Interface IGlobalParameterValue

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public interface IGlobalParameterValue extends Serializable
The (potentially evaluated) value of a global parameter.
Petru Galanton
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The name of the parameter whose value is represented by this object.
    The type of the parameter whose value is represented by this object.
    If the parameter is of type primitive, this method returns the data type of the value.
    If the parameter is of type text, this method returns the content item containing the text.
    If the parameter is of type primitive, this method returns the value resulted from evaluating the value expression.
  • Method Details

    • getParameterName

      String getParameterName()
      The name of the parameter whose value is represented by this object.
      the parameter name, never null.
    • getParameterType

      GlobalParameterType getParameterType()
      The type of the parameter whose value is represented by this object.
      the parameter type, never null.
    • getPrimitiveType

      DataType getPrimitiveType()
      If the parameter is of type primitive, this method returns the data type of the value. If the parameter is of type text, this method returns null.
      the data type of this value, or null.
    • getValue

      IValue getValue()
      If the parameter is of type primitive, this method returns the value resulted from evaluating the value expression. Otherwise, this method returns null.
      the primitive value, or null.
    • getText

      IContentItem getText()
      If the parameter is of type text, this method returns the content item containing the text. Otherwise, this method returns null.
      the content item containing the text value or null.