Interface IProcessEngineManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IProcessEngineManager
Interface for the component that is responsible for loading all the process engines.
J. van Leuven, O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getProcessEngine

      IProcessEngine getProcessEngine(IProject project, IProcessModuleDS datasource, IProcessExtensionFactory processExtensionFactory, ITraceEngine traceEngine)
      This method initializes and returns a process engine for a specified application/project.
      project - Project containing various global definitions.
      datasource - Object providing the information needed to initialize a process engine.
      processExtensionFactory - the process extension factory
      traceEngine - the trace engine
      The process engine implementation, may be null.
      UnknownProcessModuleException - This exception is thrown when the module ID is not registered with the manager.
      InitializationException - When the process engine could not be initialized.
    • getProcessEngineSettings

      IProcessEngineSettings getProcessEngineSettings()
      This method returns the process engine settings which will be used by all process engine instances created by this manager.
      the process engine settings
    • getReport

      IInitializationReport getReport(IProject project, IProcessModuleDS datasource, IProcessExtensionFactory processExtensionFactory, ITraceEngine traceEngine)
      This method returns the initialization report of a process engine. If no process engine is defined for the application null will be returned.
      project - The project of the process engine report to return.
      datasource - The datasource for the processModule.
      processExtensionFactory - the factory for process extensions.
      traceEngine - the trace engine.
      The initialization report, may be null.
      UnknownProcessModuleException - This exception is thrown when the module ID is not registered with the manager.
    • resetCache

      void resetCache(ApplicationID id)
      This method may be invoked to reset the process engine cache for a specific application.
      id - The id of the application for which the processEngine should be reset
    • resetCache

      void resetCache()
      Clears the process engine cache.
    • setDomainValuesFactory

      void setDomainValuesFactory(IDomainValuesFactory domainValuesFactory)
      This method can be used to set an optional domain values factory that will be used for all process engines that are available in this manager.

      Note: Some implementations may use lazy loading to initialize the process engines, so setting a domain factory after a process engine is initialized will not effect the already initialized process engines.

      domainValuesFactory - The optional domain factory.