Class DetailMatchVisitor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DetailMatchVisitor extends Object implements IMatchVisitor
This class is used during a detail match to gather scoring information.
O. Kerpershoek,
  • Constructor Details

    • DetailMatchVisitor

      protected DetailMatchVisitor(MatchEngine matchEngine)
  • Method Details

    • getDetailMatchResult

      protected IDetailMatchResult getDetailMatchResult()
    • onCaseMatch

      public void onCaseMatch(String instanceId, String caseId)
      Description copied from interface: IMatchVisitor
      This method will be invoked when a case is about to be matched.
      Specified by:
      onCaseMatch in interface IMatchVisitor
      instanceId - The ID of the instance that is to be matched.
      caseId - The ID of the case that is to be matched.
    • onCaseMatchComplete

      public void onCaseMatchComplete(String instanceId, int score)
      Description copied from interface: IMatchVisitor
      This method will be invoked when a case match is complete, and the score of the case is available.
      Specified by:
      onCaseMatchComplete in interface IMatchVisitor
      instanceId - The ID of the instance that was matched.
      score - The score of the case.
    • onAttributeMatch

      public void onAttributeMatch(String attributeName, IMatchFunction function, int weight, int score)
      Description copied from interface: IMatchVisitor
      This method will be invoked when a single attribute has been matched.
      Specified by:
      onAttributeMatch in interface IMatchVisitor
      attributeName - The name of the attribute that was matched.
      function - The match function that was used to calculate the score.
      weight - The weight of the attribute.
      score - The score for the attribute.
    • onBeginAttributeMatch

      public void onBeginAttributeMatch(String attributeName)
      Description copied from interface: IMatchVisitor
      This method will be invoked when a single attribute is about to be matched.
      Specified by:
      onBeginAttributeMatch in interface IMatchVisitor
      attributeName - The name of the attribute that will be matched.
    • setDetailScore

      public void setDetailScore(IMatchValue demand, IMatchValue supply, int score)
      Description copied from interface: IMatchVisitor
      This method will be invoked for each possible combination of demand and supply values during a multi value match.
      Specified by:
      setDetailScore in interface IMatchVisitor
      demand - IMatchValue object containing the demand value of the combination.
      supply - IMatchValue object containing the supply value of the combination.
      score - int containing the score of this combination of demand and supply values.