defines the properties for a single case data value from database.
This method describes the methods needed to initialize a case within a casebase.
Evaluates a case (an instance of a main process).
This interface defines the properties of a case event from database.
This interface describes the configuration per column.
Interface describing the parameters for the case list container.
This interface defines the properties of a case from database.
Interface for objects capable of providing case data for the match engine.
This interface is used to represent a case query with case data.
This interface describes methods need to initialize a case with it's values.
This interface defines the method which can be used to register cases.
The implementation of this interface should provide the certificates for decryption and encryption with no signing.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a channel definition.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available channel definitions.
Visit all the nodes within the timetracker.
This node is used in a process to choose a single branch, and continue along that path.
Represents a single comment.
Interface describing the methods that are available during communication engine element composition.
This class exposes all the communication functionality.
Communication engine interface that is exposed in the portal context.
This interface defines the communication engine.
Interface for factories capable of creating communication engine instances.
This interface should be implemented by the client using the communication engine to influence the behavior of the communication engine.
This interfaces defines the reference to a complex type.
This object holds the information on all existing pages/containers/buttons/documents etc.
The composer context interface a specialization of the inference context interface, and is used during the composure of containers and elements.
This data source defines the methods needed to initialize a composer.
This factory interface defines the methods a composer factory should implement to create new composer.
The handler is used to evaluate context specific information, such as mask implementations and is used by the composer to query for context specific information like the current role and channel of the client, but also to allow the client to modify containers that were marked as dynamic.
Interface for runtime composite elements.
Internal interface used when building text elements.
The compound value interface may be implemented by objects that are both a value, but also contain properties.
The condition interface is used for expression objects that evaluate to a boolean value, and hence can be used as a condition.
This interface describes a condition definition for a data rule.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a condition for a data rule.
This interface defines the methods that should be implemented by a class capable of providing the data of a table condition.
Interface for nodes that wait for a condition to become true.
Interface for condition nodes in a flow.
This visitor is used during initialization to add condition information to data rules.
Interface for the visitor object that should be used to add all the condition of the table to.
Generic application configuration that can be used anywhere.
This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented by both the global configuration and the application specific configuration.
Base interface for all connection objects.
This interface defines a connection definition that is available in a project.
This interface may be used to request a connection that is defined in the application configuration.
Visitor to add parameters to a connection datasource.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the available connections.
Interface for a constraint type business rule.
This visitor is used during initialization to allow the data layer to add constrains to attributes.
Interface for runtime container elements.
The container context provides in addition to the portal context some methods that are relevant during the execution of container methods.
Data source interface used to initialize a container element.
Context that is used in the handle of a dynamic container.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the exit events of a container definition.
Implementors of this interface may change the contents of a container from the page model.
This interface is used for a definition of a container expander that is available in the application.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct a container expander definition object.
The container expander visitor interface is used during the initialization of the portal engine to determine the container expanders that are available.
The container factory is responsible for providing implementations for container expanders.
Visitor interface that is used during initialization to add content to containers of pages.
This data source is used to initialize a content element.
The content interface represents a content node that needs to be displayed in a composite element.
An interface that can be used to perform basic CRUD operations for content.
A factory which will construct the correct content manager for a given connection
Base interface for content data-sources that support sub-content.
This interface defines the methods that should be implemented to initialize a content style.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the content styles.
Visitor that is used during the initialization of the composer to add static content.
Interface for objects that can be converted to primitive types.
Interface for delegates for the converter.
This interface can be implemented to iterate over all the distances of a cross table.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to initialise a crosstable.
Metadata information for a single column.
This interface describes the metadata for a CSV resource.
Context interface that should be used when composing a custom schema element.
This interface describes the custom rendering of a schema element.
Factory interface that is able to create custom schema elements for the communication engine.
This interface describes a datarule definition.
Data source interface for data rules that may be used to inference a value for attributes.
Serializer interface for DataValue serialization.
Factory for managing serializers.
Interface defining methods to convert a data source implementation to XML.
Interface for symbols used by the DateFormat class to format or parse a date object or string.
The definition of a DCM widget flow, consisting of parameters for the flow.
Parameter for a DCM widget flow
Opaque interface that represents an attached debugger.
Represents a debugging host that can set up a debugger for a particular portal context.
Interface for objects capable of providing the data to construct a decision table.
Interface for a decision tree.
Data source interface used during initialization to retrieve the data of a single decision tree.
This data source is used during initialization to retrieve the information of a single tree node.
This interface is used during initialization to retrieve a single symptom text of a decision tree.
This data source interface is used during initialization to add a single decision tree to the engine.
The implementation of this interface should provide the certificates for signed decryption.
The decryptor decrypts the message in the envelope.
Interface for a data source object that can be used to initialize an attribute default.
This interface defines the methods which are needed by the expression parser to identify and validate objects that are used in expression, but whose source is external.
This class represents a single identifier in an expression.
Parse node representing an identifier.
This interface defines the object that is used to pass the result of a detail match.
This interface extends the IDisposableScopedObject interface and adds a method which returns the scope type of the disposable content.
A scope that implements this interface will have the destroyDisposableObjects() method called when the scope will be discarded.
Implement this interface and add the instance to an IDisposableScope to handle object cleanup when the scope is discarded.
This interface extends the generic IPortalContext interface.
Slightly modified version of the IDArray class to enable a weight to be attached to an id.
Iterator class that can be used to iterate over the contents of an IDObjectMap class.
This interface defines the root element of a runtime document.
This data source is used to initialize a document element.
Document engine to be used in the portal engine.
Holds information about an attribute that references a document.
This interface should be implemented by classes that can render a runtime document model.
This interface defines the set of values (domain) that are valid for an attribute.
This interface defines a domain.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to initialize a domain definition.
This interface defines a data object.
Datasource for a data object.
Defines a property on a data object.
Datasource for a property.
Visitor interface for adding properties.
This interface defines a data contract.
Datasource for data contract.
Interface for exposing the domain schema registry used for inserting a domain schema into another domain schema
Prepares attributes for validation and provides the validate method that has to be called after all the registrations are done.
This interface is used for the values that are allowed for a field (domain).
Represents the definition of a value in a domain.
The data source for domain values.
Factory for external domains.
This interface is used during initialization to add values to a domain definition.
This interface will be implemented by the component and passed to the data layer to allow the data layer to add domain definitions.
Map implementation that maps ID's to scores.
Iterator class that can be used to iterate over the contents of an IDScoreMap class.
Interface for dynamic text objects.
This data source contains information about the edge and the next node.
This visitor is used during initialization to add all edges from the flow to.
Base interface for all elements on a runtime page.
This factory knows how to create elements which are usable on the page during expand calls.
Base interface for all element definitions in the composer.
Interface for database elements that may be specialized.
This interface defines the methods that need to be provided by the data source for all elements.
This interface defines an element in a schema.
This interface defines an global element in a schema.
This interface defines an element particle of a type.
This interface defines an element particle of a type.
Element Reference interface.
Base interface for a reference to an element definition.
This interface defines the reference to a global element.
Base interface for a renderer which can be used to convert page/document elements.
The implementation of this interface should provide the certificates for signed encryption.
The encryptor takes care of encrypting the envelope.
Interface for nodes in a process that indicate an end point.
Interface for end nodes in a flow.
This interface defines several methods that can be used to retrieve static information about an entity.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct an entity definition object in the meta model.
An entity instance is an instantiation of an entity type at runtime.
This interface defines several method that can be used to retrieve entity mapping definition information.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a mapping between two entities.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the target entity mappings.
Interface for objects representing an entity in the rule graph.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct an entity reference object in the aggregate definition.
This interface defines a method to add an entity reference to the aggregate definition.
This interface defines a method to add an entity definition to the meta model.
This interface defines the methods for an object holding an error or warning message.
This interface defines the methods that are available for a node handler during the schedule or process action.
Interface for the queue that holds all tasks that need to be evaluated.
Base interface for all event classes.
The event channel interface exposes methods that classes should implement in order to function as a source for events for listeners.
Base interface for contexts that are passed to methods of services or containers during the processing of an event.
This class is responsible for distributing events to the Listeners, they can be chained forward to their parents.
Interface for event listeners.
This interface represents a node in a process that waits for a (named) event.
Represents an exit node of the type 'event'.
Represents one event node parameter that can be set on an exit node of type 'event'.
ITimer definition that fires every hour.
ITimer definition that fires every minute.
The job execution context is provided during job execution.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the exit events of a service call definition.
This visitor is used to register the mappings between a flow exit event and a task exit.
This interface defines a single (container) expander type that can be used by the composers of the project modules.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a container expander definition.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the container expander definitions.
Interface for export data sources used by the ExportBuilder.
Interface for objects representing a (parsed) expression.
This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented by a data source that can be used to initialize an expression engine.
This interface represents a (parsed) expression which can be evaluated with a valid inference context.
This interface defines the main functions that a data layer for a rule engine should implement to initialize the various business rules.
The expression node interface defines the methods that all nodes from the optimizer should implement.
Parses an expression to an optimized structure which can be evaluated.
Interface that contains all the methods that each data-source providing expression templates should implement.
This visitor is used during initialization to allow the data layer to add expression templates.
Basic interface for classes capable of parsing expressions.
This visitor interface is used during the initialization of the expression parser.
Class for storing external exports.
This interface describes how to connect to an external project.
The definition of an external flow, consisting of a contract name, data mapping name and a set of event mappings.
This interface contains the methods a data source should implement to be able to initialize a external flow definition.
The mapping between a flow event (the flow event) from the implementation module to a flow event from the contract module (the contract event).
Data source for mapping flow events to contract events in an external flow.
* The external flow event event mapping visitor is used during initialization to add all the available external flow mappings to.
This interface is used during initialization to provide the information about an external rule that may be loaded through the rule factory.
Each project is required to implement this interface, which is passed to the datasources.
Interface for a runtime field object representing an attribute.
Interface for objects capable of providing the data to initialize a field (definition).
Describes the definition of a Field Type
Data source for field type.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the available field types.
This interface defines the methods of a validator for field values.
This interface defines an attribute validation.
This interface defines an validation of an attribute.
This data source provides the information needed to initialize a field validation (definition).
Visitor to add parameters to a field validation datasource.
Visitor to add parameters to a field validation datasource.
The validation visitor is used to process the information of a validation for a field.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the validation (definitions) for a field.
A connection that stores data on a file system.
Instances of FileSystemContentManager require content, identified by a GUID instance, to be stored on a file system.
The fired event object which holds information about the event which triggered the portal-engine to process.
This class holds detail information for a flow.
This data source provides all the information to initialize a single flow.
This object contains all information on flows within an application.
This interface contains the methods a data source should implement to be able to initialize a flow engine.
Interface for factories capable of creating flow engine instances.
This interface should be implemented by the client using the flow engine to influence the behavior of the flow engine.
Interface for objects to be returned by FlowInitializerFactory.
Interface for nodes representing a sub-flow call.
Visitor to add parameters to a flow datasource.
This interface defines a path to a specific node in a flow.
The portal engine holds and constructs flow scopes and passes these to services and container methods.
This object has the responsibility to hold the state of a flow process.
The flow visitor is used during initialization to add all the available flows to.
Interface for functions that can be used in expressions.
This interface defines several methods that can be used to retrieve static information about a function call.
This interface may be used to request a function call definition implementation.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct a function call object.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct a function call input parameter object.
This visitor is used to register the input parameters of an FunctionCall
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct a function call output parameter object.
This visitor is used to register the output parameters of an FunctionCall
The function call visitor interface is used during the initialization of the portal engine to determine the function calls that are available.
This class hold the definition of a function flow with its in- and output parameters
This interface contains the methods a data source should implement to be able to initialize a function flow definition.
This interface contains the methods a data source should implement to be able to initialize a function flow input parameter.
The function flow input parameter visitor is used during initialization to add all the available function flow input parameter to.
This interface contains the methods a data source should implement to be able to initialize a function flow output parameter.
The function flow output parameter visitor is used during initialization to add all the available function flow output parameter to.
Simple generic filter that the FilterFactory returns to BaseViewFilterBuilder where it will be composed to a more specific one depending on the case.
Describes a Global Parameter's definition
Data source for global parameter.
This class is used by other data sources to keep reference of what global parameters are using
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the available global parameters references.
The (potentially evaluated) value of a global parameter.
This data source provides the information needed to initialize a field parameter (definition).
Visitor used during initialization of a field to gather the field's parameters.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the available global parameters.
Represents the process case application id ignore mode.
A builder for an IIgnoreModeSettings implementation that falls back to a global setting if an ignore mode is not configured for a specific application.
This interface is used to define logic on a set of process nodes.
This interface defines a group particle of a type.
This interface defines a group particle of a type.
This interface describes a connection to send data over http.
An IHttpConnectionFiller is an object that can "fill in the blanks" in a specific IHttpConnection implementation.
This object is responsible for http message creation used by the IHttpConnection.
This object is responsible for http request creation used by the IHttpConnection.
This object is responsible for http response creation used by the IHttpConnection.
This interface describes a handler that handles an http response.
Settings for configuring which parts of an application ID is ignored in the process engine, case lists and work lists.
