Class TreeResponse

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeResponse extends Object implements ITreeResponse
This class holds the response of a decision tree evaluation.
F. van der Meer
  • Constructor Details

    • TreeResponse

      public TreeResponse()
  • Method Details

    • addQuestion

      protected void addQuestion(ValueReference question)
    • addsolution

      protected void addsolution(ISolution solution)
    • registerAnsweredQuestion

      protected void registerAnsweredQuestion(ValueReference answer, boolean isExplicit)
    • getQuestions

      public ValueReference[] getQuestions()
      Description copied from interface: ITreeResponse
      This function returns the list of questions which need to be answered for the next round of decision tree run.
      Specified by:
      getQuestions in interface ITreeResponse
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getSolutions

      public ISolution[] getSolutions()
      Description copied from interface: ITreeResponse
      This function returns the solutions which where given by the tree evaluation.
      Specified by:
      getSolutions in interface ITreeResponse
      An array of solution objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getAllAnswers

      public ValueReference[] getAllAnswers()
      Description copied from interface: ITreeResponse
      This function returns all the answers which where given by the user and system inferenced answers This function is the union of implicit and explicit answers.
      Specified by:
      getAllAnswers in interface ITreeResponse
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getExplicitAnswers

      public ValueReference[] getExplicitAnswers()
      Description copied from interface: ITreeResponse
      This function returns the answers which are a direct reference to the value of the question which was specified within the decisiontree-question node.
      Specified by:
      getExplicitAnswers in interface ITreeResponse
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.
    • getImplicitAnswers

      public ValueReference[] getImplicitAnswers()
      Description copied from interface: ITreeResponse
      This function returns the answers which were given by the user due to an inference rule firing.
      Specified by:
      getImplicitAnswers in interface ITreeResponse
      An array of ValueReference objects which can be zero-length but never null.