Class ProcessEngineFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProcessEngineFactory extends Object implements IProcessEngineFactory
Factory class which knows how to construct a process engine.
Jon van Leuven
  • Field Details Link icon

    • PROPERTY Link icon

      public static final String PROPERTY
      This define denotes the key that is used to locate a match engine factory implementation.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ProcessEngineFactory Link icon

      public ProcessEngineFactory()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getInstance Link icon

      public static IProcessEngineFactory getInstance()
      Acquires an instance of IProcessEngineFactory. A different implementation can be registered to the ClassFactory by the PROPERTY constant within this class. Note: Once constructed the actual factory is statically cached. therefore once this class is loaded always the same instance is returned.
      The actual factory implementation.
    • setFactory Link icon

      public static void setFactory(IProcessEngineFactory factory)
      Sets a new process engine factory.
      factory - the new process engine factory
    • create Link icon

      public IProcessEngine create(IProcessExtensionFactory factory, IProcessEngineDS processEngineDataSource, IRuleEngine ruleEngine, IMetaModel model, IProject project, IProcessCaseDao dao, ProcessSettings settings, ILicenseProvider licenseProvider, ITraceEngine traceEngine, IScheduler scheduler, ILegacyToggles legacyToggles)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineFactory
      This method creates a new process engine using the specified data source.
      Specified by:
      create in interface IProcessEngineFactory
      factory - The factory used by the processengine.
      processEngineDataSource - The data source providing the flow information.
      ruleEngine - Rule engine containing the various business rules and the expression parser.
      model - The model that should be used for the case data.
      project - The project that contains object definitions.
      dao - The DAO that should be used to persist process information.
      settings - processEngine settings to use
      licenseProvider - The optional license provider that is used to check if process engine construction is allowed.
      traceEngine - The trace engine to use
      scheduler - The scheduler used for controlling jobs.
      legacyToggles - parameter for providing legacy behavior for temporarily support of backwards compatibility.
      Process engine implementation for the specified data source.