The image model interface represents an image node that needs to be displayed in the document or page.
This data source is used to initialize an image element.
This interface is used to initialize a text node of a text element.
This visitor is used during initialization of a image elements.
This interface contains the methods that can be used to retrieve inference information from a single attribute from the profile.
An inference rule is an object which can source values for the inference engine.
Base interface for classes that need to report errors or warnings.
Interface for transaction contexts.
This interface defines the methods that can be used to retrieve information about a static instance.
This interface is used during initialization to add an instance definition to the meta model.
This interface is used for events that are related to instances.
This interface describes the configuration per column.
This interface defines the methods that a listener for instance events should implement.
Interface describing a match condition.
The instance reference interface exposes methods that can be used to identify an instance definition.
This interface is used during initialization to add all the instance definitions.
This interface defines the mapping between data fields of the intermediate messageEvent to attributes.
This interface represents a data field of a message event mapping.
Portal context interface that is used only internally, as it exposes a few more methods that are not need by service, containers or handlers.
For internal use only Internal, intermediate interface between ISessionScope and the default SessionScope implementation.
A job that may be scheduled for execution using IScheduler
The unique identifier of a job
Represents the parameters of a scheduled job
This node is used in a process to join multiple branches together.
Interface describing a writer to write Json (JavaScript Object Notation) objects to a stream.
Interface that contains all the methods that each data-source providing justification should implement.
Interface that defines the minimum required data in order to create a IMappedJustificationTree.
Defines the method that needs to be implemented by an object that contains the Studio data for mapping a justification tree
This visitor is used during initialization to add justification information to inference rules.
This interface defines the methods for a language object.
Data source for the language.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the available languages.
Legacy properties that will be available for one major version and are immediately deprecated from the moment of introduction
This interface can be implemented by a client which can provide the contents of a license file from either an external system or the file system.
Interface containing the parameters needed for a link container implementation.
This interface describes the configuration per column.
Special type of list column, the one that contains an attribute reference.
Interface for list functions that defines all possible permutations of values that can be passed to the function.
The list value interface defines the methods a value object should implement when it contains multiple values.
Exception for illegal use of the Assignee info.
This application interface is implemented by application objects that can be used to initialize a portal session.
This interface is a parser in which one can define a scope and types before actually parsing the expression itself.
Interface for creating a 'custom' logfactory.
This data source is used to initialize a macro.
This visitor is used to add macros to a speller.
The image model represents a image node that needs to be displayed in the document or page.
Action handler implementation to retrieve an image by name from the current application.
Result class of the image action handler.
This class represents the different content types an image can have.
This text node definition is used to include an image from the context in the result of a text element.
This class represents the different ImageType an Image can be.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Interface describing an email address.
Generic mail domain configuration.
This interface describes a connection to send email messages.
This interface describes the content of an email message.
Interface describing an email attachment.
Defines the information that a justification tree implementation must be able to return
The mapping interface defines the methods that may be used to map a profile to another profile.
This factory knows how to create elements which are usable for the mapping, such as assets.
The mapping context holds the necessary elements for mapping a IMappedJustificationTree Note: IProfile is mandatory, but if the rest of the elements are not provided then a simple log message is logged and the IMappedJustificationTree is not mapped anymore
This interface defines several method that can be used to retrieve mapping definition information.
This interface returns the information needed to map the model of one application to another.
Interface for factories capable of creating mapping instances.
This mapping manager exposes the available mappings.
This interface defines several methods that can be used to gather information about the data mapping.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the mapping definitions.
A mask applies formatting to an IValue and returns a multi lingual representation of the value.
The mask call interface of which the apply can be called with an IPrimitiveValue.
This interface defines several methods that can be used to retrieve static information about a mask call.
This data source is used to initialize a mask.
The mask call visitor interface is used during the initialization of the portal engine to determine the mask calls that are available.
The mask context interface defines the methods that are relevant for applying a mask.
Factory responsible for creating mask implementations.
The mask manager exposes all available mask calls.
This interface defines the methods for a matchable attribute from the match request.
This interface defines the methods that can be used to override the default match settings for an instance.
The visitor is used to process the information of a match condition.
Configuration interface that may optionally be implemented by the application configuration to add support for the match engine using a custom configuration file.
This interface defines the context that is available during a single match session.
This interface defines the methods that define how an attribute should be matched.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to initialise a match definition object for the match engine.
This interface defines the methods which can be used to register match definitions.
This interface defines the main methods of the match engine.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to initialise a match engine.
This factory interface defines the methods a match engine factory should implement to create new match engine.
This interface defines the methods a match function must implement.
This interface describes the methods needed to initialize a match function during initialization time of the match engine.
This interface may be implemented by objects capable of providing match function implementations of a specific type.
This interface is used during the initialization of match functions to provide the parameters that were defined for the match function.
This interface can be used to add match functions to the match engine during initialisation.
This interface defines the methods that specify the attributes and configuration that should be used by the match action.
This interface defines the methods that can be used to query the result of a match action.
This interface defines the methods of a single matching case from the match result.
This interface may be implemented by objects capable of providing match function implementations.
Interface for values that can be matched.
Interface for objects that wish to be notified of the various match events.
A connection that stores data in memory.
This interface defines a message that can be linked to a field or page.
This interface defines a message event for the process engine.
This interface represents the definition of a message event.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize an event definition.
This interface defines a data field of a message event.
This interface represents a data field of a message event.
This interface is used during the initialization of the message event.
This interface allows listening to the evaluation of a message event.
This interface defines the mapping between data fields of the messageEvent to attributes.
This interface represents a data field of a message event mapping.
Interface to iterate about the fields of an message event mapping.
This visitor is used during initialization to add the possible process events to.
This interface is used during initialization to add messages to the meta model.
The definition of a metadata.
The interface for a metadata data source.
Performs an action on an IMetadataDS object.
This object contains all information on all entities, attributes and domains.
This interface defines the methods that should be implemented to initialize a meta model.
The metamodel factory interface provides the methods that a factory should implement to create a metamodel instance.
Interface for the application object containing the static information of an application.
Interface for objects that contain, or are able to load, modules.
This data-source interface is used to initialise an application.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the module definitions of the modules that are used by an application.
This visitor is used during the initialization to gather the modules containing process definitions.
This interface is used for objects containing texts for multiple languages.
A multi-map which provides a convenient API for holding multiple values associated with a key.
Interface for a mutable casebase.
Interface describing the parameters for the NavigationMenu container.
This exception is used to indicate an invalid attribute path.
This function adds the specified amount of days to the given date, and returns that value.
This function adds the specified amount of hours to the given date time, and returns that value.
This function adds the specified amount of minutes to the given date time, and returns that value.
This function adds the specified amount of months to the given date, and returns that value.
This function adds the specified amount of seconds to the given date time, and returns that value.
This function adds the specified amount of weeks to the given date, and returns that value.
This function adds the specified amount of years to the given date, and returns that value.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
This class is not thead safe !
This function returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string, optionally from a start index
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
The inference context interface is a specialization of the profile interface, and is used during rule evaluation to retrieve the current values.
Simple delegate class for inference contexts.
The inference engine contains the logic to determine a value for an attribute using the inference business rules defined.
This class holds the result of a single inference action.
Rule visitor that is used during initialization to add the inference rules to the rule graph.
Exception used to indicate an infinite loop (recursion) was detected during the flow process.
Exception thrown when an infinite loop is detected in a flow execution.
Exception thrown when an infinite recursion is detected in a flow execution.
Exception used to indicate an infinite loop (recursion) was detected during domain schema contract parsing/composing.
Service manager implementation that can detect infinite looping service calls.
This class represents an infinite value, which is usually only used when working with ranges.
This exception is used to notify that an object could not be created.
Utility class that combines various resources needed during initialization.
Simple object containing an error which was detected during initialization.
This class is used to gather all the error and warning messages that are detected during the initialization of an application.
This class is a minimal implementation of IInitializationReport which logs all the reported messages using the Logger created by the LogFactory.
Internal utility class for easy model initialization validations for the definition objects of the communication engine.
Reference class which contains the element definition it refers to.
This interface defines the basic properties of a node in a flow.
Interface for a node factory that can be used to provide alternative implementations for the nodes.
Marker interface to allow flow nodes to identify themselves.
This data source provides the basic information for a node in a flow.
Interface for handlers that can schedule (or process) a task for a node definition.
Interface for objects that can provide node handler implementations.
This visitor is used to add sub-content to a content node.
This visitor is used during initialization to add all the (direct) child nodes to.
This class contains the information needed to get a single input value for a connectivity service.
This class contains the information needed to get all the input values for a connectivity service.
This class parses and holds all the input values that should be used by a connectivity service.
This class holds a single input value for a connectivity service.
Enumerated type class that contains the various possible actions for a instance result.
Exception used to indicate that an instance could not be converted/cast to the expected type.
This class is used to sort the instances from a context expression.
Inference context implementation that activates a single instance, and wraps an existing inference context.
Parameters class for AQ_Instance_Create.
AQ_Instance_Create implementation.
This class holds the definition of a static instance in the meta model.
Simple wrapper class that can be used as base class for instance wrappers.
Dump of an instance that can be serialized and deserialized.
This class contains the implementation of the various action that can be performed on an instance.
The instance event class holds the information about an instance related event.
Instance linker dynamic container.
This class is responsible for parsing the parameters passed to the instance linker container.
The instance linker plus dynamic container implementation.
This is an internal class used for parameter parsing of the instance linker plus container.
This expander expands an InstanceList.
Column definition for the InstanceList implementation.
State object for the InstanceList implementation.
Improved Instance selector plus implementation which provides paging, sorting and searching on top of the existing functionality.
This class is used to specify the sort order.
This class parses the parameters needed for the instance selector plus container.
Representation of a row of table data, based on one particular instance.
Class to remember the sorting state of the instance selector plus.
Class to remember the state of the instance List.
Utility class that may be used to quickly locate instances in an inference context.
This class manages all the instances.
Internal class that is used by the profile mapper to map instances.
Internal instance match condition implementation that uses two expressions and a comparator to determine if two instances match.
Exception used to indicate that an instance could not be created due to it's ID not being unique.
This node represents an instance of expression that can be used to check if an instance is of a specified type.
This instance of expression can be used to check if an (entity) instance is of a specified type.
The instance-of expression will check the left-hand-side expression against the type specified by the right-hand-side.
Abstract base class for instance references.
This class is used to sort the instance references from a context expression.
Exception used to indicate that an invalid instance reference is attempted.
This class is used to identify the relation between an attribute referring an instance.
This internal class implements the behaviour when a flow is repeated for a list of entity instances.
Class to parse/filter instances from expressions.
This class contains definitions that are used by the instance selectors.
Base class for services creating or updating entity instances.
Base class for parsing parameters for services which create or update entity instances.
Helper class representing a Map entry of type String.
This class holds a list of instance that are active.
Inference context that uses an instance stack to determine the active instances, and wraps an existing context.
Internal portal context with an optional instance stack.
This class is used to identify the type of an instance.
Parameters class for AQ_Instance_Update.
AQ_Instance_Update implementation.
Implementation of the value visitor interface that is used during initialization of the static instances.
Implementation of the instance visitor interface that is used during initialization of the static instances.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class contains a single integer value.
This interface represents a data field of a message event.
Internal class which represent an action node in the flow graph.
Internal class which represent a condition edge belonging to a condition node in the flow graph.
Internal class which represent a condition node in the flow graph.
Internal class which represent an edge belonging to a an internal node in the flow graph.
Internal class which represent an end node in the flow graph.
Internal class which represents a flow in the flow engine.
Internal class which represent a flow call node in the flow graph.
Base class for internal nodes.
Warning, this is an implementation class providing java specific features.
Internal class which represent a result node in the flow graph.
Exception thrown when the execution of an Interruptible object is interrupted, typically from another thread.
Represents an object which performs a computation that may be interrupted.
This function returns a list containing the intersection of the two lists provided as argument.
This class implements the intersection function for various range, list and value combinations.
Intersection match strategy.
This multi value strategy calculates the average score of all the requested values.
This format class formats numbers according to the implementations specifications.
Exception that can be thrown when the criteria is not valid.
Exception thrown when a DCM widget flow is invalid.
Exception thrown when an external flow is invalid.
This exception is thrown when a filter input has a wrong format
This exception is used to indicate that the license key passed to the portal engine during initialization was not valid.
This exception is used to indicate an invalid listener is detected.
This exception is used to indicate an messageEvent does not meet the definition.
This exception is used when a dynamic container fails due to an exception.
This exception is thrown when an AQ_ThrowMessageEvent specifies a case id, but the case cannot be found in the database waiting for the message event
This exception is used to indicate that a state was encountered that was not anticipated.
This exception is used to indicate a service definition could not be found for a specific name.
The InverseExpression class will wrap an expression, and invert its's sign.
The InverseExpression class will wrap an expression, and invert its's sign.
The InverseExpression class will wrap an expression, and invert its's sign.
This class defines the various invocation types that can be used when registering a callback function in a container expander (or dynamic container).
Interface to retrieve information of a compound object.
This interface defines the methods of a page element.
This data source defines the methods that are needed to initialize a page definition.
