Interface IProcessModuleDS

All Known Implementing Classes:
PrefixedModuleDS, XmlProcessModuleDS, XmlProcessModuleDS

public interface IProcessModuleDS
This interface defines all the methods that are needed by the manager to initialize a single process engine (module).
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the case DAO (data access object) that should be used to persist case information for this process engine module.
    This method should return a meta-model datasource implementation for the application this interface represents.
    This method returns the ID of the module.
    This method returns the data source that should be used to initialize the process engine.
    This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the rule engine for the application.
  • Method Details

    • getModuleId

      ModuleID getModuleId()
      This method returns the ID of the module.
      The unique ID of the process module.
    • getMetaModelDS

      IMetaModelDS getMetaModelDS()
      This method should return a meta-model datasource implementation for the application this interface represents. The returned datasource will be used to initialize the meta-model component.
      IMetaModelDS implementation for the application.
    • getRuleEngineDS

      IRuleEngineDS getRuleEngineDS()
      This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the rule engine for the application.
      Rule engine datasource implementation for the current application.
    • getProcessEngineDS

      IProcessEngineDS getProcessEngineDS()
      This method returns the data source that should be used to initialize the process engine. If this application does not define any processes, a null value should be returned. An application that defines processes usually does not contain any other definitions (except the meta model).
      the data source that should be used to initialize the process engine.
    • getCaseDao

      IProcessCaseDao getCaseDao()
      This method returns the case DAO (data access object) that should be used to persist case information for this process engine module.
      The case DAO that should be used for this process module.