Interface IDomain

All Superinterfaces:
IConvertable, IListValue, IValue, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IDomain extends IListValue
This interface defines the set of values (domain) that are valid for an attribute. This domain will hold at most all values from the domain definition, but this domain may also be empty when there is no value valid in the current context.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getDefinition

      IDomainDefinition getDefinition()
      This method returns the definition of this domain. The domain definition contains additional information like the name and the complete set of values that may be valid.
      The definition of this domain.
    • getValue

      IPrimitiveValue getValue(Object objValue)
      This method returns the internal domain value identified by the given object value. The value passed to this method may be a string containing the short value of the requested domain value, or a IPrimitiveValue containing the short value.
      objValue - The value for which the domain value is requested.
      The domain value for the specified value.