Class IbanValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:
IValidator, Serializable

public final class IbanValidator extends ValidatorBase
This validator may be used to validate an attribute containing a string representing a IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

It validates to false when the value is no IBAN using the following algorithm:

The basis of the IBAN validation is to convert the IBAN into a number and to perform a basic Mod-97 calculation (as described in ISO 7064) on it. If the IBAN is valid, then the remainder equals 1. Rule process of IBAN validation is:

  • Check that the total IBAN length is correct as per the country (see table below). If not, the IBAN is invalid.
  • Check that the IBAN number/letter pattern is correct as per the country (see table below). If not, the IBAN is invalid.
  • Move the four initial characters to the end of the string.
  • Replace each letter in the string with two digits, thereby expanding the string, where A=10, B=11, ..., Z=35.
  • Interpret the string as a decimal integer and compute the remainder of that number on division by 97.
  • If the remainder is 1, the checks digits test is passed and the IBAN might be valid.

Example (fictitious United Kingdom bank, sort code 12-34-56, account 98765432):

 IBAN:       GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
 Rearrange:   W E S T12345698765432 G B82
 Modulus:    3214282912345698765432161182 mod 97 = 1
Country specific validations
Country Code Length Pattern *
Andorra AD 24 U02D02D08A12
United Arab Emirates (The) AE 23 U02D02D19
Albania AL 28 U02D02D08A16
Austria AT 20 U02D02D16
Azerbaijan AZ 28 U02D02U04A20
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 20 U02D02D16
Belgium BE 16 U02D02D12
Bulgaria BG 22 U02D02U04D06A08
Bahrain BH 22 U02D02U04A14
Brazil BR 29 U02D02D23U01A01
Republic of Belarus BY 28 U02D02A04D04A16
Switzerland CH 21 U02D02D05A12
Costa Rica CR 22 U02D02D18
Cyprus CY 28 U02D02D08A16
Czech Republic CZ 24 U02D02D20
Germany DE 22 U02D02D18
Denmark DK 18 U02D02D14
Dominican Republic DO 28 U02D02A04D20
Estonia EE 20 U02D02D16
Egypt EG 29 U02D02D25
Spain ES 24 U02D02D20
Finland FI 18 U02D02D14
Faroe Islands FO 18 U02D02D14
France FR 27 U02D02D10A11D02
United Kingdom GB 22 U02D02U04D14
Georgia GE 22 U02D02U02D16
Gibraltar GI 23 U02D02U04A15
Greenland GL 18 U02D02D14
Greece GR 27 U02D02D07A16
Guatemala GT 28 U02D02A24
Croatia HR 21 U02D02D17
Hungary HU 28 U02D02D24
Ireland IE 22 U02D02U04D14
Israel IL 23 U02D02D19
Iraq IQ 23 U02D02U04D15
Iceland IS 26 U02D02D22
Italy IT 27 U02D02U01D10A12
Jordan JO 30 U02D02U04D04A18
Kuwait KW 30 U02D02U04A22
Kazakhstan KZ 20 U02D02D03A13
Lebanon LB 28 U02D02D04A20
Saint Lucia LC 32 U02D02U04A24
Liechtenstein LI 21 U02D02D05A12
Lithuania LT 20 U02D02D16
Luxembourg LU 20 U02D02D03A13
Latvia LV 21 U02D02U04A13
Libya LY 25 U02D02D21
Monaco MC 27 U02D02D10A11D02
Moldova MD 24 U02D02A20
Montenegro ME 22 U02D02D18
Macedonia MK 19 U02D02D03A10D02
Mauritania MR 27 U02D02D23
Malta MT 31 U02D02U04D05A18
Mauritius MU 30 U02D02U04D19U03
Netherlands (The) NL 18 U02D02U04D10
Norway NO 15 U02D02D11
Pakistan PK 24 U02D02U04A16
Poland PL 28 U02D02D24
Palestine, State of PS 29 U02D02U04A21
Portugal PT 25 U02D02D21
Qatar QA 29 U02D02U04A21
Romania RO 24 U02D02U04A16
Serbia RS 22 U02D02D18
Saudi Arabia SA 24 U02D02D02A18
Seychelles SC 31 U02D02U04D20U03
Sweden SE 24 U02D02D20
Slovenia SI 19 U02D02D15
Slovakia SK 24 U02D02D20
San Marino SM 27 U02D02U01D10A12
Sao Tome and Principe ST 25 U02D02D21
El Salvador SV 28 U02D02U04D20
Timor-Lesteno TL 23 U02D02D19
Tunisia TN 24 U02D02D20
Turkey TR 26 U02D02D06A16
Ukraine UA 29 U02D02D06A19
Vatican City State VA 22 U02D02D18
Virgin Islands VG 24 U02D02U04D16
Kosovo XK 20 U02D02D16

* where U is upper case alpha characters (A-Z), D is numeric characters (0-9) and A mixed case alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) followed by a number indicating the quantifier

Note that: This validator may return true for invalid bank account numbers, since it only uses the basic Mod-97 calculation check and some simple pattern checks. No country/bank specific bank account restriction checks are performed.

Jon van Leuven
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • IbanValidator

      public IbanValidator(String name)
      Constructs the validator using a data-source.
      name - The name of the validator type.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      public boolean validate(IValue attrValue, IParameters parameters)
      Description copied from interface: IValidator
      This method will be invoked for each value that should be validated by this validator.
      attrValue - The value that should be validated.
      parameters - The (optional) parameters that can be used during validation.
      Boolean indicating if the value is deemed valid by this validator.