Class ProcessEngineManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProcessEngineManager extends Object implements IProcessEngineManager
Process engine manager implementation that uses a datasource to initialize its process engines.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessEngineManager

      public ProcessEngineManager(IProcessManagerDS datasource, ProcessSettings processSettings, ILicenseProvider licenseProvider, IScheduler scheduler, ILegacyToggles legacyToggles, IProcessEngineFactory processEngineFactory, boolean timerIntervalSet)
      Construct a process engine manager.
      datasource - The datasource containing the process engine definitions.
      processSettings - processEngine settings to use
      licenseProvider - The license provider that is used to check if processes is allowed.
      scheduler - The quartz scheduler used to handle timer nodes inside the process engine
      legacyToggles - Toggles that control legacy behavior
      processEngineFactory - The process engine factory
      timerIntervalSet - whether the timer interval was set to MINUTE or HOUR
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the manager could not be initialized.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the manager could not be initialized.
  • Method Details

    • getProcessEngine

      public IProcessEngine getProcessEngine(IProject project, IProcessModuleDS datasource, IProcessExtensionFactory processExtensionFactory, ITraceEngine traceEngine)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineManager
      This method initializes and returns a process engine for a specified application/project.
      Specified by:
      getProcessEngine in interface IProcessEngineManager
      project - Project containing various global definitions.
      datasource - Object providing the information needed to initialize a process engine.
      processExtensionFactory - the process extension factory
      traceEngine - the trace engine
      The process engine implementation, may be null.
    • getProcessEngineSettings

      public IProcessEngineSettings getProcessEngineSettings()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineManager
      This method returns the process engine settings which will be used by all process engine instances created by this manager.
      Specified by:
      getProcessEngineSettings in interface IProcessEngineManager
      the process engine settings
    • getReport

      public IInitializationReport getReport(IProject project, IProcessModuleDS datasource, IProcessExtensionFactory processExtensionFactory, ITraceEngine traceEngine)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineManager
      This method returns the initialization report of a process engine. If no process engine is defined for the application null will be returned.
      Specified by:
      getReport in interface IProcessEngineManager
      project - The project of the process engine report to return.
      datasource - The datasource for the processModule.
      processExtensionFactory - the factory for process extensions.
      traceEngine - the trace engine.
      The initialization report, may be null.
    • resetCache

      public void resetCache(ApplicationID applicationID)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineManager
      This method may be invoked to reset the process engine cache for a specific application.
      Specified by:
      resetCache in interface IProcessEngineManager
      applicationID - The id of the application for which the processEngine should be reset
    • resetCache

      public void resetCache()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineManager
      Clears the process engine cache.
      Specified by:
      resetCache in interface IProcessEngineManager
    • setDomainValuesFactory

      public void setDomainValuesFactory(IDomainValuesFactory domainValuesFactory)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineManager
      This method can be used to set an optional domain values factory that will be used for all process engines that are available in this manager.

      Note: Some implementations may use lazy loading to initialize the process engines, so setting a domain factory after a process engine is initialized will not effect the already initialized process engines.

      Specified by:
      setDomainValuesFactory in interface IProcessEngineManager
      domainValuesFactory - The optional domain factory.