All Implemented Interfaces:
IAuditMessage, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DocumentAuditMessage, MailAuditMessage, TaskExecutionAuditMessage, WebServiceAuditMessage

public class AuditMessage extends Object implements IAuditMessage
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEventType

      public String getEventType()
      Description copied from interface: IAuditMessage
      Returns the event type for which the audit message was registered, e.g. Create, Read, Update, Delete, Search. The implementer of this interface can define their own event types or use existing ones already defined on: AuditMessage.EventType
      Specified by:
      getEventType in interface IAuditMessage
      The event type, cannot be null.
    • setEventType

      public void setEventType(String eventType)
    • getCaseId

      public String getCaseId()
      Description copied from interface: IAuditMessage
      Returns the id of the case in which the audit message occurs, when the message was not created in a case context the case id can be null. The implementer of this interface is supposed to get the case id from the profile and set it on their implementation of this interface.
      Specified by:
      getCaseId in interface IAuditMessage
      The case id, can be null.
    • setCaseId

      public void setCaseId(String caseId)
    • getTaskName

      public String getTaskName()
      Description copied from interface: IAuditMessage
      Returns the task name in which the audit message occurs, when the message was not created in a task context the task name can be null. The implementer of this interface is supposed to get the task name from the profile and set it on their implementation of this interface.
      Specified by:
      getTaskName in interface IAuditMessage
      The task name, can be null.
    • setTaskName

      public void setTaskName(String taskName)
    • getTaskId

      public Long getTaskId()
      Description copied from interface: IAuditMessage
      Returns the id of the task in which the audit message occurs, when the message was not created in a case context the task id can be null. The implementer of this interface is supposed to get the task id from the profile and set it on their implementation of this interface.
      Specified by:
      getTaskId in interface IAuditMessage
      The task id, can be null.
    • setTaskId

      public void setTaskId(Long taskId)
    • getSourceType

      public String getSourceType()
      Description copied from interface: IAuditMessage
      Returns the source type for which the audit message was registered, e.g. Rest_Service_Call, DCM_TaskList. The source type can be anything the implementer wishes to be.
      Specified by:
      getSourceType in interface IAuditMessage
      The source type, cannot be null.
    • setSourceType

      public void setSourceType(String sourceType)
    • getSourceId

      public String getSourceId()
      Description copied from interface: IAuditMessage
      Returns the source id which can be used to identify the source with, e.g. name of the used webservice.
      Specified by:
      getSourceId in interface IAuditMessage
      The source id, cannot be null.
    • setSourceId

      public void setSourceId(String sourceId)
    • getContext

      public Map<String,String> getContext()
      Description copied from interface: IAuditMessage
      Returns context for this audit message, e.g. properties, parameters, response code, web service URL, aggregate version, etc. Any arbitrary string key on string value can be set here as extra context data.
      Specified by:
      getContext in interface IAuditMessage
      The context, can be null.
    • setContext

      public void setContext(Map<String,String> context)
    • addContext

      public void addContext(String key, String value)
    • addQuotesToValues

      public Set<String> addQuotesToValues(Set<String> auditValues)