The portal engine holds and constructs page scopes and passes these to services and container methods.
This interface defines a single parameter of a component.
This interface is used to initialize a single parameter definition.
Interface to allow objects to expose parameters.
This interface adds
This visitor is used during initialization to add parameter values.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the parameter definitions of a component.
Listener interface for objects that wish to be notified of warnings and errors that are detected during the parse of an expression.
Base interface for all nodes in an expression parse tree.
Interface for all parse nodes of a TSL expression.
Factory interface for objects capable of creating expression parsers.
This interface defines the base of a particle.
This interface defines the base of a particle.
A portal change holds information required for doing a portal action from another started project.
A portal context is an object which contains context information about this portal-session and it's loaded state.
The portal engine interface defines the main entry point for any portal application.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to initialize a portal engine.
The portal event bus allows listeners to be notified of events in a portal sessions.
PortalMessage interface
The message bus can be used to send messages between components.
This interface represents the definition of a portal message
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a portal message
This interface defines a data field of a portal message
This interface represents a data field of a portal message.
This interface is used during the initialization of the message event.
Interface to define a message handler
Scope interface for scopes containing PortalMessage mappings
Basic interface for portal scope objects.
The portal session object holds the information about a single session, and provides a few methods to interact with that session.
A callback which can be used to call methods on an IPortalSession chosen by another IPortalSession.
Listener for PortalSession which is responsible for delegating events from PortalSession.
This class is used by other data sources to keep reference of what presentation style are using
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the available presentation style reference.
The primitive value interface may be implemented by objects that represent a single continuous range or value.
This interface can be used to define an external priority algorithm for the process engine.
This interface describes a priority algorithm.
This interface defines the evaluation context of an priority algorithm.
This visitor is used during initialization to add the priority algorithms to.
This object represents a case from the process engine.
This interface allows listening to the evaluation of a message event.
This interface can be implemented by projects to provide a custom data-layer implementation for the process engine case data.
This object contains the updates that should be applied to the case data.
This interface defines a readonly view of a process case
This interface defines a process containing multiple nodes.
This interface is used to initialize an edge between two nodes in a process flow.
This visitor is used during initialization to collect the edges of a process flow.
Interface for nodes in a process that indicate an end point.
This interface defines the methods that are available in the process engine.
This interface is used to initialize the process engine.
Interface for factories capable of creating process engine instances.
Interface for the component that is responsible for loading all the process engines.
An interface to specify settings for the process engine
Interface for the process evaluator as exposed to the node handlers.
This interface defines the methods of a process event definition.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize an event definition.
This interface defines the start definition of a process by an message event.
This interface represents a data field of a message event mapping.
This interface is used during the initialization of a process flow.
This visitor is used during initialization to add the possible process events to.
ProcessEngine Extension Factory
This interface is used to initialize a single process flow.
This visitor interface is used during initialization to add the available process flow data sources.
Settings for process lists (case lists and work lists).
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a process engine manager.
Interface describing the exposed mappings for processes.
This interface is used to retrieve the information needed to be able to used a process engine.
This interface defines all the methods that are needed by the manager to initialize a single process engine (module).
Base interface for all nodes in a process.
This data source is used during initialization to retrieve the information of a single node from a process definition.
This visitor is used during initialization to collect the nodes of a process flow.
The process scope is intended to store the 'active' case or task in the session.
This interface defines the properties for a step in a process.
This interface defines a single process step.
Interface for ProcessTaskCustomField representations in datasources.
This interface defines a single task that may be scheduled by the process engine.
This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented by a delegate that can handle automated tasks.
This interface is used to initialize a single process task definition.
This interface defines a readonly view of a process task
This visitor interface is used during initialization to add the available process task data sources.
This data source is used during initialization to provide the information of a single process type.
This visitor interface is used during initialization to add the available process type data sources.
This interface contains various methods to retrieve information about the current state of the profile.
Objects implementing the IProfileLifecycle interface may obtain their transitive dependencies from this context.
Interface for factories capable of creating profile instances.
This interface should be implemented by objects with activation-passivation lifecycle.
The project interface contains methods to access all the objects that are defined on the project scope.
A project change holds information required for opening a project from another started project.
This data source is used during initialization to gather the definition of the objects that are globally defined.
Interface for objects supporting properties.
This interface represents a contract for a PropertyFilter.
Interface for an object that accepts properties.
QR Generator interface.
The query class represents a database query that can be executed on the connection is was created for.
This interface defines the methods that can be used to iterate over the result of a query.
Data source interface for a ramp.
The range interface defines a continues range between two single value objects.
Represents the definition of a reference on an attribute.
This interface provides the information needed to include an element on a container or in a document.
This interface provides the information about a the reference of an attribute.
This interface contains various methods that can be used to retrieve information about a relation.
This interface provides the information to initialize a relation definition.
Interface describing a rendered document.
This context class allows for information retrieval and control of the rendering process.
This internal interface is used by the document engine to request a document renderer.
This interface describes a property for the renderers.
This interface describes a target used for document rendering.
Contains information of flow repeats
Interface describing a repeat expression that can be used for element references in the composer.
Base interface for all data sources to allow the objects to report errors and/or warnings that are detected during initialisation.
The portal engine holds and constructs request scopes and passes these to services and container methods.
Resource object bound to a specific protocol.
This interface defines the methods for a resource connection object.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a resource connection definition.
This class contains various properties of a resource.
This class is responsible for locating resources which are residing in different protocols.
This interface defines how urls are composed for resources.
This interface defines the header of a rest message.
This interface defines a header of a rest message.
Interface describing a rest message that can be parsed or composed.
This interface defines the rest message.
This interface defines a message of a rest operation.
This interface defines a rest operation.
This interface defines an operation of a rest service.
Interface describing a rest request message that can be parsed.
This interface defines a rest request message.
This interface defines a request message of an operation.
This interface defines the reference from a webservice to a restservice definition
This interface defines a rest service.
This interface defines a rest service.
This interface defines an urn argument of a rest request message.
This interface defines an urn argument of a rest request message.
This interface defines a rest urn fragment of a rest request message.
This interface defines an urn fragment of a rest request message.
Interface for nodes representing a result in a flow.
This interface defines the properties of a role implementation.
This interface defines the information that is needed to initialize a role.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the role definitions of a component.
This interface describes an routing algorithm.
This interface defines the evaluation context of an routing algorithm.
This visitor is used during initialization to add the routing algorithms to.
Interface that contains all the methods that each data-source providing inference rules should implement.
This data source is used to initialize a rule.
Interface for the rule engine.
This interface defines the main functions that a data layer for a rule engine should implement to initialize the various business rules.
Factory interface that may be used to create an instance of IRuleEngine.
Interface for factories that can provide custom implementations of business rules.
Interface for the object structure containing all the business rules.
A rule group is used to combine several rules, in order to define certain pre-conditions in a single place.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a rule group definition.
An implementation of this visitor is provided by the rule engine during initialization to allow the data layer to add rule group definitions.
Interface for objects that wish to be notified of inference results.
Base interface for visitors that can be used to add business rules.
This visitor is used to add rules to a speller.
Interface that can be used to convert a runtime key to a String.
The IsActive expression can be used to check if an instance of the provided entity is currently active.
Represents the schedule of a job.
The schedule builder used to create job execution schedules using a fluent API.
This is the interface of the Blueriq Scheduler.
The schema context interface defines the methods that are relevant during the composition of dynamic schema elements.
Visitor to add xml contracts to the communication engine datasource.
This interface defines a schema definition.
This interface defines a schema within a schemaset.
This interface defines a schema definition.
This interface defines an schemaset.
This interface describes a matching decisiontree with a match-score.
This interface is the result of a search action on a tree engine.
A container expander that can also perform additional validations on the expander definition.
A service that can also perform additional validations on the expander definition.
Holds contextual information for self-validating components.
Base interface for all nodes in the semantic tree.
Type safe visitor for the semantic nodes.
This interface is implemented by the semantic implementations of the various parsers.
Simple interface describing the method that an element with a sequence number should expose.
The service interface for use within flows.
The service call interface of which the handle can be called with an IPortalContext.
This interface defines several methods that can be used to retrieve static information about a service call.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct a service call object.
The service call visitor interface is used during the initialization of the portal engine to determine the service calls that are available.
The service context interface defines the methods that are relevant during the execution of a service in a flow.
This interface defines a service that is available in a project.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a service definition.
This interface may be implemented by objects capable of providing service implementations.
This interface may be used to request a service call implementation.
This interface describes the result of a service/service call.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the service definitions.
Objects implementing the ISessionLifecycle interface may obtain their transitive dependencies from this context.
This interface should be implemented by objects with activation-passivation lifecycle.
This interface provides monitoring information about the portal session.
The portalengine holds and constructs session scopes and passes these to services and container methods.
Interface for a session state object that can be used to restore a session.
The implementation of this interface should provide the certificates for signing.
Sign the payload of the envelope with the signer.
The implementation of this interface should provide the certificates for reading signed content.
The single value interface may be implemented by objects that represent a single unique value.
Factory for IMailConnection instances.
This function checks wether a value is 'unknown' and then returns true.
This interface describes how to connect to a SOAP end point.
Visitor to add soap service contracts to the communication engine datasource.
Interface describing a soap message that can be parsed or composed.
Context interface for manipulating SOAP messages
This interface defines a soap message.
This interface defines an Soapattribute of a type.
All SOAP message handlers must implement this interface.
Factory interface for creating ISoapMessageHandler instances
This interface defines a soap message part.
This interface defines the message part of a soap message.
This interface defines a soap operation.
This interface defines a Soap Operation.
This object is responsible for soap request creation used by the ISoapConnection.
This interface describes a handler that handles a soap response.
This interface defines the reference from a webservice to a soaposervice definition
This interface defines a soap service.
This interface defines a soap service.
Interface for solutions found in a decision tree evaluation.
This interface defines the properties of a project that can be started through the portal engine.
An implementation of this visitor is provided by the rule engine during initialization to allow the data layer to add inference rules.
Interface describing the main methods of the spell engine.
This data source is used to initialize a spell engine.
Interface description of the speller engine factory.
Interface description of a speller.
This data source is used to initialize a speller.
This visitor is used to add spellers to a spell engine.
This interface defines the methods of an SQL connection.
Listener interface to retrieve the possible tokens after a symbol in the expression parser.
Function that returns the value of the first or second parameter depending on whether the first parameter is unknown.
This interface defines a single symptom for a decision tree.
Interface for objects that can be used to sort rows of a table.
This interface describes a target definition for a data rule.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a target for a data rule.
This visitor is used during initialization to add target information to data rules.
Interface for objects that can process task operations that are scheduled.
Interface for objects that can process a task.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to initialize a task mapping definition.
Visitor that can be used to add mapping definitions to.
This interface defines the properties of a task from database.
This interface defines the properties for an external process task.
This interface is used to represent a task query with case data.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a team definition.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available team definitions.
Represents the strategy used for creating temporary content and later deleting it.
This visitor is used to initialize the content of a text definition.
This data source is used to initialize a text node.
The multilingual text model represents a text node that needs to be displayed in a composite element.
This interface is used to initialize a text node of a text element.
This visitor is used during initialization of a text element to add child text nodes to a text node.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a theme definition.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available theme definitions.
Timeline interface responsible only for CREATE operation.
Timeline Dao interface that extends the timeline create interface.
Represents a timeline display name values entry.
Represents a timeline entry.
This interface defines the information needed to determine when a process step should be aborted due to a timeout, and what step should be taken in that case.
This interface describes a timer.
A timer event.
A timer listener that can handle timer events.
This interface represents the definition of a timer node from a process.
Utility interface to monitor processing times.
Factory interface for objects capable of creating a time tracker.
Dao interface for the trace engine.
Represents the trace engine, used for tracking actions.
Interface for the trace engine factory.
Represents a single trace entry.
This interface describes a trace message.
This interface defines a single transaction.
The implementor of this interface is capable of undoing an action.
This interface is used for events that are related to transactions.
Interface for listeners that wish to be notified of transaction events.
The tree engine which is initialized to full capacity after load.
This data source interface is used during initialization to retrieve all the decision trees.
Interface for a tree engine factory.
This interface is used during initialization to add nodes to a decision tree.
Interface for the result object from a tree evaluation.
This interface is used to iterate over all symptoms within a decisiontree.
This interface describes an expression printer.
Common interface for all nodes in a TSL tree.
Visitor for the tsl nodes.
This class is responsible of knowing all root elements of the system.
This interface is used to expose a single typed parameter of a service or container expander.
Interface to allow objects to expose typed parameters.
This interface defines the contract of parameter values in a dictionary.
This interface specifies a scoped parse time environment in which scoped-variables are connected to their types as well as functions.
This interface defines a type mapping.
This interface defines a type within a schema.
This interface defines a reference to a type.
This interface defines several properties of the user for which a process action should be performed.
The portal engine holds and constructs a user scope for the current user and passes these to services and container methods.
Dao interface for the user scope.
This data source defines the methods that the validation factory may use to initialize a validation rule.
This interface represents the result of a single (failed) validation action.
Visitor to add parameters to a validator datasource.
Interface for objects containing the result of a validation action.
