
public final class InstanceListParameters extends Object
This class parses the parameters needed for the instance selector plus container.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static InstanceListParameters getInstance(IParameters parameters)
      This method converts the parameters object passed to the container to an instance-selector parameters object.
      parameters - The parameters object that was passed to the container.
      The parameters object for the instance selector.
    • getAddButtons

      public String[] getAddButtons()
      This method returns an array containing the add buttons.
      an array containing the add buttons.
    • getAddButtonEvent

      public String getAddButtonEvent(int buttonIndex)
    • getAddButtonCondition

      public String getAddButtonCondition()
      This method returns the value for the 'add-button-condition' parameter.
      the value for the 'addbuttoncondition' parameter.
    • getHeaderContainer

      public String getHeaderContainer()
      This method returns the name of the container that should be used as header.
      the name of the container that should be used as header.
    • hasHeaderContainer

      public boolean hasHeaderContainer()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the header container has been specified.
      a boolean indicating if the header container has been specified.
    • getNoInstancesContainer

      public String getNoInstancesContainer()
      This method returns the name of the container that should be used when no instances are available.
      the name of the container that should be used when no instances are available.
    • getEntityName

      public String getEntityName()
      This method returns the name of the entity whose instances should be selected.
      the name of the entity whose instances should be selected.
    • getSortExpression

      public String getSortExpression()
      This method returns the expression that should be used to sort the instances on.
      the attribute name that should be used to sort the instances on.
    • getSortOrder

      public int getSortOrder()
      This method returns an integer indicating the sort order.
      an integer indicating the sort order.
    • getFilterExpression

      public String getFilterExpression()
      This method returns an expression that should be used to check if an instance should be included in the list.
      an expression that should be used to check if an instance should be included in the list.
    • isInstanceActionNowForSave

      public boolean isInstanceActionNowForSave()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the save action should directly update the instance.
      a boolean indicating if the save action should directly update the instance.
    • getReferrerPath

      public String getReferrerPath()
      This method returns the relation attribute that was used to refer to the container.
      the relation attribute that was used to refer to the container.
    • isSortUnknownAsLast

      public boolean isSortUnknownAsLast()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the the instances with a sort key that result in unknown must be sorted at the end of the instance list.
      a boolean indicating if unknowns must be sorted at the end of the instance list.
    • getPagingSize

      public IntegerValue getPagingSize()
      An integer value to indicate the desired amount of items on a single page.
      integer value to set the paging size (can be null).