Interface IDomainDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
IConvertable, IListValue, IValue, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IDomainDefinition extends IListValue
This interface defines a domain. A domain is a set of values that act as a restriction to an attribute.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Name of the domain definition as defined in the studio.
      Name of the domain definition as defined in the studio
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      This method returns the description of the domain. The description of a domain is only used for informational purposes.
      the description of the domain.
    • isExternalDomain

      boolean isExternalDomain()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the values for the domain will be provided by an external source. The boolean is used mainly for validation purposes, as an external domain will not have any values during definition in studio.
      a boolean indicating if the values for the domain will be provided by an external source.
    • getDomainValue

      IDomainValueDefinition getDomainValue(IPrimitiveValue value)
      Obtains the domain value definition for a particular value, if it exists. null is returned if no corresponding domain value exists.
      value - the primitive value for which the corresponding domain value definition should be retrieved.
      the domain value definition corresponding with `value`, or null if none exists.
    • getDomainValueAt

      IDomainValueDefinition getDomainValueAt(int index)
      Returns the domain value definition at the specified zero-based index. The value of the returned domain value definition is the same as the value returned by IListValue.getValueAt(int) at the same index.

      This method should be used over IListValue.getValueAt(int) when additional information about the domain value is needed (such as presentation styles).

      The total number of domain values may be obtained using IListValue.getValueCount().

      index - the index of the domain value definition
      the domain value definition
    • getDomainValues

      IDomainValueDefinition[] getDomainValues()
      Returns all the domain value definitions. The values in each domain value definition at index n is the same as the value at index n in the array returned by IListValue.getValues().

      This method should be used over IListValue.getValues() when additional information about the domain values is needed (such as presentation styles).

      all domain values