A validation is a business rule that can be used to determine whether an attribute value of an entity is valid.
An implementation of this visitor is provided by the rule engine during initialization to allow the data layer to add validation rules.
The validator validates the message with the signature.
This interface defines the methods needed for a (custom) value validator.
This interface defines the methods needed for a value validator call.
This interface defines a validator (type) definitions.
This interface is used to initialize a single validator definition.
This factory is used to construct a (custom) validator.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the validator definitions.
The value interface provides the basic methods that all value objects should implement.
Interface for classes that convert the result of an inference rule to the requested type.
This interface exposes the methods that are needed by the expression parser in order to work with values from an external source.
This interface specifies a scoped runtime environment in which scoped-variables can be created and values can be located using current scope first.
This interface is used for events that are related to values.
Interface for objects capable of formatting and parsing strings to and from a primitive value.
This class holds a single value format definition for the application configuration.
This interface defines the methods needed to initialize a valueformat definition.
Interface for objects that can format an internal value to a string representation and parse the string representation back to a value.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available value format definitions.
Interface for listeners that wish to be notified of value events.
This interface defines a single value mapping.
Visitor interface used during initialization to gather the value mappings.
Interface for objects capable of formatting a primitive value to a string.
Interface that allows the expression parser to retrieve values and objects from an external source during the evaluation of expressions.
This interface is used during initialization to add values to an instance definition.
Interface for semantic nodes that are variables.
Holds information about an attribute that references a versioned element.
Represents the result of a query for element views.
Interface for an element visitor.
Base interface for all nodes that block the process flow and wait for an 'event' before continuing.
Interface that allows execution of custom code before(or after) various phases of normal function flow execution.
This interface describes the available method for an exposed web service.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct an ExposedService definition object.
This interface describes the methods for a webservice operation.
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct an WebServiceOperation definition object.
The operation visitor is used to process the information of the operations of an exposed service.
This interface describes methods retrieve the exposed soap services that are available.
The operation visitor is used to process the information of exposed web services.
This interface describes the configuration per column.
Interface describing the parameters for the work list container.
This interface defines an wsdl entry.
This interface defines a wsdl.
This visitor adds resources to a soap service reference.
Interface for objects that wish to influence the behavior of the XML converter.
Interface for new xml nodes, used with the XML generator.
This interface exposes method to create xml elements or values.
This interface is used to convert IElement instances to XML.
Interface that exposes the metadata from a project
Interface describing the global objects used for xml generation from a datasource.
base interface for XmlElements (returned from the parsers).
Interface for xml parsers.
This interface may be implemented by objects that which to perform some actions on the resulting xml node.
Base interface for an XML renderer which can be used to convert page/document elements to an XML node.
This context class allows for information retrieval and control of the xml rendering process.
This interface describes the methods that can be used to validate an XML.
Interface describing a writer to write Xml objects to a stream.
This interface defines a schema definition.
This interface defines a schema within a schemaset.
This visitor adds resources to a soap service reference.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) filter which uses a blacklist to sanitize potentially unsafe input.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) filter which uses a whitelist to sanitize potentially unsafe input.
Interface that needs to be implemented if a custom properties are needed for the DocumentBuilderFactory To register the new wrapper, register it in XxeSafeDocumentBuilderFactory
SQL connection implementation for a J2EE environment.
An exception thrown from job implementations.
This class is used to detect nodes with multiple incoming edges (which aren't join/end nodes), and insert a join node just before them.
Implementation of a join node.
This handler is responsible for the JOIN nodes.
This exception is thrown when parsing a JSON represented as DataValue and the structure of the JSON is not correct or as expected
Serializer for reading/writing DataObject to Json format.
Simple class to read Json (JavaScript Object Notation) via a tokenizer interface.
Class to write Json objects to a stream writer.
The justification container shows the justification messages for the attribute specified in the parameters, and optionally also for other attributes that were used during the inference action.
The justification container shows the justification messages for the attribute specified in the parameters, and optionally also for other attributes that were used during the inference action.
Enumerated type class that may be used to specify the depth of the justification tree.
Datasource for a justification.
This class holds a single justification text for an attribute, fomat and ID combination.
This class holds the definition of a single configured format.
Abstract base class for objects containing justifications.
This class holds the justification information for several justification id's of a single attributes.
This class holds justification information mapped by attribute.
This class parses the parameters for a justification container.
Dynamic schema element that is responsible for justification trees.
This class holds a number of justifications with different formats.
This class holds the justification information for an attribute, and optionally justification information of the attributes that were used to determine the value of the attribute.
Dynamic schema element that is responsible for justification trees.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather justification information of an inference rule.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class provides the data for the system.language attribute.
This class holds the static information of a language defined in the meta model.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
This class contains a mapping between a data type and a value format that should be used for that type.
Visitor that is used during initialization to gather the available languages.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This function returns the index of the last occurrence of a substring in a string, optionally from a start index
LeadingZeroShortHourSymbol class to represent the hour field in a date string.
Container factory that may be used during development to provide stubbed implementations for missing containers.
Base class for lenient factory implementations that may be used in development.
Service factory that may be used during development to provide stubbed implementations for missing services.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
Match function factory for Levenshtein match functions.
This exception is thrown when the lexical analysis failed.
This class holds the license information for the portal engine.
This object contains license specific context information like the host and domain name.
License provider to read a license from a file.
Utility class that reads the license file using a resource manager.
Class containing a license key and its name.
This exception is thrown when a license key could not be parsed.
Utility class to decrypt an input stream to an output stream.
Page element containing the information of the link that should be shown on the page.
The link container is a dynamic container to display a link in a page.
Base class for the link containers.
Connection manager implementation that combines two connection managers.
Container factory implementation that combines two container factories.
Custom schema element factory implementation that combines two factories.
Domain values factory that combines two handler factories.
Resource manager implementation that combines two resource managers.
Action handler factory that combines two handler factories.
Class to combine multiple license providers.
Mask factory implementation that combines two factories.
Match function factory that combines two match function factories.
Process factory implementation that combines two factories.
Document renderer factory implementation that combines two factories.
Resource locator implementation that combines two resource locators.
Validator factory implementation that combines two validator factories.
Service factory implementation that combines two service factories.
Soap message handler factory that combines two handler factories.
Time tracker factory that combines two factories.
Validator factory implementation that combines two validator factories.
This class is responsible for parsing the parameters of the link container.
The list arithmetic expression performs an operation on two expressions.
The list arithmetic expression performs an operation on two expressions.
The list expression resulting in a boolean by comparing expressions resulting in multiple values.
The list expression resulting in a boolean by comparing expressions resulting in multiple values.
Class to remember the state of the list.
The list expression combines the result of multiple expressions into a single list.
Utility class that can be used to apply a list function on two values.
Enumerated type class defining the possible list functions.
Match value implementation for multivalue matchers.
Parse node for a list operation expression.
Class to remember the state of the list.
This value converter converts a list value to a single value.
This class provides an implementation of the IListValue interface.
This class contains various utilities for creating and checking on locale strings.
This class holds the information for a local variable.
This class holds the information for a single local variable.
This class holds the information for a local variable.
This function calculates the log of a number for a specific base
Use LogFactory to get a Logger that is defined on the command line For example start your jvm using: to use the slf4j logger.
This logger interface is used to post messages to the underlying logger tool, custom logFactories can be created to customize and target the log messages.
The logical expression combines the result of two boolean expressions.
The logical expression combines the result of two boolean expressions.
This exception is used to indicate a resource or property could not be located for a key.
Implementation of the lookup table interface.
this class is used during initialization to validate that all nodes in the process are able to reach an end node.
This function returns a string with all characters in lowercase
This class implements a skeleton table driven LR parser.
Visitor implementation to add macros to a speller.
Internal class to create an XML of a spell engine datasource.
This class implements an email address that can be used for an IMailMessage.
This class defines the various initialization errors related to mail service.
This abstract class can be used for standard email messages, it does not (yet) support attachments.
This class is a wrapper for a mail attachment.
The mail service is a service which can send an email using an asset as body text optionally containing HTML tags.
Object used to pass along the settings of the mail service.
Utility class to parse the parameters of the mail service.
Exception that occurs when the mail server does not allow the sending of the email due to the size of the email that exceeds the server's default allocated storage.
Definition of a mapped exit event from a container.
Maps two profiles based on a mapping definition.
Define the various actions that can be followed to decide what to do with any existing target instances of a mapping.
IMappingComposer implementation used by services.
Internal class containing entity mappings.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a mapping from data source.
Base class for all exceptions specific to the mapping component.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of IProfileMapper.
The mapping manager implementation that can be used for a specific application.
The mapping context holds the necessary elements for mapping a IMappedJustificationTree
The mapping visitor that is used during initialization to add all mappings that are available through the data source.
Class to create an xml of a mapping datasource.
Class to create an xml of a mapping datasource.
The internal mask call implementation.
This class holds a single mask definition.
The mask call visitor that is used during initialization to add all mask calls that are available through the data source.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Implementation of the mask context to create masks.
Mask factory, with constructor based creation.
IValueMask implementation that uses an IMaskCall internally.
Internal mask manager implementation.
Checks if a string completely matches a regular expression.
This class is used by the match request to store a single attribute value that should be matched.
Internal class to evaluate match conditions.
Enumerated type class containing the possible comparison types for match conditions.
Internal visitor to gather all match condition.
This class is responsible for converting the match request to an entity context that can be used to match against the cases.
This class holds the match definition of a single matchable attribute.
Sorts MatchDefinitions to ensure that master attributes are always matched before their child.
Match definition visitor implementation that initialized the match definitions and adds them to the casebase.
Actual match engine implementation.
This class contains all the error codes for all the errors and warnings that may occur during the initialisation of a match engine.
Factory class which knows how to construct a match engine.
Base class for most match functions.
This class contains all the match function instances of the match engine.
This class contains the parameters for a match function.
This visitor is used during initialization to collect all the available match functions.
This class is used by the match request to store an instance that should be matched.
Represents the match mode used in LIKE conditions in queries.
IPortalEngineDS wrapper for external match engine XML.
Default match request implementation.
This exception is used by the match request to indicate the initialization failed.
This class is used to return the result of match action.
This class contains the match score of a single case.
This class contains the default supported match types.
Match type factory implementation that can be initialized with a list of IMatchFunctionFactory implementations.
MAX function that locates the maximum item in a list.
Maximum match strategy.
This multi value strategy calculates gets the best scoring request value, and uses it as the result.
Default implementation of IMemoryConnection.
A content manager which stores the content in-memory.
Class used as a collection for all created MenuItem instances
This symbol represents the meridiem marker (AM/PM).
Internal generic message compose exception This internal exception is a checked exception that should never be thrown by an exposed interface.
Default implementation for the message event.
This implementation updates the case data from a message event.
This class contains a single message event definition.
This class represents a datafield on a message event.
Internal class to generate xml from a message event field datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a message event field datasource.
Default implementation of the message event listener interface.
This interface represents a the mapping of a data field on a message event.
Internal class to generate xml from a message event mapping datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a message event mapping datasource.
This class is used during initialization to initialize and validate the event definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a message event datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a message event datasource.
This class holds the result of the action handler.
Internal generic message parse exception
Parse listener wrapper used to collect error messages during a parse.
Error message keys.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Implementation of the message visitor interface used during initialization of the messages from data source.
This class contains the meta-data settings for a connectivity service.
Represents the definition of a metadata in an aggregate.
Generates an XML representation of an IMetadataDS.
Generates an XML representation of an IMetadataDS.
This class holds all the static definitions of the meta model.
Delegate class which maps the methods of the meta-model to the IDefinitionSource interface.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Meta model data-source implementation that adds the definition of the System entity.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a meta model from data source.
Base class for all exceptions specific to the meta model component.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of IMetaModel.
This class may be used to convert a meta model object to an XML string.
Class to create an xml of a meta model datasource.
Class to create an xml of a meta model datasource.
NumberSymbol class to represent the milisecond (=10�3 second) field in a date string.
MIN function that locates the minimum item in a list.
This functions returns the minute for the specified date time value.
This function returns the number of minutes between two date time values.
NumberSymbol class to represent the Calendar.MINUTE field in a date string.
Exception thrown when a connection is misconfigured.
This class hold the static data of a specific application version.
This class is used to initialize the modules of an application.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Portal engine data source wrapper that adds the system entity and resource messages.
Simple class that holds a reference to an element from a module.
This class is used to identify a Module.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This function returns the month number of a date value.
This functions returns the number of (whole) months between two date values.
Speller to spell a month.
NumberSymbol class to represent the Calendar.MONTH field in a date string.
This service moves the files and the metadata from one system to another.
A multi-map backed by a HashMap.
This implementation of IMultilingualText can be used to get the same String value returned independent of the language.
Map class for string key/string array value pairs.
Base class for multivalue matchers.
Implementation of trigram matching.
Instance reference that refers to an instance by name and type.
A named expression is used to select a single (static) instance by name.
A named expression is used to select a single (static) instance by name.
This node represents a variable reference, which will usually be an attribute name.
Internal context class for a namespace.
Internal map containing namespaces with its corresponding prefix.
