Interface INodeDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IActionNodeDS, IEventNodeDS
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExecuteTaskNode, ReportingNodeDS, XmlActionNodeDS, XmlActionNodeDS, XmlEventNodeDS, XmlEventNodeDS, XmlNodeDS, XmlNodeDS

public interface INodeDS extends IReportingDS
This data source provides the basic information for a node in a flow.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the exit event for the flow's end node.
    Returns the exit state for the flow's end node.
    When the node is a condition node, the expression should contain a condition expression.
    This method should return the unique id of the node (unique within the flow).
    This method returns the attribute that should be used to store the current value when repeating over primitive values.
    When the node is a flow node, the expression may contain a repeat expression.
    This method returns the attribute that should be used to sort the values for the repeat expression.
    This method should return the ID of the object the node represents.
    This method should return the type of the node.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the repreat values should be sorted in ascending order.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      This method should return the unique id of the node (unique within the flow).
      String containing the id of the node.
    • getType

      NodeType getType()
      This method should return the type of the node.
    • getTargetId

      String getTargetId()
      This method should return the ID of the object the node represents. In case of an action node this method will probably return the name of a service, where as a flow node would return the name of the flow.
    • getExpression

      String getExpression()
      When the node is a condition node, the expression should contain a condition expression.
      The condition expression.
    • getRepeatExpression

      String getRepeatExpression()
      When the node is a flow node, the expression may contain a repeat expression.
      The repeat expression, may be null.
    • getSortAttribute

      String getSortAttribute()
      This method returns the attribute that should be used to sort the values for the repeat expression. This method is only relevant when a repeat expression has been specified.
      the attribute that should be used to sort the instances on that where returned from the context expression.
    • sortAscending

      boolean sortAscending()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the repreat values should be sorted in ascending order. This method is only relevant when a repeat expression has been specified.
      a boolean indicating if the values should be sorted in ascending order.
    • getPrimitiveTargetAttribute

      String getPrimitiveTargetAttribute()
      This method returns the attribute that should be used to store the current value when repeating over primitive values. This method is only relevant with a repeat expression resulting in primitives has been specified.
      the attribute that should be used to store the current value of a repeat iteration
    • getEndNodeExitState

      ExitState getEndNodeExitState()
      Returns the exit state for the flow's end node. The exit state is can be used by the flow handler to determine a rollback/commit or exception state.

      A flow has end nodes of one of the following 3 types: ok,cancel,exception.

      The exit state for the end node, will be null when the {getType() is not an end node type.
    • getEndNodeExitEvent

      String getEndNodeExitEvent()
      Returns the exit event for the flow's end node. The exit event is used to link this flow's end to a next edge in a parent flow.
      The exit event for the end node, will be null when the {getType() is not an end node type.