Class WebServiceAuditMessage

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAuditMessage, Serializable

public final class WebServiceAuditMessage extends AuditMessage
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • forRestCall

      public static WebServiceAuditMessage forRestCall(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, HttpMethodType httpMethod, String serviceName, String operationName, String statusCode)
      This method returns a new WebServiceAuditMessage when the AQ_RestServiceClient service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_RestServiceClient.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. getPersonService.
      httpMethod - Http method of the rest service call.
      serviceName - Name of the service which is used.
      operationName - Name of the operation which is called.
      statusCode - Status code of the rest service call.
      WebServiceAuditMessage object which contains all the information for auditlogging.
    • forSoapCall

      public static WebServiceAuditMessage forSoapCall(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceType, String sourceId, String serviceName, String operationName, String faultCode)
      This method returns a new WebServiceAuditMessage when the AQ_SoapServiceClient service is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceType - SourceType, e.g. AQ_RestServiceClient.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. getPersonService.
      serviceName - Name of the service which is used.
      operationName - Name of the operation which is called.
      faultCode - Fault code of the failed soap service call.
      WebServiceAuditMessage object which contains all the information for auditlogging.
    • forSoapService

      public static IAuditMessage forSoapService(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceId, String operationName, String statusCode)
      This method returns a new WebServiceAuditMessage when a BAAS is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. getPersonService.
      operationName - Name of the operation which is called.
      statusCode - Status code of the failed BAAS.
      WebServiceAuditMessage object which contains all the information for auditlogging.
    • forRestService

      public static IAuditMessage forRestService(DcmAuditProperties dcmAuditProperties, String sourceId, String operationName, String statusCode)
      This method returns a new WebServiceAuditMessage when a BAARS is called.
      dcmAuditProperties - Dcm Audit properties which contains caseid, taskid, taskname and processname.
      sourceId - SourceId. e.g. getPersonService.
      operationName - Name of the operation which is called.
      statusCode - Status code of the failed BAARS.
      WebServiceAuditMessage object which contains all the information for auditlogging.