Class TaskViewCriteria


public class TaskViewCriteria extends Object
Encapsulates the criteria for querying task views. Criteria include:
  • what data to include in the returned views (projection)
  • what filtering to do (selection)
  • how to sort the results (ordering)
  • whether to apply pagination, which page to retrieve and how big a page should be (pagination)
Petru Galanton
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_PAGING_SIZE
      The default paging size if not otherwise specified.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TaskViewCriteria

      public TaskViewCriteria()
      Creates a TaskViewCriteria which does not take into account ignore mode settings. Equivalent to TaskViewCriteria(null)
    • TaskViewCriteria

      public TaskViewCriteria(IIgnoreModeSettings ignoreModeSettings)
      Creates a TaskViewCriteria with the specified ignore mode settings, no limit, total counting enabled, paging size of 5 and record start 0.
      ignoreModeSettings - the ignore mode settings which control the application ID filter
    • TaskViewCriteria

      public TaskViewCriteria(IIgnoreModeSettings ignoreModeSettings, int pagingSize, int recordStart, boolean countTotal)
    • TaskViewCriteria

      public TaskViewCriteria(IIgnoreModeSettings ignoreModeSettings, int pagingSize, int recordStart, boolean countTotal, int limit)
      Creates a TaskViewCriteria.
      ignoreModeSettings - the ignore mode settings which control the Application ID filter
      pagingSize - the paging size
      recordStart - the record to start
      countTotal - whether counting total results is requested
      limit - the applicable limit (values <= 0 indicate no limit)
  • Method Details

    • getPagingSize

      public int getPagingSize()
    • setPagingSize

      public TaskViewCriteria setPagingSize(int pagingSize)
    • getRecordStart

      public int getRecordStart()
    • setRecordStart

      public TaskViewCriteria setRecordStart(int start)
    • hasLimit

      public boolean hasLimit()
    • getLimit

      public int getLimit()
    • setLimit

      public TaskViewCriteria setLimit(int limit)
    • addFilter

      public TaskViewCriteria addFilter(IViewFilter filter)
    • getFilters

      public IViewFilter[] getFilters()
    • setApplicationId

      public TaskViewCriteria setApplicationId(ApplicationID appId)
    • getIgnoreMode

      public IgnoreMode getIgnoreMode()
      Returns the effective Application ID ignore mode, based on what Application ID has been set and the ignore mode settings.
      the current effective ignore mode
    • isRestrictedUsersEnabled

      public boolean isRestrictedUsersEnabled()
      Indicates whether checking for restricted users is enabled in this criteria.
      true if checking for restricted users is enabled, false otherwise.
    • setRestrictedUsersEnabled

      public TaskViewCriteria setRestrictedUsersEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets whether the checking for restricted users is enabled. Checking for restriced users is enabled by default.

      When checking for restriced users is enabled, tasks which are restricted by an authorization algorithm's 2-man rule will not be returned in the results.

      enabled - whether to enable checking for restriced users
      this criteria
    • addTaskProperty

      public TaskViewCriteria addTaskProperty(TaskProperty taskProperty)
    • getTaskProperties

      public TaskProperty[] getTaskProperties()
    • hasTaskProperty

      public boolean hasTaskProperty(TaskProperty taskProperty)
    • addCustomField

      public TaskViewCriteria addCustomField(String customField)
    • getCustomFields

      public String[] getCustomFields()
    • addAttribute

      public TaskViewCriteria addAttribute(TypedAttributeReference attribute)
    • getAttributes

      public TypedAttributeReference[] getAttributes()
    • addOrder

      public TaskViewCriteria addOrder(ProcessViewOrder order)
    • getOrder

      public ProcessViewOrder[] getOrder()
    • getUser

      public IUserData getUser()
    • setUser

      public TaskViewCriteria setUser(IUserData user)
    • hasUserFilters

      public boolean hasUserFilters()
      Indicates whether this criteria contains a user-set filter.
      true if a user-set filter is present in this criteria, false otherwise.
    • isTotalRequested

      public boolean isTotalRequested()
    • setTotalRequested

      public TaskViewCriteria setTotalRequested(boolean countTotal)
    • getLanguage

      public ILanguage getLanguage()
      Returns the current language.
      The language, may be null.
    • setLanguage

      public TaskViewCriteria setLanguage(ILanguage language)
    • hasLanguage

      public boolean hasLanguage()