This utility class validates if a name is valid to be used as identifier for an attribute, entity or instance.
This interface defines the result of a name validation.
Dynamic Container to navigation create a navigationMenu to freely navigate between pages
This class contains the NavigationMenu configuration and is responsible for parsing the container parameters that are configured in Blueriq Encore.
This service can be used to act on the number of tasks available for the current active case.
This service can be used to act on the number of tasks available for the cases that are affected after a message event.
This exception is used to indicate an operation is performed that requires an active session without when no session is available.
Base class for nodes in the flow engine.
Implementation of the node builder interface.
This class is used by the node factory to provide context information during the initialization of nodes.
This class holds the information of a single node in the process.
Base class for all nodes in a process.
Delegate visitor for easy datasource extension.
Generic node details object providing the node ID.
INodeFactory implementation that creates portal specific flow nodes.
This class is responsible for creating the node definitions of a process.
Node factory for the R6 expression parser that converts parse nodes into semantic nodes.
Base class for node handlers.
Base class for node handlers that contains some common methods related to scheduling.
Factory implementation that may be used to create handlers for node definitions.
This class is used to uniquely identify a node of a flow in the system.
TSL node representing a list of TSL nodes.
This class defines the available node types of the flow engine.
This visitor is used during initialization to add child nodes to a composite content node.
Visitor class which is used to initialize all nodes from a data source during construction of an InternalFlow.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Node visitor wrapper that replaces execute task service nodes with execute task page nodes.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the nodes of a process.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Extension of the ProcessEnabledSession where automatic tasks can be executed.
Default implementation of the IMappingReport that is used by
invalid reference
Mapping#update(IProfile, IProfile)
LogFactory implementation that does not do any logging
Logger implementation that does not do any logging
Match function factory for Gaussian distribution match functions.
This node is used to invert a boolean expression.
This type of exception is used when an active process control element (task/case etc.) is requested, but was not activated.
The not expression is used to invert the result of a boolean expression.
The NotExpression class will wrap an expression, and negate it's result.
This exception class is used to indicate no active transaction is available.
A no-op filler.
This parse listener drops all incoming errors and warnings.
Empty implementation of IProcessCaseDao which will be used when no other implementation is found.
Null implementation of the ITimelineCreator which will be used when no other implementation is found.
Null implementation of the ITimelineDao which will be used when no other implementation is found.
Null implementation of the ITraceDao which will be used when no other implementation is found.
Utility class to disable time tracking.
A no-op XSS blacklist.
A no-op XSS whitelist.
NumberFormat is an implementation for INumberFormat which formats decimals to string and can parse strings representations back into numbers.
Holds the number format settings, excluding all localized information.
Match value implementation containing a single number value.
This mask applies a number format with a specific pattern to an numerical value.
Implementation of the Ramp match for number values.
This match function factory provides implementations of the ramp match.
This class holds the supply value for a number ramp match.
Base class for number symbols used by the DateFormat class.
Validation implementation that forwards its call to the NumberValidatorCall.
Validator that uses a number range to validate the value of an attribute.
This class contains a single number value.
Reads a Json string to a DataObject.
Reads an XML string to a DataObject
Reads a Json string to a DataObject.
Writes an object to a Json string.
Writes a DataObject to an XML string.
Mask to convert an IntegerValue to octal notation.
This exception is used to indicate that a process task could not be (re)opened.
Enumeration class defining all the binary operators.
Enumerated type class containing the possible comparison types for input values.
The optimizer is responsible for converting nodes from the semantic tree to nodes that can be evaluated.
This class is used to optimize a TSL node tree.
Call back function that handles the sorting on column.
Mask to create an ordinal number (dutch: rangtelwoord) for an integer value.
This class is used to gather all the output from a TSL evaluation.
This class contains the mapping of a result value to an attribute.
This class defines the various output formats for which a renderer might be available in the document engine.
This class defines the output mapping that is used to handle a result of a connectivity service.
This class contains a single result of a connectivity service.
This class holds a single output value for an attribute.
This class holds the resource information of a package resource.
This resource class represents a resource from the package resource manager.
This resource manager implementation uses the classpath to locate resources.
This class defines the runtime page model.
This class holds the definition of a single page.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Call back function that handles the actions triggered by the paging navigation buttons.
Node class for the flow engine to represent a page.
Default xml renderer to render elements to the release 6 page xml format.
This class implements the IPageScope interface and is used to store page specific attributes.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a page scope implementation.
This class contains the information needed to create a page scope.
This class provides the data for the system.pagevalid attribute.
Class to remember the state of the caselist.
Pairs two items and acts like one.
This class contains a single parameter definition for a serice or expander.
Parameterized multilingual text.
This class parses a parameter string using the format specified in the constructor.
Default implementation of the IParameter interface.
This class defines the standard parameter types.
Visitor for handling parameter values backwards compatibility.
Visitor used by service calls and container expanders to gather the actual parameter values.
This visitor is used to gather the parameter definitions of services and expanders.
Internal helper class to generate xml from a parameter visitor.
Internal helper class to generate xml from a parameter visitor.
This object writes the parameter and its values to the XML.
This object writes the parameter and its values to the XML.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Runtime exception used to indicate a failure during the parsing of an expression.
Exception representing an exception during parsing of numbers or date values.
This exception is thrown when the syntactic analysis failed.
Class combining both dynamic (attribute validations) and static (domain schema property validations) validation messages
Base class for all parsed expression nodes.
Parser context for parsing web services.
Default parser factory class that can be used to create expression parsers with optional error reporting.
Specific symbol for all parsers in this project..
This class is used by the parser to add position information to parsed nodes.
Internal abstract IParticleMappingDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
Exception representing an exception during parsing of number pattern.
This parser can be used to parse a date format pattern and use an array of Symbols to construct a DateFormat.
This class holds a single percentage value.
An IFactoryManager wrapper that is aware of the current ITemporaryPersistenceStrategy being used and enforces the rule that content cannot be stored permanently in a memory connection.
The persistence level for a content persisted in an IConnection using an IContentManager.
This class converts an EventNodeDetails into a PortalChange.
Base class for the portal context.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a portal context implementation.
This class contains the information to create a portal/instance context.
Utility class for building exception messages and throwing different types of exceptions.
The portal engine class act as a factory for portal sessions, and optionally holds cached information about applications (through the application store).
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a rule engine from data source.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
The portal event class is used to pass information from the client into the current session.
The default portal event bus implementation.
Base type for exception originating from the portal engine.
Default implementation of the portal message
The class describes the action for a portal message.
Wrapper around the IApplication to register a portal message handler to created session of the application.
Not serializable, must be recreated when deserializing a session
Portal Message scope implementation.
Wraps the portalsession as fix for AQ-1137
Profile delegate class to make sure the system instance cannot be removed.
The portal response object holds the result of a flow action.
This class provides an implementation for the basic functions of a portal scope.
Enumeration containing portal scope types.
Helper class for easy portal scope attribute value retrieval.
Implementation class for the portal session interface.
An IPortalSessionListener implementation with no-op implementations for every method.
This class contains the position information of a parsed node.
Utility class for storing.
Predicate expression node (each, exists, isactive) that evaluates to a boolean.
This node holds the information for the EACH and EXISTS predicate nodes.
Enumerated type class used to identify a predicate type.
Data source wrapper that adds prefixes to modules names.
This wrapper adds a data-source prefix to the process module ID.
Data source wrapper that adds prefixes to modules names.
Wrapper that adds a prefix to the process module datasources.
Application visitor wrapper that adds the datasource prefix to an application name.
This class hold a style that influences the presentation of an element.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Implementation of the AuthorizationAlgorithm
Internal class to generate xml from a priority algorithm datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a priority algorithm datasource.
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while evaluation an priority algorithm.
This class evaluates an priority algorithm to the required roles.
This class is responsible for initializing the nodes of a process.
Class exposing process engine functionality for a case.
Default implementation of the message event listener interface.
This object contains the updates that should be applied to the case data.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a process engine implementation.
Utility wrapper for the case dao.
Internal IProcessCaseUpdates implementation to update the case data with the profile of the implementation application.
Exception used to notify that operation on process case dao failed due to data access problems.
Utility class for building exception messages and throwing different types of exceptions.
This class holds the static definition of a process.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
An action handler wrapper which provides information about the intended session in which it should be executed.
This internal Application class extension makes sure the the process engine and the process enabled session is returned when requested.
For internal use only!
Portal session wrapper implementation that handles process engine task execution.
Internal class which bridges two event buses.
Internal class which bridges two event buses.
Portal session monitor wrapper implementation for the process enabled session.
Session scope for task sessions.
This class defines an end node in a process definition.
Handler for process and group end nodes.
Main class of the process engine.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a process engine implementation.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a process engine from data source.
Factory class which knows how to construct a process engine.
This class uniquely identifies an process engine by project and module name and version.
Process engine manager implementation that uses a datasource to initialize its process engines.
A builder that creates an IProcessEngineSettings implementation using IgnoreModeSettingsBuilder for the ignore mode settings.
Class to create an xml of a process engine datasource.
Class to create an xml of a process engine datasource.
This class is responsible for evaluating a process based on the current state, and determining the task that should be scheduled.
This class contains a single process event definition.
This class contains a single process event start definition.
Internal class to generate xml from a event start datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a event start datasource.
This class is used during initialization to initialize and validate the event definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Base class for exceptions originating from the process engine.
This class represents an exit of a process.
Accepts processes which are registered to the process engine.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
A builder that creates an IProcessListSettings implementation that falls back to another IIgnoreModeSettings if both application specific and global setting is IgnoreMode.DEFAULT.
Class managing the task and case data mappings.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Base class for process task handlers.
This class defines the possible types of nodes that may be present in a process definition.
This class extracts all the node definitions from the process definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal process scope implementation that manages all active process tasks/cases on the session scope.
Decorator class that wraps a process scope to make it immutable (read-only).
Abstract base class for task and process nodes.
Class exposing process engine functionality for a task.
Process engine exception that is used to notify that a process task may not be started due to acces restrictions.
Representation of a custom field which can be set on a task, that contains an expression.
This class contains a single process task definition.
Process task delegate implementation used to handle automated tasks.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a process engine implementation.
This class is used during initialization to initialize and validate the task definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Base class for process engine trace messages.
This class defines a single process type.
Accepts process types which are registered to the process engine.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This function calculates the product of a list of number values.
This class holds all the data for a session.
Class holds a reference to the rule engine and metamodel.
Root context for the active instances.
This class provides the default converter for the profile.
Simple wrapper class that can be used as base class for profile wrappers.
Serialization algorithm optimized for speed.
The profile editor class contains the implementation of the various actions that can be performed.
Action handler to handle all AJAX calls of the profile editor.
This class contains various defines that are used in the communication between the client and the profile editor action handler.
Base class for exception that originate from the profile.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of IProfile.
Internal class containing elements needed by the profile mapper.
Implementation of the IProject interface.
Project change implementation.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Project data-source implementation that adds messages from message property files.
This class contains the project related error codes.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class may be used to create a filter.
This class may be used to create a filter.
Implementation of the property visitor interface which is used during initialization to add additional properties to elements.
Command class that updates the portal context state for a push active instance event.
This class contains a QName (qualified name).
Exception thrown when QR Code generation fails.
Factory for getting the QR Code implementation.
This class is responsible for retrieving an image element given its key from the parent element.
QR Code default constants.
This class defines a qualified name reference.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Configuration class which contains information regarding the process engine repeatable job.
This container adds the questions that need to be answered for a decision tree to it's definition.
This class contains the ramp definition from Studio which should be used to create the ramp supply values with.
Abstract base class for the number and date ramp match.
Match factory capable of providing string range match functions.
This class holds a range consisting of two values.
This class is responsible for reading the license information and converting it into a license object structure.
Utility class for using Readers
Class that wraps a inference context to make it immutable (read-only).
This wrapper class can be used to make an instance read-only.
Validate all expanded fields, even the read-only fields.
Decorator class that wraps a process case to make it immutable (read-only).
Decorator class that wraps a process engine to make it immutable (read-only).
Decorator class that wraps a process scope to make it immutable (read-only).
Decorator class that wraps a process case to make it immutable (read-only).
Decorator class that wraps a profile to make it immutable (read-only).
Class that wraps a session scope to make it immutable (read-only).
Read-write mutex implementation that can be used to allow concurrent reads, but single threaded writes.
This class defines all the reevaluate event that are supported.
This interface holds the numeric id's of the various evaluate events.
This class defines all the reevaluate times that are supported.
This interface holds the numeric id's of the various evaluate times.
This class hold the definition of a reference of an attribute.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This class holds a single reference parameter.
This class is used as an enumerated type for the possible types of references.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource
Describes a background job to evaluate a case.
Validation implementation that forwards its call to the RegexpValidatorCall.
Validator that uses a regular expression to validate the value of an attribute.
Mask which replaces each substring of a string value that matches a given regular expression with the given replacement.
This class hold the definition of a relation between two entities.
Generates the XML representation of a relation reference included in an entity reference.
Generates the XML representation of a relation reference included in an entity reference.
This class is used as an enumerated type for the possible types of relations.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Resource manager that forwards calls to a relative path in the wrapped resource manager.
