Interface IPrimitiveValue

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<Object>, IConvertable, IValue, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ICompoundValue, IRangeValue, ISingleValue
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractValue, AnyValue, AttributeBooleanValue, AttributeCurrency, AttributeDateTimeValue, AttributeDateValue, AttributeEntityValue, AttributeInfiniteValue, AttributeIntegerValue, AttributeNumberValue, AttributePercentage, AttributeRangeValue, AttributeStringValue, BinaryValue, BooleanValue, Currency, DateTimeValue, DateValue, EntityContextDelegate, EntityValue, ForeachObject, InfiniteValue, InstanceReferrer, IntegerValue, NumberValue, Percentage, RangeValue, StringValue, ValueReference

public interface IPrimitiveValue extends IValue, Comparable<Object>
The primitive value interface may be implemented by objects that represent a single continuous range or value. The most important addition of this interface is that it enforces primitive values to be comparable to other values, which allows lists to order them.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      This method will return the (optional) type name of the value. The type name is available when the value belongs to a typed set like a domain or entity. In case the value is part of a domain, the type name will contain the name of the domain the value belongs to.
      The type of the value.
    • getDisplayValue

      String getDisplayValue(String languageCode, IValueFormatter formatter)
      This method returns a string that can be used as display value for the specified language.
      languageCode - the code of the language
      formatter - optional formatter
      A string containing the display value for the specified language.
    • forType

      IPrimitiveValue forType(String typeName, IMultilingualText displayValue)
      This method adds the type and display information to the value, and returns the value with this added information. The method will not change the state of the value the method is invoked on, but it will return a copy of the current value with the added information.
      typeName - The type of the value.
      displayValue - Multilingual text containing display values.
      The value with the added information.