All Implemented Interfaces:
INodeDS, IReportingDS
Direct Known Subclasses:
XmlActionNodeDS, XmlEventNodeDS

public class XmlNodeDS extends ReportingDS implements INodeDS
Xml datasource implementation.
Jon van Leuven
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEndNodeExitEvent

      public String getEndNodeExitEvent()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      Returns the exit event for the flow's end node. The exit event is used to link this flow's end to a next edge in a parent flow.
      Specified by:
      getEndNodeExitEvent in interface INodeDS
      The exit event for the end node, will be null when the {INodeDS.getType() is not an end node type.
    • getEndNodeExitState

      public ExitState getEndNodeExitState()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      Returns the exit state for the flow's end node. The exit state is can be used by the flow handler to determine a rollback/commit or exception state.

      A flow has end nodes of one of the following 3 types: ok,cancel,exception.

      Specified by:
      getEndNodeExitState in interface INodeDS
      The exit state for the end node, will be null when the {INodeDS.getType() is not an end node type.
    • getExpression

      public String getExpression()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      When the node is a condition node, the expression should contain a condition expression.
      Specified by:
      getExpression in interface INodeDS
      The condition expression.
    • getTargetId

      public String getTargetId()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      This method should return the ID of the object the node represents. In case of an action node this method will probably return the name of a service, where as a flow node would return the name of the flow.
      Specified by:
      getTargetId in interface INodeDS
    • getType

      public NodeType getType()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      This method should return the type of the node.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface INodeDS
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      This method should return the unique id of the node (unique within the flow).
      Specified by:
      getId in interface INodeDS
      String containing the id of the node.
    • getRepeatExpression

      public String getRepeatExpression()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      When the node is a flow node, the expression may contain a repeat expression.
      Specified by:
      getRepeatExpression in interface INodeDS
      The repeat expression, may be null.
    • getSortAttribute

      public String getSortAttribute()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      This method returns the attribute that should be used to sort the values for the repeat expression. This method is only relevant when a repeat expression has been specified.
      Specified by:
      getSortAttribute in interface INodeDS
      the attribute that should be used to sort the instances on that where returned from the context expression.
    • sortAscending

      public boolean sortAscending()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the repreat values should be sorted in ascending order. This method is only relevant when a repeat expression has been specified.
      Specified by:
      sortAscending in interface INodeDS
      a boolean indicating if the values should be sorted in ascending order.
    • getPrimitiveTargetAttribute

      public String getPrimitiveTargetAttribute()
      Description copied from interface: INodeDS
      This method returns the attribute that should be used to store the current value when repeating over primitive values. This method is only relevant with a repeat expression resulting in primitives has been specified.
      Specified by:
      getPrimitiveTargetAttribute in interface INodeDS
      the attribute that should be used to store the current value of a repeat iteration