Class DocumentAuditMessage

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAuditMessage, Serializable

public final class DocumentAuditMessage extends AuditMessage
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • forDownload

      public static DocumentAuditMessage forDownload(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String connectionName, String fileId, boolean authorized)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_File_Download container is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_File_Download.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. DownloadCaseDocument.
      connectionName - Name of the used connection.
      fileId - ID of the file.
      authorized - download was authorized.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forUpload

      public static DocumentAuditMessage forUpload(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String caseId, String connectionName, List<String> fileIds, boolean uploadAuthorized, boolean uploadSuccessful)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_File_Upload container is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_File_Upload.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. UploadCaseDocument.
      caseId - ID of the case.
      connectionName - Name of the used connection.
      fileIds - Ids of the uploaded files.
      uploadAuthorized - upload was authorized.
      uploadSuccessful - upload was successful.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forMetaDataUpdate

      public static DocumentAuditMessage forMetaDataUpdate(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String caseId, String connectionName, String fileId, boolean unauthorized)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_File_UpdateMetaData service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_File_UpdateMetaData.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. updateDocumentMetadata.
      caseId - ID of the case.
      connectionName - Name of the used connection.
      fileId - ID of the file.
      unauthorized - updating metadata was authorized.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forMetaDataRead

      public static DocumentAuditMessage forMetaDataRead(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String caseId, String connectionName, String fileId, boolean unauthorized)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_File_GetMetaData service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_File_GetMetaData.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. getDocumentMetadata.
      caseId - ID of the case.
      connectionName - Name of the used connection.
      fileId - ID of the file.
      unauthorized - reading metadata was authorized.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forDelete

      public static DocumentAuditMessage forDelete(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String caseId, String connectionName, String fileId, boolean unauthorized)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_File_Delete service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_File_Delete.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. deleteDocument.
      caseId - ID of the case.
      connectionName - Name of the used connection.
      fileId - ID of the file.
      unauthorized - deletion was authorized.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forMove

      public static DocumentAuditMessage forMove(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String caseId, String connectionName, String newConnectionName, String fileId, String newFileId, boolean unauthorized)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_File_Move service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_File_Move.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. moveDocument.
      caseId - ID of the case.
      connectionName - Name of the used connection.
      newConnectionName - Name of the connection where the file is moved to.
      fileId - ID of the file.
      newFileId - ID of the moved file.
      unauthorized - deletion was authorized.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forGenerate

      public static IAuditMessage forGenerate(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String caseId, String connectionName, String fileId)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_Document_Generate service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_Document_Generate.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. generateDocument.
      caseId - ID of the case.
      connectionName - Name of the used connection.
      fileId - ID of the file.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forRenderer

      public static IAuditMessage forRenderer(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String fileName)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the AQ_Document_Renderer service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_Document_Renderer.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. renderDocument.
      fileName - Name of the rendered File.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.
    • forDownloadRender

      public static IAuditMessage forDownloadRender(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceId, String fileName)
      This method returns a new DocumentAuditMessage when the DocumentService renderDocument service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. page, document.
      fileName - Name of the rendered File.
      DocumentAuditMessage object which contains all the information for audit logging.