Class ConstraintDelegateVisitor

All Implemented Interfaces:
IConstraintVisitor, IRuleVisitor

public class ConstraintDelegateVisitor extends RuleDelegateVisitor implements IConstraintVisitor
Delegate datasource for easy datasource extension. All method calls are delegated to the delegate visitor without adding any functionality.
Jon van Leuven
  • Constructor Details

    • ConstraintDelegateVisitor

      public ConstraintDelegateVisitor(IConstraintVisitor visitor)
  • Method Details

    • addConstraint

      public void addConstraint(IConstraint constraint)
      Description copied from interface: IConstraintVisitor
      The data layer implementation should invoke this addConstraint method for each constraint that should be added to the rule engine.
      Specified by:
      addConstraint in interface IConstraintVisitor
      constraint - The constraint that should be added to the rule engine.
    • addExternalConstraint

      public void addExternalConstraint(IExternalRuleDS ruleDS)
      Description copied from interface: IConstraintVisitor
      The data layer may invoke this method to add an external constraint rule. The rule factory will be used to locate the implementation for the constraint.
      Specified by:
      addExternalConstraint in interface IConstraintVisitor
      ruleDS - Data source providing information about the external constraint rule.
    • addTable

      public void addTable(String targetAttribute, IDecisionTableDS tableDS)
      Description copied from interface: IConstraintVisitor
      This method can be used to add a decision table to a specific attribute as constraint. The decision table should evaluate to a set of values that are valid for the attribute.
      Specified by:
      addTable in interface IConstraintVisitor
      targetAttribute - The attribute for which the decision table applies.
      tableDS - Data source containing the definition of the decision table.