Exception that is used to indicate that an instance could not be deleted.
This command holds the information needed to execute a remove value command.
This class is used to return a rendered document.
This class provides context information to the renderers.
Renderer factory, with constructor based creation.
Default implementation of Renderer Property.
An implementation of the IRenderTarget interface.
IRepeatExpression implementation.
Internal class containing a repeat expression for flow nodes.
Internal class containing state information for repeating subflows.
Internal object used by the repeat state that contains the repeat values and its current value.
This function replaces a pattern in a string with a given replacement
An exception thrown when a case event could not be replayed due to internal errors.
IActionDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IActionsVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IAggregateVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
IApplicationDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IAssetDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IAttributeDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IAttributeMappingDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IAttributeMappingVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IAttributeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IMessageEventVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IBusinessRuleDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
IButtonDS implementation that adds error reporting.
case base data source which adds reporting by a decorating mechanism which handles exceptions and pushes these to the initialisation report.
Visitor which adds reporting by a decorating mechanism which handles exceptions and pushes these to the initialisation report.
Case data source which adds reporting by a decorating mechanism which handles exceptions and pushes these to the initialisation report.
Visitor which adds reporting by a decorating mechanism which handles exceptions and pushes these to the initialisation report.
Visitor which adds reporting by a decorating mechanism which handles exceptions and pushes these to the initialisation report.
IChannelVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
ICommunicationEngineDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IComplexTypeReferenceDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IComposerDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IConditionDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IConditionVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IConstraintVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IContainerDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Data-source used during initialization to add error reporting to the container expander data-source.
An extension of ReportingParameterVisitor which has access to the container expander whose parameters are being visited.
IDynamicContainerVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IContainmentVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IContentDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IContentVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IConditionDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
IConditionVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IDataRuleDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
IDecisionTableDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
IDecisionTreeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IDefaultRuleDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Delegate base class that forwards the error/warnings.
Delegate reporting datasource for easy datasource extension.
This ReportingDeprecatedParameterValueVisitor checks if the given deprecated ContainerParameter has a Value.
IDocumentDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IDomainDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Reporting implementation.
Reporting implementation.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IDomainValueVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IDomainVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Generic base class for data sources that adds error reporting.
Base class for reporting data-sources.
IEdgeDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
IEdgeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
IElementParticleMappingDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IElementReferenceDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IEntityDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IEntityMappingDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IEntityMappingVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IEntityVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IProcessEventVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Expander visitor wrapper that intercepts initialization errors and adds them to the report.
IExpressionEngineDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
Expression parser that will add the errors and warnings that were encountered during the parse of an exception to the initialization report.
IExternalFlowDefinitionDS wrapper which adds error reporting.
IExternalFlowEventMappingDS wrapper which adds error reporting.
IExternalFlowEventMappingVisitor wrapper which adds error reporting.
IExternalRuleDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
IPropertyVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IFieldDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IFieldValidationDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IFieldValidationDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IFieldValidationParameterVisitor for reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IFieldValidationVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IFlowDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IFlowEngineDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IFlowParameterVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IFlowVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IFunctionCallVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IElementGroupDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IInstanceDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IInstanceVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
ILanguageVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IMappingDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Data source wrapper that adds error reporting.
IMatchConditionVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor which adds reporting by a decorating mechanism which handles exceptions and pushes these to the initialisation report.
match engine data source which adds reporting by a wrapping mechanism.
Visitor which adds reporting by a decorating mechanism which handles exceptions and pushes these to the initialisation report.
IMessageEventVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IMessageVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IMetaModelDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Data source wrapper that adds error reporting.
Data source wrapper that adds error reporting.
ICompositeNodeDS implementation that adds error reporting.
INodeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
INodeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IPageDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor used during initialization to add error reporting to the parameter visitor.
Parse listener implementation that forwards the messages to a reporting data-source.
IMessageEventVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IProcessEngineDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IProcessFlowVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Data source wrapper that adds error reporting.
IProcessTaskVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IProcessTypeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IProjectDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IReferenceDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IRestMessageDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IRestOperationDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IRestRequestMessageDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IRestServiceDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IRestUrnArgumentDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IRestUrnFragmentDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IPrivilegeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IMessageEventVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
RuleEngineDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
IXsdTypeDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Data-source used during initialization to add error reporting to the service call data-source.
IServiceCallVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Service visitor wrapper that intercepts initialization errors and adds them to the report.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
IMessageDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IPartContentReferenceDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IOperationDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IWebServiceDS implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
ISourceVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IContentVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
ITargetDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
ITargetVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Data source wrapper that adds error reporting.
Data source wrapper that adds error reporting.
ITeamVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IExpressionTemplateVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
ITextContentVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
ITextDS implementation that adds error reporting.
IThemeVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
ITreeEngineDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
IValidationVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IValidatorDS wrapper that adds error reporting.
Validator visitor wrapper that intercepts initialization errors and adds them to the report.
IValueFormatVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IValueMappingVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IValueVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Base class for reporting data-sources.
Data source wrapper that adds error reporting.
IAsAServiceOperationMappingVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
IExposedSoapServiceVisitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Datasource implementation that adds error reporting.
Visitor implementation that adds error reporting.
Object containing information about the type of action that was trigged by the event.
This class implements the IRequestScope interface and is used to store request specific attributes.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a request scope implementation.
Validator implementation that checks is a value isn't empty.
The requirement class is an enumerated type class that defines which values need to be available in order to be able to match an attribute.
This class defines the numeric ID's of the various requirement types.
This class implements the resource connection interface.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Resource delegete class for easy class delegation.
Exception (base) class for errors originating from resource managers.
This action handler is used to read a resource from the resource manager using the current application context.
This class contains the result of the ResourceHandler action handler.
This action handler is used to read the resource modification date from the resource manager using the current application context.
This class contains the result of the ResourceLastModificationDateHandler action handler.
Base class for resource managers.
This class is responsible for reading the message property files and adding them to the datasource.
Utility class used to store the protocol and name of a resource.
Internal class to compose a rest message based on a soap service definition and a profile state.
This class holds the static definition of a rest header.
Visitor implementation to gather all rest header definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Rest message implementation.
This exception is used when a rest message could not be composed.
This class holds the static definition of a rest message.
This exception is used when a rest message could not be parsed.
Class that can be used to validate a rest message.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class holds the static definition of a rest operation.
Internal visitor class to create operation definitions from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Rest parser to parse a rest message and fill the profile with data.
Rest request message implementation.
This class holds the static definition of a rest request message.
This class holds the static definition of a rest service.
Internal visitor class to create service definitions from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class holds the static definition of a rest url argument.
Visitor implementation to gather all url argument definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class holds the static definition of a rest url fragment.
Visitor implementation to gather all rest headers and urn fragments.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This Rule is used to add an inference rule for the reverse relation of a (custom) rule on a relation.
This exception is used to indicated a flow could not be reverted to a previous flow (state).
This class represents a single role.
This class provides the data for the user.roles attribute.
Accepts roles which are registered.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Mask to convert an IntegerValue to roman notation.
This class represents the root of the expression tree.
This class holds the root expression and any local variable that have been declared.
Handler for the main process (root) task.
This function rounds a number up to the specified number of digits.
This function rounds a number to a multiple of the number.
Implementation of the AuthorizationAlgorithm
Internal class to generate xml from a routing algorithm datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a routing algorithm datasource.
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while evaluation an routing algorithm.
This class evaluates an routing algorithm to the assignee info.
The RsaAesKeySet keeps tracks of an asymmetric RSA public and private key and an AES key
Internal rule class used when spelling integers.
This class contains the definition of a single custom business rule.
Class containing a single rule definition.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
This class combines the various engines to implement the rule engine methods as defined in the IRuleEngine interface.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a rule engine from data source.
Base class for all exceptions specific to the rule engine component.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of IRuleEngine.
Exception used to indicate an error during the parse of an expression.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Error code implementation that determines the element name and type based on the rule type and name parameters.
The rule graph class contains the node structure for all the attributes with the business rules that are applicable.
This class contains a single rule group definition.
This class is used during initialization to gather and validate the rule group definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class holds the static definitions of the supported business rule types.
This interface holds the numeric id's of the business rule types.
Base class for rule visitors that are used during initialization to add business rules to the rule graph.
Visitor implementation to add rules to a speller.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to create an XML of a spell engine datasource.
A runtime key is a unique identifier of an element on a page.
Visitor for generating unique runtime keys for every element.
Defines the Scanner interface, which CUP uses in the default implementation of lr_parser.scan().
All the job types that can be scheduled.
Exception thrown by the IScheduler to indicate that a job could not be scheduled, unscheduled or rescheduled
This is a default configuration class for the scheduler.
Internal implementation of the context interface for dynamic schema elements.
Internal visitor class to create xml contract definitions from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class holds the static definition of a schema.
This class defines all the schema form types that are supported.
Abstract schema set composer to compose generic elements, for REST and Soap.
This class holds the static definition of a schema set.
Abstract schema set parser to parse generic elements, for REST and Soap.
Object that rewrites the schema's in a SchemaSet and creates a NamespaceContext object per schema.
Visitor implementation to gather all schema sets.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Visitor implementation to gather all schema's.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Simple class that is used in scopes to implement transactional behavior.
This class is used to gather the objects that need to be in-scope in order to be able to evaluate the expression.
Abstract base class for objects that can be used to create a portal scope.
This exception represents any exception during parse or evaluation time with regard to scope boundaries.
This object stores the match scores and makes sure the number of scores stays within the given limits.
Iterator class that can be used to iterate the values of this list.
Implementation class for internal use only.
Implementation class for internal use only.
This functions returns the second for the specified date time value.
This function returns the number of seconds between two date time values.
NumberSymbol class to represent the Calendar.SECOND field in a date string.
The select expression can be used to retrieve one or more values that match the specified condition.
The select expression can be used to retrieve one or more values that match the specified condition.
Exception used to indicate an error during the semantic phase.
Utility class that can be used to determine if type7 operation typing should be used.
Base class for all nodes from the semantic tree.
The Semantics class is responsible for converting a TSL parse tree to a TSL node tree.
This class is used to transform a release 6 expression parse nodes to semantic nodes.
This class represents a separator in a date/time string representation of a Date object.
This class is used to sort the ISequenceNrElement objects on sequence number.
This class hold the information about the server the portal engine is allowed to run on.
The internal service call implementation.
This class holds the static definition of a service call.
Class containing an event for a service call.
The service call visitor that is used during initialization to add all service calls that are available through the data source.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Implementation of the context interface for services.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a service context implementation.
This class contains the definition of a single service.
Exception class that can be used in services to indicate that the processing failed.
This class is used to gather the exit events of a service call.
Service factory, with constructor based creation.
The service manager implementation that can be used for a specific context and application.
Node class for the flow engine to represent a service.
This service result implementation can be used to return a default service result.
This visitor is used during initialization to gather the service definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class is used for activating Session and PortalContext instances.
This exception is used to indicate a session could not be initialized due to an error that was not acceptable in the current application mode.
This class can be used to retrieve debug information of the portal session it belongs to.
This class implements the ISessionScope interface and is used to store session wide attributes.
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a session scope implementation.
This class contains the information needed to create a session scope.
Session scope implementation to make sure the profile roles are updated when set in the session scope.
This class contains the information of a single portal session.
This class contains methods to transform a session state to and from Xml.
Mask to lower/upper case a string value.
This command holds the information needed to execute a set-value command.
This class defines the severities of errors that can be reported.
ShortDateSymbol class to represent short representation of a date.
ShortHourSymbol class to represent the hour field in a date string.
Speller to spell a month (short notation).
ShortMonthSymbol class to represent short representation of a month.
ShortYearSymbol class to represent the last two digits of a year.
The signature factory creates signers and validators for the specified version and certificates.
Basic R4 envelope signer.
This mail connection implementation uses the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send email messages.
This function returns the number of elements that are present in a list.
Utility for resizeable byte arrays.
A LogFactory which uses the org.slf4j logging toolkit.
ISmtpMailConnectionFactory default implementation.
Class responsible for adding instances in snapshots.
Internal class to compose a soap message based on a soap service definition and a profile state.
Connection implementation that contains the details for a SOAP connection.
Connectivity service that uses a SOAP connection to retrieve the data.
This class holds the static definition of a soap contract.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Exception containing a SOAP fault and its information.
Soap message implementation.
Utility class that creates an XML message node.
This exception is used when a soap message could not be composed.
ISoapMessageContext default implementation.
Internal IMessageDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
This exception is used when a soap message could not be parsed.
Internal IPartContentDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
Internal visitor class to create message content definitions from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Class that can be used to validate a soap message.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class is used to extract SOAP specific parameters from the meta-data XML node.
Internal IOperationDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
Internal visitor class to create operation definitions from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Output mapping for SOAP that adds a namespace to the default output mapping.
This class parses the connectivity parameters for the SOAP connectivity service.
Soap parser to parse a soap message and fill the profile with data.
Soap request implementation that can be constructed with IXmlElement elements.
This ISoapResponseHandler implementation may be used to retrieve an IXmlNode from the ISoapConnection.
Internal IServiceDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
Internal visitor class to create service definitions from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class defines all the group particle types that are supported.
