Class InstanceNotUniqueException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InstanceNotUniqueException extends CreateInstanceException
Exception used to indicate that an instance could not be created due to it's ID not being unique.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • InstanceNotUniqueException

      public InstanceNotUniqueException(String entity, GUID instanceId, String instanceName)
      Constructs the exception with the the type of the instance and the name that was not unique.
      entity - The type of the instance.
      instanceId - The ID of the instance.
      instanceName - The name of the instance.
  • Method Details

    • getEntityName

      public String getEntityName()
      Description copied from class: CreateInstanceException
      This method returns the entity name of the instance that could not be created.
      getEntityName in class CreateInstanceException
      the entity name of the instance that could not be created.
    • getInstanceId

      public GUID getInstanceId()
      This method returns the ID that was not unique. If the instance was created with a name, and the ID should have been generated, this method will return the IntegerValue.UNKNOWN value.
      The ID that was not unique.
    • getInstanceName

      public String getInstanceName()
      This method returns the name that was not unique. If the instance was created with an ID, and the name should have been generated, this method will return a null value.
      The name that was not unique.