Interface IUserData

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnonymousUser, AutomaticUser, UserData

public interface IUserData extends Serializable
This interface defines several properties of the user for which a process action should be performed.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getUserId Link icon

      String getUserId()
      This method returns an ID that uniquely identifies the user. This ID will for instance be used when locking a case to indicate which user performed the lock.
      The unique ID of the user, may not be null.
    • getUserName Link icon

      String getUserName()
      This method returns the name of the user this object represents. The name of the user is mainly used for display purposes. Use the user-ID to uniquely identify the user.
      the name of the user this object represents.
    • getRoles Link icon

      String[] getRoles()
      This method returns an array containing the names of the roles of the user.
      An array containing the names of the roles of the user, can be empty array, but may not be null.
    • getTeams Link icon

      String[] getTeams()
      This method returns an array containing the names of the teams of the user.
      An array containing the names of the teams of the user, can be empty array, but may not be null.
    • getTenant Link icon

      String getTenant()
      This method returns the name of the tenant.
      the name of the tenant.
    • addCustomProperty Link icon

      void addCustomProperty(String key, String value)
      This method puts a key with its value in the custom properties map If the key-value combination already exists an exception will be thrown
      key - The name of the custom property
      value - The value of the custom property
    • getCustomProperty Link icon

      String getCustomProperty(String name)
      This methods returns the value of a key, if available, otherwise returns null
      name - The name of the custom property
      the value of a key
    • hasCustomProperty Link icon

      boolean hasCustomProperty(String name)
      This method returns true if the key is available
      name - The name of the custom property
      true if present, otherwise false
    • getCustomPropertyNames Link icon

      String[] getCustomPropertyNames()
      This method returns a string array containing custom properties names
      the map containing custom properties
    • setHeader Link icon

      void setHeader(String name, List<String> values)
      Stores the values for a header
      name - The name of the header
      values - The values for the header
    • getHeader Link icon

      List<String> getHeader(String name)
      Returns the values of a header
      name - The name of the header
      the values of the header
    • getHeaderNames Link icon

      Set<String> getHeaderNames()
      Returns the names of all stored headers
      list of header names
    • setAuthenticationClaim Link icon

      void setAuthenticationClaim(String name, List<String> values)
      Stores the values for an authentication claim
      name - The name of the authentication claim
      values - The values for the authentication claim
    • getAuthenticationClaim Link icon

      List<String> getAuthenticationClaim(String name)
      Returns the values of an authentication claim
      name - The name of the authentication claim
      the values of the authentication claim
    • getAuthenticationClaimNames Link icon

      Set<String> getAuthenticationClaimNames()
      Returns the names of all stored authentication claims
      set of authentication claim names
    • isAnonymous Link icon

      boolean isAnonymous()
      true if this user represents the anonymous user
    • isAutomatic Link icon

      boolean isAutomatic()
      true if this user represents the automatic user (Runtime Service Account)