Interface IRuleVisitor

All Known Subinterfaces:
IConstraintVisitor, ISourceVisitor, IValidationVisitor
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConstraintDelegateVisitor, ConstraintVisitor, InferenceRuleVisitor, ReportingConstraintVisitor, ReportingSourceVisitor, ReportingValidationVisitor, RuleDelegateVisitor, RuleVisitor, SourceDelegateVisitor, ValidationDelegateVisitor, ValidationRuleVisitor, ValidationVisitor

public interface IRuleVisitor
Base interface for visitors that can be used to add business rules. This interface exposes a few methods that the data layer may use to create the business rules that should be added to the rule engine.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the meta model of the rule engine.
    This method returns the expression parser of the rule engine which may be used to parse expressions and dynamic texts.
  • Method Details

    • getMetaModel

      IMetaModel getMetaModel()
      This method returns the meta model of the rule engine.
      the meta model of the rule engine.
    • getParser

      IParserFactory getParser()
      This method returns the expression parser of the rule engine which may be used to parse expressions and dynamic texts.
      the expression parser of the rule engine.