Class DefaultProcessEngineSettings

All Implemented Interfaces:
IIgnoreModeSettings, IProcessEngineSettings

public class DefaultProcessEngineSettings extends Object implements IProcessEngineSettings
Class that provides a backwards compatible implementation of IProcessEngineSettings
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultProcessEngineSettings

      public DefaultProcessEngineSettings()
  • Method Details

    • cancelStartedTasks

      public boolean cancelStartedTasks()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineSettings
      If true, all started tasks will be cancelled during the process engine initialization
      Specified by:
      cancelStartedTasks in interface IProcessEngineSettings
      whether all started tasks will be cancelled
    • shouldRetainRequiredTasks

      public boolean shouldRetainRequiredTasks()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineSettings
      Indicates whether required tasks should be cancelled when their precondition evaluates becomes false.
      Specified by:
      shouldRetainRequiredTasks in interface IProcessEngineSettings
      true if required tasks should be cancelled once the precondition becomes false, false otherwise
    • getWorkListLimit

      public Integer getWorkListLimit()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineSettings
      Returns the limit on the number of results that will be retrieved from the database for the AQ_WorkList
      Specified by:
      getWorkListLimit in interface IProcessEngineSettings
      The limit, may be null
    • getCaseListLimit

      public Integer getCaseListLimit()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineSettings
      Returns the limit on the number of results that will be retrieved from the database for the AQ_CaseList
      Specified by:
      getCaseListLimit in interface IProcessEngineSettings
      The limit, may be null
    • getIgnoreMode

      public IgnoreMode getIgnoreMode(ApplicationID appId)
      Always returns IgnoreMode.DEFAULT. This implementation doesn't assign any specific behaviour for the default setting.
      Specified by:
      getIgnoreMode in interface IIgnoreModeSettings
      appId - the application ID for which the ignore mode is desired
      the ignore mode for the specified application
    • getIgnoreMode

      public IgnoreMode getIgnoreMode(String applicationName)
      Always returns IgnoreMode.DEFAULT. This implementation doesn't assign any specific behaviour for the default setting.
      Specified by:
      getIgnoreMode in interface IIgnoreModeSettings
      applicationName - the application name for which the ignore mode is desired
      the ignore mode for the specified application
    • ignoreUnknownAttributes

      public boolean ignoreUnknownAttributes(String applicationName)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineSettings
      Returns whether attributes which are saved in the process data store and do not exist in the metamodel should be ignored.
      Specified by:
      ignoreUnknownAttributes in interface IProcessEngineSettings
      applicationName - the name of the application for which the setting is requested
      true if unknown attributes should be ignored, false otherwise.
    • ignoreUnknownEntities

      public boolean ignoreUnknownEntities(String applicationName)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessEngineSettings
      Returns whether entities which are saved in the process data store and do not exist in the metamodel should be ignored.
      Specified by:
      ignoreUnknownEntities in interface IProcessEngineSettings
      applicationName - the name of the application for which the setting is requested
      true if unknown entities should be ignored, false otherwise.