Interface IParameters

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Parameters, TypedParameters

public interface IParameters extends Serializable
Interface to allow objects to expose parameters. The parameter keys are not case sensitive.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    This method will return the value for the specified parameter key.
    This method returns an array containing all the parameter keys that are defined.
    This method will return a boolean indicating if a parameter with the specified key is present.
    This method returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter map is empty (contains no parameters).
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isEmpty Link icon

      boolean isEmpty()
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter map is empty (contains no parameters).
      true when this object hold no parameters, false when one or more parameters are present.
    • hasParameter Link icon

      boolean hasParameter(String key)
      This method will return a boolean indicating if a parameter with the specified key is present. The parameter key is not case sensitive.
      Note: When this method returns true for a specified parameter key, the value of that parameter may still be empty.
      key - String containing the parameter key.
      boolean indicating if the parameter is defined.
    • getParameter Link icon

      String getParameter(String key)
      This method will return the value for the specified parameter key. The returned value may be null when either the parameter key was unknown, or when the value for that parameter key was specifically defined as empty. When a null is returned, the hasParameter method may be used to check if the parameter was present (intended null) or unknown.
      key - The parameter key for which the value is requested.
      The value for the specified parameter key.
    • getParameterKeys Link icon

      String[] getParameterKeys()
      This method returns an array containing all the parameter keys that are defined. When no parameters are present (isEmpty method return true), an empty array will be returned.
      Array containing all parameter keys.