Interface ITreeResponse

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ITreeResponse
Interface for the result object from a tree evaluation.
F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This function returns all the answers which where given by the user and system inferenced answers This function is the union of implicit and explicit answers.
    This function returns the answers which are a direct reference to the value of the question which was specified within the decisiontree-question node.
    This function returns the answers which were given by the user due to an inference rule firing.
    This function returns the list of questions which need to be answered for the next round of decision tree run.
    This function returns the solutions which where given by the tree evaluation.
  • Method Details

    • getQuestions

      ValueReference[] getQuestions()
      This function returns the list of questions which need to be answered for the next round of decision tree run.
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getExplicitAnswers

      ValueReference[] getExplicitAnswers()
      This function returns the answers which are a direct reference to the value of the question which was specified within the decisiontree-question node.
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getImplicitAnswers

      ValueReference[] getImplicitAnswers()
      This function returns the answers which were given by the user due to an inference rule firing.
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getAllAnswers

      ValueReference[] getAllAnswers()
      This function returns all the answers which where given by the user and system inferenced answers This function is the union of implicit and explicit answers.
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getSolutions

      ISolution[] getSolutions()
      This function returns the solutions which where given by the tree evaluation.
      An array of solution objects which can be zero-length but never null.