Validation implementation that forwards its call to the SofiNumberValidatorCall.
This validator may be used to validate an attribute containing a string representing a social security number (also known as sofi-number).
This class is used to pass a result node back to the client.
A solution is a special kind of application that uses a process engine and possible multiple applications to perform (external) tasks.
This container adds an array of solutions to itself.
Enumerated type class containing the possible sort directions
Sorting class that contains the sorting for a column in the caselist container.
This class may be used to represent a sorting on the result of a query
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
This class holds the inference result for a single attribute.
This iterator returns the available sources in the correct order.
Describes an Item in the SourceIterator class.
This class holds the possible source types of an attribute value.
Mask to spell a week day of a boolean value.
Mask to spell a Currency object.
Mask to spell a week day of an integer value.
This is a symbol implementation to format a day of the week.
This is a symbol implementation to spell a day of the month.
This mask returns a user friendly representation of the delta of a date with today.
Mask to spell an IntegerValue object.
Mask to spell a month of an integer value.
This is a symbol implementation to format a month of the year.
Mask to spell a NumberValue object.
This is a symbol implementation to format a month (short notation) of the year.
This is a symbol implementation to spell a year.
Spell engine implementation.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of ISpellEngine.
Class to create an XML of a spell engine datasource.
Converts an integer to its textual representation.
4455 --> four thousand four hundred fifty five (english)
4455 --> vierenveertighonderd vijfenvijftig (dutch)
Class containing the defintion for a single speller.
Base exception class for the speller engine.
Exception to be used when an integer could not be spelled due to its range limitations.
Visitor implementation to add spellers to a spell engine.
Internal class to create an XML of a spell engine datasource.
This function splits a string on a given pattern and returns the split parts in a (not unique) list.
Connection implementation that contains the details for an SQL connection.
This class is used to extract SQL specific parameters from the meta-data XML node.
This class parses the connectivity parameters for the SQL connectivity service.
Java implementation of the IQuery interface.
Utility class for building an SQL query for an input object.
Java implementation of the IQueryResult interface.
Callback function for caselist buttons.
Internal flow node that is used by the FlowPath to indicate that the flow node is started.
Command class that updates the portal context state for a start flow event.
This exception is used to indicate a process task could not be started.
Callback function for worklist buttons.
List containing the words that should be ignored in documents and queries.
This service will trace a AttributeDecisionTraceMessage with action AttributeDecisionTraceMessage.ACTION_DECISION_BY_ATTRIBUTE for the attribute specified by the 'decision' parameter.
The strategy enumerated type is used to indicate which multivalue strategy should be used when matching multivalue attributes.
This class contains the numeric identifiers of the strategy types.
Returns an amount of characters from the back of the string provided as argument.
Appends two strings together.
Simple tokenizer that parses a string into a list of words.
Utility class for handling streams.
Returns the an amount of characters from the front of the string passed as argument.
Utility class for escaping special characters.
Implementation of the LENGTH function.
Match value implementation containing a single string value.
Parse node representing a string value.
The StringRange match function checks if a requested string is equal to the offered string, or if the requested string lies within the offered range.
Match value implementation for a range supply value.
Utility class providing various string operations.
Validation implementation that forwards its call to the StringValidatorCall.
This validator class for string values can check if a string is within the specified bounds.
This class contains a single string (text) value.
Exception thrown when there exists at least one invalid field and the structured input validation is used.
Portal engine data source implementation that connects to the Studio management service for projects for a specific repository and branch name.
Portal engine data source implementation that connects to the Studio SOAP service for applications.
License provider that retrieves its license from a Studio management service.
Portal engine data source implementation that connects to the Studio SOAP service for applications for a specific repository name.
This function returns the string starting at the start index and ending at either the end index or the end of the string if the end index is not provided.
This function returns the end of a string after the first occurrence of a given substring, or an empty string if the substring is not found
This function return the start of a string before the first occurrence of a given substring
Decision tree node representing a sub tree.
This function returns the sum of a list of numbers.
Contains constants for the SuppressWarnings annotation.
Defines the Symbol class, which is used to represent all terminals and nonterminals while parsing.
Creates the Symbols interface, which CUP uses as default
This function returns a list containing the symmetric difference of the two lists provided as argument.
This class holds the symptom information for a decision tree.
CUP generated class containing symbol constants.
CUP generated class containing symbol constants.
Base class for system exceptions.
This class is used to add the system entity to an application.
Class that can be used to access the system instance with its attribute values.
This class can be used to retrieve system properties.
Table is a Container object representing a table.
This class may be used to create a container structure that represents a table.
This class defines a single cell from a table.
Class to convert a Table object to a standard IContainer implementation.
Base class for table elements (cells, rows, etc..).
This class is used to define a table header.
This class defines a row from a table.
Utility class for locating tags in byte arrays containing.
This class holds the target definition of a datarule model.
This class defines the possible target instance types.
This class is used during initialization to gather and validate the target definitions of a datarule.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class may be used to create a selection criteria for tasks.
This class contains the information of the task exit that should be chosen after executing the task.
This class initializes and validates the mapping between flow exits and task exits.
Internal task expression.
This class contains a single task mapping definition.
Task mapping visitor to initialize the task mappings.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This node holds the information needed for a task invocation.
Handler for tasks that need to be executed by the (automated) user.
Internal action handler implementation to map the case data to the task implementation profile.
This class describes a task property and contains all possible task properties.
This service can be used to direct your flow by using the status of the current active task.
This class defines the possible task status types.
This class defines the possible types of tasks.
A data transfer object representing a view of a task model.
Encapsulates the criteria for querying task views.
Represents the result of a query for task views.
This object holds the definition of a single team.
Implementation of a datasource for a team.
This class provides the data for the user.teams attribute.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available team definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
The template expression is used to include a predefined expression (template) into the current expression.
This class holds a single expression template (used during initialization).
This class holds all expression templates of the expression engine only during initialization of the engine object.
The template expression is used to include a predefined expression (template) into the current expression.
Parse node representing a call to a template (reusable expression).
This implements the visitor interface for passing expression templates.
This class provides the data for the relation
Base class for text nodes that can have child nodes.
This text node is used to conditionally include a set of text nodes.
This visitor is used during initialization to add the text content for each language to a text element.
This class contains DSV data.
This class holds the definition of a single text element.
Parse node representing (static) text from a TSL expression.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Base class for all text element from a TextModel.
This text node definition is used to include a value from the context in the result of a text element.
The multilingual text model represents a text node that needs to be displayed in the document or page.
TextItem conversion util.
This class can be used to create an plain text email message that can be send via a IMailConnection.
This class holds a static text string that is part of the text model.
TSL node representing (static) text.
Base class for all text nodes of a text element.
This class hold a single string that is part of a text node element.
This class defines the types of content of documents.
This visitor is used during initialization to add child text nodes to a composite text node.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This resource implementation can be used to read/write textual data to/from a resource with a specific character set.
This text node is the root element of a text node structure of a text element.
This text node is used to indicate that all the child nodes of this composite node should be rendered using the style defined in this node.
This class adds a presentation style to all the child nodes of this element.
This text element represents a value from a field node.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This object holds the definition of a single theme.
Implementation of a datasource for a theme.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available theme definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This service can be used to throw a start message.
Parameter parse class for the ThrowMessageEvent
Exception used to notify that timeline operation failes due to data access problems.
Timeline types of messages.
Search query builder for searching timeline entries.
This class contains the information needed to watch for a timeout on a task or process.
This class hold the definition of a timer node.
Handler for the timed wait nodes in a process.
Utility class to monitor processing times.
This class wraps an attribute value to add TMS behavior.
Describes the state of an tms inferenced attribute.
Wrapper class for instances to add truth-maintenance and automatic inferencing.
Contains the source information of an attribute.
This profile wrapper adds truth maintenance to the wrapped profile.
This class listens to the event of the internal profile, and updates the TMS state accordingly.
This class can generate a full xml view of the profile.
Maintains the TMS state of the profile.
This function may be used to request the current time or date.
This class provides the data for the attribute.
Exception used to notify that tracing operation failed due to data access problems.
Default ITraceEngine implementation that uses a ITraceDao to store and find ITraceMessage messages.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of the Trace Engine.
Base class for exceptions originating from the trace engine.
Default implementation of the ITraceMessage.
Base class for process engine trace messages.
Exception thrown during the notification of a trace message.
Search query builder for searching traces.
Represents an Exception during the search for traces.
A Utility class helping in outputting stacktraces with support for old jdk1.3 EJB and JSP exceptions.
This class represents a single transaction.
Event class which holds the information about a transaction related event.
This class holds the mapping between a transaction name and ID.
The transaction manager is responsible for managing the active transactions.
This class is used to generate the XML for the transaction manager.
Decision tree engine implementation, which hold the various (static) definitions of the defined decision trees.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This class defines the various initialization errors that may occur when creating a decision tree from data source.
Base class for exception generated by the decision tree engine.
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of ITreeEngine.
Decision tree evaluator.
Class to create an xml of a tree engine datasource.
Class to create an xml of a tree engine datasource.
This container adds a table of selectable decision trees to itself.
Tree node visitor used to collect nodes.
This class holds the response of a decision tree evaluation.
This callback class is responsible for remembering the decision tree state on the page scope.
This container runs a decisionTree either specified by a parameter or by a decisionTree selector in case the parameter is omitted.
This class parses the parameters for a DecisionTree Runner.
This container gives the user an option to search for a decisiontree and select a decisiontree which can be run by the TreeRunnerContainer.
This class parses the parameters for a DecisionTree Selector.
This class is internally used to iterate over the symptoms belonging to a decision tree.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This class contains several static defines and utility methods that are used by the trigram match.
Implementation of trigram matching.
Match function factory for trigram match functions.
This class contains the trigrams for wither the demand or supply value.
This function removes the leading and trailing spaces of a string
This exception is used when the expand of a TSL text (dynamic text) fails.
Value definition of the foreach_index member that is available within TSL loops.
This class is used to wrap object definitions inside a TSL loop.
Parse listener that correct position information for errors reported in a TSL expression.
TSL parser implementation class.
Utility class that prints a tsl node structure as a tsl text.
Node visitor that prints a tsl tree.
This class contains a parsed TSL text.
Object containing the type definitions for a TSL expression.
TSL related utilities.
Wrapper for the IAttributeValue that adds transaction support.
Wrapper for the IEntityInstance interface that adds transaction support.
Wrapper for an event listener that adds transaction support.
Inference context implementation that uses a profile an a transaction context to determine the active instance context.
Event class that is used instead of the normal instance event to add transaction support.
This class is used by transaction commands to locate an instance.
Portal context implementation that supports transactions.
Wrapper for the IProfile interface that adds transaction support.
Event class that is used instead of the normal value event to add transaction support.
This object contains the type information which can be associated with an expression.
Type Builder util.
Factory for typed collections.
This class encapsulates an definition source and adds functions and expression templates for usage within the expression parsing process.
This class contains defines a dependency on a specific entity type.
Error code implementation that does specify the element the error originated from.
This class contains the (typed) parameters for a service or container expander.
This class represents a parameter value.
This class is an implementation of the ITypeEnvironment interface which uses the TypeScope class to define elements within the scope.
Internal IMessagePartDefinition implementation that uses a datasource for construction.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This node represents an instance of expression that can be used to determine the type of an instance.
This expression may be used to get the type name of an instance.
This node represents an expression that determines the type of an instance.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class defines a few commonly used type definitions.
Internal exception used to indicate that an exception was not handled correctly.
This function performs a union of the two aruments passed to the function.
This class implements the union function for various range, list and value combinations.
This function returns a list with all duplicate entries removed.
Unique match strategy.
This multi value strategy calculates gets the best scoring mapping between the elements of the request value and the elements of the case value, such that each element in the case value is mapped to a unique element in the request value.
This expression is used for unknown nodes (?).
This exception is used to indicate an action definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is thrown when the flow contains an unsupported action.
This type of exception is used when an invalid aggregate is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate a certain combination of application name and version is not available.
This type of exception is used when an invalid entity and attribute combination is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an unknown authorization algorithm is encountered.
Thrown when a case event could not be found.
This exception is used to indicate a case could not be located.
This exception is used to indicate a certain connection is not available.
This type of exception is used when an invalid/unknown connection name is encountered.
This exception can be used to indicate that a custom schema could not be found.
This exception is used to indicate that no definition could be found for a specified document name.
This type of exception is used when an invalid/unknown domain name is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate a data contract set could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate a service definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception can be used to indicate that a dynamic container could not be found.
Composer exception that is used to notify the usage of an invalid element name and type combination.
This exception is used to indicate a service definition could not be found for a specific name.
This type of exception is used when an invalid entity is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an invalid entity mapping is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an invalid aggregate and entity reference is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate an expander definition could not be found for a specific name.
This expression is used for unknown nodes (?) and nodes that failed (ErrorNode).
This exception is used to indicate a field type for a specified name was unknown.
This exception is used to indicate that no flow definition could be found for a specified name.
This exception is used to indicate a global parameter for a specified name was unknown.
This type of exception is used when an unknown instance definition is encountered.
This exception type is used to indicate that an instance could not be found for the specified ID.
