Class IgnoreMode

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class IgnoreMode extends Object implements Serializable
Represents the process case application id ignore mode.

Normally, cases and tasks created in an application cannot be used in another application or in another version of the same application. Depending on this setting, the version or the entire application id of a case may be ignored so they may be used in different applications or different application versions,

To be used with caution and only when it is certain that the case model in two different applications or application versions are compatible.

Petru Galanton
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final IgnoreMode DEFAULT
      The default ignore mode (when no configuration is set). For global ignore mode, the default ignore mode is interpreted as "nothing is ignored". For application ignore mode, the default is interpreted as a "fallback to the global setting".
    • NONE

      public static final IgnoreMode NONE
      When this setting is used, nothing is ignored (default behaviour prior to 9.6).

      public static final IgnoreMode PROJECT
      When this setting is used, the application name is ignored, making it possible to access cases created by other projects in the same version (branch).

      public static final IgnoreMode VERSION
      When this setting is used, the application version is ignored, making it possible to access cases created in an older version of an application from a newer version of the same application.
    • ALL

      public static final IgnoreMode ALL
      When this setting is used, the entire application ID is ignored, making it possible to access cases created in an application from a completely different application.
  • Method Details

    • valueOf

      public static IgnoreMode valueOf(String name)
      Returns the IgnoreMode corresponding to the given name.
      name - the ignore mode name
      the corresponding IgnoreMode instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if no ignore mode exists for the given name
    • values

      public static IgnoreMode[] values()
      all possible ignore modes
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this ignore mode. This name may be used in configuration files.
      the name of this ignore mode
    • isNameIgnored

      public boolean isNameIgnored()
      Indicates whether with this ignore mode the application name is ignored.
      true if the application name is ignored, false otherwise
    • isVersionIgnored

      public boolean isVersionIgnored()
      Indicates wheter with this ignore mode the application version is ignored.
      true if the application version is ignored, false otherwise
    • apply

      public PropertyFilter apply(ApplicationID appId)
      Returns a PropertyFilter suitable to filter cases and tasks by application id using this ignore mode.
      appId - the application id for which a property filter should be created
      the property filter or null if this ignore mode requires no filtering on application id
    • apply

      public IPropertyFilter apply(ApplicationID appId, IPropertyFilter filter)
    • apply

      public void apply(ApplicationID appId, TaskViewCriteria criteria)
    • apply

      public void apply(ApplicationID appId, CaseViewCriteria criteria)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object