Class CaseViewCriteria


public class CaseViewCriteria extends Object
Encapsulates the criteria for querying case views. Criteria include:
  • what data to include in the returned views (projection)
  • what filtering to do (selection)
  • how to sort the results (ordering)
  • whether to apply pagination, which page to retrieve and how big a page should be (pagination)
Petru Galanton
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_PAGING_SIZE
      The default paging size if not otherwise specified.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CaseViewCriteria

      public CaseViewCriteria()
      Creates a CaseViewCriteria which does not take into account ignore mode settings.
    • CaseViewCriteria

      public CaseViewCriteria(IIgnoreModeSettings ignoreModeSettings)
      Creates a CaseViewCriteria with the specified ignore mode settings, no limit, total counting enabled, paging size of 5 and record start 0.
      ignoreModeSettings - the ignore mode settings which control the application ID filter
    • CaseViewCriteria

      public CaseViewCriteria(IIgnoreModeSettings ignoreModeSettings, int pagingSize, int recordStart, boolean countTotal)
    • CaseViewCriteria

      public CaseViewCriteria(IIgnoreModeSettings ignoreModeSettings, int pagingSize, int recordStart, boolean countTotal, int limit)
      Creates a CaseViewCriteria.
      ignoreModeSettings - the ignore mode settings which control the Application ID filter
      pagingSize - the paging size
      recordStart - the record to start at
      countTotal - whether counting total results is requested
      limit - the applicable limit (values <= 0 indicate no limit)
  • Method Details