Interface IPortalSessionListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
PortalEventBus, PortalSessionListenerAdapter, ProcessEnabledSession.PortalEventBusBridge, ProcessEnabledSession.TaskPortalEventBusBridge

public interface IPortalSessionListener
Listener for PortalSession which is responsible for delegating events from PortalSession.

WARNING: in order to work correctly in clustered environments, implementations should not hold references to sessions.

T.Middeldorp, Petru Galanton
  • Method Details

    • created

      void created(IPortalSession session)
      Event handler for the session created.
      session - the session for which the event occurred
    • beforeFlowStarted

      void beforeFlowStarted(IPortalSession session, String flowName)
      Event handler for the before flow started event.
      session - the session in which the event occurred
      flowName - The name of the flow.
    • flowStarted

      void flowStarted(IPortalSession session, String flowName)
      Event handler for the flow started event.
      session - the session in which the event occurred
      flowName - The name of the flow.
    • pageChanged

      void pageChanged(IPortalSession session, IPage previous, IPage current)
      Event handler for the page changed event.
      session - the session in which the event occurred
      previous - The before page, may be null.
      current - The new page, may be null.
    • flowEnded

      void flowEnded(IPortalSession session, ExitState exitState, ExitEvent exitEvent)
      Event handler for the flow ended event.
      session - the session in which the event occurred
      exitState - State of the flow ended event.
      exitEvent - The exit event
    • projectChanged

      void projectChanged(IPortalSession session, IProjectChange projectChange)
      Event handler for the project changed event. This event is fired when a new project was started (e.g. via the AQ_StartProject service call).
      session - the session in which the event occurred
      projectChange - details about the newly started project.
    • portalChange

      void portalChange(IPortalChange portalChange)
      Event handler for the portal change event. This event is fired when a new portal change was created.
      portalChange - details about the requested portal change
    • taskChanged

      void taskChanged(IPortalSession session, String status, long taskId, long caseId)
      Event handler for the task changed event. This event is fired when the status of a task changes.
      session - the session in which the event occurred
      status - the new status of the task
      taskId - the id of the task in the DAO
      caseId - the id of the case in the DAO
    • beforeClose

      void beforeClose(IPortalSession session)
      Event handler before closing the session.
      session - the session in which the event occurred
    • closed

      void closed(IPortalSession session)
      Event handler for the session closed.
      session - the session in which the event occurred
    • activated

      void activated(IPortalSession session)
      Event handler for when the session is activated.
      session - the session for which the event occurred
    • passivated

      void passivated(IPortalSession session)
      Event handler for when the session is passivated.
      session - the session for which the event occurred