Interface IProcessEngineFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IProcessEngineFactory
Interface for factories capable of creating process engine instances.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • create

      IProcessEngine create(IProcessExtensionFactory factory, IProcessEngineDS processEngineDataSource, IRuleEngine ruleEngine, IMetaModel model, IProject project, IProcessCaseDao dao, ProcessSettings settings, ILicenseProvider licenseProvider, ITraceEngine traceEngine, IScheduler scheduler, ILegacyToggles legacyToggles)
      This method creates a new process engine using the specified data source.
      factory - The factory used by the processengine.
      processEngineDataSource - The data source providing the flow information.
      ruleEngine - Rule engine containing the various business rules and the expression parser.
      model - The model that should be used for the case data.
      project - The project that contains object definitions.
      dao - The DAO that should be used to persist process information.
      settings - processEngine settings to use
      licenseProvider - The optional license provider that is used to check if process engine construction is allowed.
      traceEngine - The trace engine to use
      scheduler - The scheduler used for controlling jobs.
      legacyToggles - parameter for providing legacy behavior for temporarily support of backwards compatibility.
      Process engine implementation for the specified data source.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the process engine could not be initialized due to a fatal error.