Class FlowContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
IInstanceContext, Serializable

public class FlowContext extends Object implements IInstanceContext
This class holds the transactional data for a flow. The most important task of this class is to keep track of all the instances that were activated during the flow.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FlowContext

      public FlowContext(IInstanceContext parent, String flowName)
      Constructs the flow context with the specified parent context and flow name.
      parent - The parent context
      flowName - The name of the flow the context is created for.
  • Method Details

    • getParentContext

      public IInstanceContext getParentContext()
      Description copied from interface: IInstanceContext
      This method returns the parent context of this context. The parent context is available when nested contexts are used. For instance when the flow context will have a page context as parent.
      Specified by:
      getParentContext in interface IInstanceContext
      the parent context of this context.
    • getInstanceStack

      public InstanceStack getInstanceStack()
      This method returns the instance stack containing the instances that were activated in the flow.
      the instance stack containing the instances that were activated in the flow.
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: IInstanceContext
      This method returns a unique ID for the instance context. This ID can for instance the the name of the page of the flow the context belongs to.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface IInstanceContext
      a unique ID for the instance context.
    • getActiveInstance

      public IEntityInstance getActiveInstance(String entityName)
      Description copied from interface: IInstanceContext
      This method returns the active instance for the specified entity type.
      Specified by:
      getActiveInstance in interface IInstanceContext
      entityName - The entity type for which the active instance is requested.
      The active instance for the specified entity type.
    • pushActiveInstance

      public void pushActiveInstance(IEntityInstance instance)
      Description copied from interface: IInstanceContext
      This method will activate the specified instance within this context.
      Specified by:
      pushActiveInstance in interface IInstanceContext
      instance - The instance that should be made active.
    • popActiveInstance

      public IEntityInstance popActiveInstance()
      Description copied from interface: IInstanceContext
      This method will de-activate the last activated instance.
      Specified by:
      popActiveInstance in interface IInstanceContext
      The instance that was de-actived.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • updateInstances

      protected void updateInstances(IProfile profile)