Configuration class for unknown job types.
This exception is used to indicate that no element could be found for a key.
This type of exception is used when an unknown language is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate that a macro does not exist.
This exception is used to indicate a certain mapping is not available.
This exception can be used to indicate that a mask call could not be found.
This exception is used to indicate a match function could not be located.
This type of exception is used when an unknown message event name is encountered.
This type of exception is used when a field of a message event is requested that doesn't exist.
This type of exception is used when an unknown message is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an invalid aggregate and metadata pair is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate a module is not available.
This node represents the unknown (?) symbol.
This exception is used to indicate an operation definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate a parameter for a specified name was unknown.
This type of exception is used when an unknown priority algorithm is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an unknown process case is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate a process engine is not known by the manager.
This type of exception is used when an invalid process event name is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an invalid process is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate a module is not known to be a process module by the manager.
This type of exception is used when an invalid process node is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an unknown process task is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an invalid process is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate that a object property could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate a property was unknown or not supported.
This exception is used to indicate that a resource could not be located by a resource manager.
This exception is used to indicate a rest service could not be found for a specific name.
This type of exception is used when an unknown role is encountered.
This type of exception is used when an unknown routing algorithm is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate a rule group could not be found.
This exception is used to indicate a schema could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate a schema set could not be found for a specific name.
This exception can be used to indicate that a service call could not be found.
This exception is used to indicate a service definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate an soap service contract definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate a soap service could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate that a speller does not exist.
This type of exception is used when an invalid task is encountered.
Page composer exception that is used to notify the usage of an invalid element type.
This exception is used to indicate a type mapping definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception is used to indicate a (custom) validator type is unknown.
This type of exception is used when an invalid/unknown value format name is encountered.
This exception is used to indicate a webservice definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception can be used to indicate that a wsdl can not be found.
This exception is used to indicate an XML contract definition could not be found for a specific name.
This exception can be used to indicate that a xsd could not be found.
This exception is used to indicate an operation could not be found for a specific path and query.
This class contains a parsed function call.
Exception used to indicate that an expression parser is not supported
This exception is used to indicate that the requested output format is not available.
This exception is used when a resource is requested from a manager with a protocol prefix that is not supported by the manager.
Error code implementation that does not define an element the error originated from.
This visitor sets all the values of the portal event in the corresponding custom fields, and checks required and type validations.
This visitor sets all the error messsages from the IRequestScope in the corresponding fields, and updates the field values to reflect the value from the profile.
This service will update the meta data for a file.
This function returns a string in all uppercase characters
This resource class represents a resource from the URL resource manager.
This resource manager implementation uses an URL connection to locate resources.
InferenceContext wrapper that registers which values have been used.
This class provides the data for the system.user relation
Class implementing the user data interface.
This class provides the data for the system.user relation
This class provides the data for the relation
This class is an enumerated type designating which level of validation is used.
Evaluates whether an element remains visible after an event has been handled.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
This class contains the logic that is responsible for the validation.
This iterator class traverses the attribute nodes in the rule graph and returns the validation rules that are applicable.
This class holds the message of a single validation action.
Internal parameter visitor to collect and validate the validator parameters.
Object that can be sent to the rest exception handler to be converted into json.
This class holds the result of a validation action.
Base class for validation rules.
This rule visitor is used during initialization to add validation rules to the rule graph.
Internal class to wrap the datasources to add dialect fallback behaviour for multilingual elements.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Basic R4 envelope validator.
Standard base class for validation implementations.
Adapter class to create a IValidatorCall for a IValidator
Standard base class for validation call implementations.
Internal comparator to sort validation rules by priority.
This class contains the definition of a single validator.
This class holds the static definitions of the default supported validation types.
Visitor implementation used to gather the validator definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This class is responsible for caching values from match functions if needed.
This class contains defines a dependency on a specific attribute value.
This class is an implementation of the IValueEnvironment interface which uses the ValueScope class to define elements within the scope.
Event class holding the information of an event which will modify the attribute state.
This class may be used to wrap a profile value to add additional debug information.
The value format class provides an abstraction for the data type specific formatters.
This class holds a single value format definition for the application configuration.
This class holds a single value format definition for the application configuration.
Implementation of a datasource for a value format.
Internal class, should not use.
Visitor used during initialization to gather the available value format definitions.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Map class for string key/value pairs.
This class contains a single value mapping definition.
Visitor implementation used during initialization to gather the value mappings.
This class holds a single value parameter.
A value reference is a reference to an attribute of a specific instance.
This class holds the result information of an attribute node.
This class is used to identify the type an inference rule will return for the attribute it inferences a value for.
This value converter converts the result of a rule to the requested type.
Validation rule implementation using a validator class.
Utility class to implement widening behavior for values.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
A variable expression is an expression that usually identifies an active instance of an entity type.
A variable expression is an expression that usually identifies an active instance of an entity type.
This node represents a variable reference, which will usually be an attribute name.
Simple class that holds a version identifier.
Represents the definition of a version reference (on an attribute).
This class implements a temporary or "virtual" parse stack that replaces the top portion of the actual parse stack (the part that has been changed by some set of operations) while maintaining its original contents.
The internal implementation for the IExposedSoapServiceOperationDefinition interface.
The internal implementation for the IExposedSoapServiceDefinition interface.
Internal visitor implementation to collect all operation mappings.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
The internal implementation for the IWebServices interface.
Internal visitor implementation to collect all exposed web services.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
This functions returns the number of weeks between two date values.
This function returns the number of working days between two date values.
This expander expands a worklist.
Implementation of the abstract list plus for displaying the tasks and task related data.
Class to remember the state of the worklist.
Class to remember the state of the worklist.
Internal converter class to write a wsdl for a soap service contract.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
IAggregateDS implementation which reads the aggregate's data from XML.
IAggregateDS implementation which reads the aggregate's data from XML.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class converts an IAsset implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts an IAsset implementation to an XML node for page xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Implementation of the IAttributeMappingDS interface using a mapping definition from XML.
Implementation of the IAttributeMappingDS interface using a mapping definition from XML.
Xml implementation of the authorization algorithm datasource.
Xml implementation of the authorization algorithm datasource.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class renders an IButton implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts an IButton implementation to an XML node for page xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This internal class contains the Studio configuration settings for one single caselist column.
This class contains the caselist configuration and is responsible for parsing the container parameters that are configured in Aquima Studio.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Release 8.x implementation of the composer data source from XML created by ComposerXml.
Release 8.x implementation of the composer data source from XML created by ComposerXml.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml IConstraint interface implementation.
Xml IConstraint interface implementation.
This class converts an IContainer implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts an IContainer implementation to an XML node for page xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class converts an IContentItem implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts an IContentItem implementation to an XML node for page xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Utility class to export a profile to XML, and to fill a profile with the values from an (exported) XML.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class converts an IDocument implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Post processor for document xml rendering.
Internal base class for the xml document renderer classes.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml implementation of DataObject.
Xml implementation of DataObject.
Xml implementation of DataProperty.
Xml implementation of DataProperty.
Xml Implementation data contract.
Xml Implementation data contract.
DOM Parser with error handling in place (validating or normal).
Wrapper for the XmlDOMParser to make the parsing thread safe
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Base class for XML renderers that adds a utility method for formatting runtime keys.
Base class for IXmlElementContext implementations
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Implementation of the IEntityMappingDS interface using a mapping definition from XML.
Implementation of the IEntityMappingDS interface using a mapping definition from XML.
A data source for an entity reference which reads the data from an XML node.
A data source for an entity reference which reads the data from an XML node.
Common base class for XML exceptions.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Class for creating an export
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use com.aquima.interactions.ds.xml.r17.XmlMetaData
Internal class to read the metadata from an R17 application export.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use com.aquima.interactions.ds.xml.r17.XmlExportR12
Class for reading an R17 Export from xml or a resource.
Store for external xml serialized datasources.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class converts an FailedElement to XML comment for document xml generation.
This class converts a failed element to an XML node.
This class converts an IField implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts an IField implementation to an XML node for page xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Release 8.x implementation of the flow engine data source from XML.
Release 8.x implementation of the flow engine data source from XML.
Exception used to indicate an error during the XML generation.
Utility class for creating XML elements of datasource objects.
DOM Generator to create simple XML documents on the fly.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Simple implementation of XmlGlobals.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class can be used to render elements that should be ignored.
This class converts an IImage implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts an IImage implementation to an XML node for page xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation for an inline field.
Xml datasource implementation for an inline field.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml implementation of the intermediate message event mapping datasource.
Xml implementation of the intermediate message event mapping datasource.
Backward compatible class to convert an inline justification text to reference to an asset.
Backward compatible class to convert an inline justification text to reference to an asset.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class converts a field element to an XML node.
This class converts a DCM_TaskList, DCM_WorkList, AQ_WorkList, AQ_CaseList or AQ_InstanceList instance to an XML node for document xml generation.
This data source implements the IMacroDS interface for XML.
Implementation of the IMappingDS interface using a mapping definition from an XML.
Implementation of the IMappingDS interface using a mapping definition from an XML.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml implementation of the MessageEvent datasource
Xml implementation of the MessageEvent datasource
Xml implementation of the message event field datasource.
Xml implementation of the message event field datasource.
Xml implementation of the message event mapping datasource.
Xml implementation of the message event mapping datasource.
An IMetadataDS which reads the metadata information from an XML node.
An IMetadataDS which reads the metadata information from an XML node.
Release 8.x implementation of the meta model data source from XML created by MetaModelXml.
Release 8.x implementation of the meta model data source from XML created by MetaModelXml.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class is a shared parent of the XmlNew* classes which use this functionality.
Abstract base class for special xml elements such as comments and processing instructions.
XML Comment node, used with DOM Generator to create a comment line.
Simple Element to build new XML Documents using the DOM Generator.
XML element that may be used during generation to combine several XML element.
XML Processing instruction node, used with DOM Generator to create a processing instruction line.
DANGEROUS class that does no output escaping!!!!
Simple XMLNode used to read elements from the DOM Parser.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class converts an IPage implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts a page element to an XML node.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This post processor adds a few tags to the XML containing global application information.
Internal helper class to parse and visit the generated xml by the ParameterValueVisitor.
Internal helper class to parse and visit the generated xml by the ParameterValueVisitor.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Internal helper class to parse and visit the generated xml by the ParameterVisitorXml.
Internal helper class to parse and visit the generated xml by the ParameterVisitorXml.
Exception that is thrown when a problem in the XML parsing occurs.
Utility class for reading XML element in datasource objects.
Portal engine data source for release 17 Zip files.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml implementation of the priority algorithm datasource.
Xml implementation of the priority algorithm datasource.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Release 8.x implementation of the meta model data source from XML created by ProcessEngineXml.
Release 8.x implementation of the meta model data source from XML created by ProcessEngineXml.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml implementation of the process event start datasource.
Xml implementation of the process event start datasource.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
XML datasource implementation of IProcessTaskCustomFieldDS used for parsing from XML.
XML datasource implementation of IProcessTaskCustomFieldDS used for parsing from XML.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
The XML profile editor is responsible for generating the XML messages of the profile editor.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Class for creating project metadata file.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class is responsible for rendering a page object to an XML view.
This class provides context information to the renderers.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Action handler result containing an XML node.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml implementation of the routing algorithm datasource.
Xml implementation of the routing algorithm datasource.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This data source implements the IRuleDS interface for XML.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
SAX2 Parser with error handling in place (validating or not).
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Serializer for reading/writing DataObject to Xml format.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Spell engine datasource implementation that can be constructed with an XML resource.
This data source implements the ISpellerDS interface for XML.
Writer to write UTF-8 xml objects to one or more streams.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class converts an ITextItem implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.
This class converts an ITextItem implementation to an XML node for page xml generation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Release 8.x implementation of the decision tree data source from XML.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class can be used to render unknown elements to xml for document rendering.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Exception that is thrown when an XML is not valid.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This internal class contains the Studio configuration settings for one single worklist column.
This class contains the worklist configuration and is responsible for parsing the container parameters that are configured in Aquima Studio.
Writer to write xml objects to one or more writers.
Class for easy xml writer delegation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
Xml datasource implementation.
This class can be used to validate an XML using XSD schema definition(s).
Internal class for the SoapMessageValidator and RestMessageValidator.
Internal utility class for the xsd composer (that can be converted to .NET).
Internal converter class to write an XSD for an XML contract.
Special format for xsd dates that ignores the timezone because this is not supported
Utility class that can be used to validate an XML.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
Internal class to generate xml from a datasource.
ValueFormatter wrapper that filters the HTML encodes string values.
This is the default class to be used for creating a new DocumentBuilderFactory.
This function returns the year of a date value.
This functions returns the number of (whole) years between two date values.
NumberSymbol class to represent the Calendar.YEAR field in a date string.
Aquima zip entry implementation for internal use only.
Aquima zip reader implementation for internal use only.
Utillity class for zip files.
Aquima zip writer implementation for internal use only.
Special format for zoned datetimes it can parse "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]", but when formatting the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" is used (the milliseconds are left out).