Interface IIgnoreModeSettings

All Known Subinterfaces:
IProcessEngineSettings, IProcessListSettings
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultIgnoreModeSettings, DefaultProcessEngineSettings, DefaultProcessListSettings

public interface IIgnoreModeSettings
Settings for configuring which parts of an application ID is ignored in the process engine, case lists and work lists.
Petru Galanton
  • Method Details

    • getIgnoreMode

      IgnoreMode getIgnoreMode(ApplicationID appId)
      Returns the ignore mode for process cases and process lists. If not configured, IgnoreMode.DEFAULT is returned. The behaviour for the default setting depends on the implementation.
      appId - the application ID for which the ignore mode is desired
      the ignore mode for the specified application
    • getIgnoreMode

      IgnoreMode getIgnoreMode(String applicationName)
      Returns the ignore mode for process cases and process lists. If not configured, IgnoreMode.DEFAULT is returned. The behaviour for the default setting depends on the implementation.
      applicationName - the application name for which the ignore mode is desired
      the ignore mode for the specified application