Interface IFlowEngine

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IFlowEngine
This object contains all information on flows within an application.

This class is not serializable.

O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getAvailableFlows

      IFlowDetails[] getAvailableFlows()
      This method returns an array containing all the available flows from the flow engine.
      an array containing all the available flows from the flow engine.
    • getFlow

      IFlowDetails getFlow(String flowName)
      This method returns a details object for the specified flow. The name of the flow is not case sensitive.
      flowName - The name of the flow for which the details are requested.
      The flow details for the specified flow name.
      UnknownFlowException - This exception is thrown when no flow with the specified name could be found.
    • startFlow

      IFlowState startFlow(String name, IFlowHandler handler, IDebugger debugger)
      This method starts the flow indicated by the flow name with the specified flow handler.
      name - The name of the flow that should be started.
      handler - The handler that should be used when processing the flow.
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
      Object containing the path that was followed and the result node that was reached.
      FlowException - This exception is thrown when the flow could not be started.
    • revertToFlow

      IFlowState revertToFlow(String name, IFlowState state, IFlowHandler handler, IDebugger debugger)
      Revert the flow state to the flow node specified by name and start this flow. Returns null is the node is not found in the flow state. All flow nodes that are passed during revert will call the onFlowAborted method of the handler.
      name - The name of the flow that should be started.
      state - The previous flow state.
      handler - The handler that should be used when processing the flow.
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
      Object containing the path that was followed and the result node that was reached.
      FlowException - This exception is thrown when the flow could not be started from the current flow state.
    • continueFlow

      IFlowState continueFlow(IFlowState state, ExitEvent pageEvent, IFlowHandler handler, IDebugger debugger)
      This method will continue the flow from the point indicated by the flow state.
      state - The previous flow state from which the flow should continue.
      pageEvent - The exit state for the last result node, which determines the next action in the flow engine.
      handler - The handler that should be used when processing the flow.
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
      Object containing the path that was followed and the result node that was reached.
      FlowException - This exception is thrown when the flow could not continue to the next result node.
    • getFunctionFlowDefinition

      IFunctionFlowDefinition getFunctionFlowDefinition(String flowName)
      This method will check if a function flow exists with the given name and return the related {IFunctionFlowDefinition}
      flowName - The name of the flow
      Object containing the function flow definition
      UnknownFlowException - This exception is thrown when the flow does not exist
      InvalidFunctionFlowException - This exception is thrown when the flow does exist, but is not a function flow
    • getExternalFlowDefinition

      IExternalFlowDefinition getExternalFlowDefinition(String flowName)
      Returns the definition of the external flow with the given name.
      flowName - the name of the external flow
      the definition of the external flow
      UnknownFlowException - if no flow with the given name exists
      InvalidExternalFlowException - if the flow with the given name is not an external flow
    • getDcmWidgetFlowDefinition

      IDcmWidgetFlowDefinition getDcmWidgetFlowDefinition(String flowName)
      Returns the definition of the DCM widget flow with the given name.
      flowName - the name of the DCM widget flow
      the definition of the DCM widget flow
      UnknownFlowException - if no flow with the given name exists
      InvalidDcmWidgetFlowException - if the flow with the given name is not a DCM widget flow
    • allowFlowingOnErrors

      boolean allowFlowingOnErrors(IFlowState flowState)
      Determines if flowing is allowed even if validation errors are present on current page
      flowState - current flowState of this session
      boolean true if flowing can continue
    • getFlowCrawler

      FlowCrawler getFlowCrawler(InferenceContext profile)
      Creates an instance of a class that implements the visitor pattern to navigate the structure of the flowModel contained by this flow-engine
      profile - instance of InferenceContext, cannot be null
      instance of FlowCrawler