Interface IRangeValue

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<Object>, IConvertable, IPrimitiveValue, IValue, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeRangeValue, RangeValue

public interface IRangeValue extends IPrimitiveValue

The range interface defines a continues range between two single value objects. The upper and lower value may be excluded from the range. When for instance the lower value of a range is excluded, the range will run from the lower up to the upper value, but the lower value will not be part of the range.

Please note that a single value may also implement this interface, as a single value is a range where both the upper and lower value are equal and both the upper and lower value is included.

The compareTo method of a range is a bit more complex than the compareTo of a ISingleValue, as two ranges may overlap when compared to each other. The following results may be expected when comparing ranges using the compareTo:

  • -1 The given range is greater than this range.
  • 0 The is some overlap between the ranges (a merge is needed)
  • 1 The given range is lower than this range.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getLowerValue

      ISingleValue getLowerValue()
      This method returns the lower value of the range.
      The lower value of the range.
    • getUpperValue

      ISingleValue getUpperValue()
      This method returns the upper value of the range.
      The upper value of the range.
    • isLowerIncluded

      boolean isLowerIncluded()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the lower value is part of the range. When this method returns true the range will start and include the lower value.
      Boolean indicating whether the lower value is part of the range.
    • isUpperIncluded

      boolean isUpperIncluded()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the upper value is part of the range. When this method returns true the range will end at, and include, the upper value.
      Boolean indicating whether the upper value is part of the range.