Interface IMatchVisitor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IMatchVisitor
Interface for objects that wish to be notified of the various match events.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onAttributeMatch(String attributeName, IMatchFunction function, int weight, int score)
    This method will be invoked when a single attribute has been matched.
    This method will be invoked when a single attribute is about to be matched.
    onCaseMatch(String instanceId, String caseId)
    This method will be invoked when a case is about to be matched.
    onCaseMatchComplete(String instanceId, int score)
    This method will be invoked when a case match is complete, and the score of the case is available.
    setDetailScore(IMatchValue demand, IMatchValue supply, int score)
    This method will be invoked for each possible combination of demand and supply values during a multi value match.
  • Method Details

    • onCaseMatch

      void onCaseMatch(String instanceId, String caseId)
      This method will be invoked when a case is about to be matched.
      instanceId - The ID of the instance that is to be matched.
      caseId - The ID of the case that is to be matched.
    • onCaseMatchComplete

      void onCaseMatchComplete(String instanceId, int score)
      This method will be invoked when a case match is complete, and the score of the case is available.
      instanceId - The ID of the instance that was matched.
      score - The score of the case.
    • onAttributeMatch

      void onAttributeMatch(String attributeName, IMatchFunction function, int weight, int score)
      This method will be invoked when a single attribute has been matched.
      attributeName - The name of the attribute that was matched.
      function - The match function that was used to calculate the score.
      weight - The weight of the attribute.
      score - The score for the attribute.
    • onBeginAttributeMatch

      void onBeginAttributeMatch(String attributeName)
      This method will be invoked when a single attribute is about to be matched.
      attributeName - The name of the attribute that will be matched.
    • setDetailScore

      void setDetailScore(IMatchValue demand, IMatchValue supply, int score)
      This method will be invoked for each possible combination of demand and supply values during a multi value match.
      demand - IMatchValue object containing the demand value of the combination.
      supply - IMatchValue object containing the supply value of the combination.
      score - int containing the score of this combination of demand and supply values.