Interface IFlowState

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public interface IFlowState extends Serializable
This object has the responsibility to hold the state of a flow process.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Method used to determine if the flowEngine will allow flowing even if there page-errors
    This method returns a deep copy (clone) of itself.
    This method returns the flow result node at which the flow process stopped.
    This method returns the exit event which designates the exit-state label of the flow structure, the method will only return an exit event when the flow structure is completely traversed and {isComplete() is true.
    This method returns the exit type of the flow exit, it contains information whether the flow has either completed as
    Returns the type of the flow-evaluator used is the current started flow in the current session.
    This method returns the names of the flows that were traversed.
    This method returns the flow path containing information about the flow nodes that have been processed during the flow.
    The return value is an instance of VisitedPages, a class that defines the state of every flow of type SinglePageFlow visited during the active session.
    This method returns true if the entire flow structure has been traversed and the flow is complete.
    Method to determine if field errors should be included when expanding a page.
  • Method Details

    • getPath

      IFlowPath getPath()
      This method returns the flow path containing information about the flow nodes that have been processed during the flow.
      The flow path of the current flow state.
    • getActiveNode

      IResultNodeDetails getActiveNode()
      This method returns the flow result node at which the flow process stopped. The result node will always be the last node in the flow path.
      The current result node of the flow state.
    • getFlowNames

      String[] getFlowNames()
      This method returns the names of the flows that were traversed.
      Array containing all the names of the flows that have been traversed.
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()
      This method returns true if the entire flow structure has been traversed and the flow is complete.
      A boolean indicating that the entire flow structure has been traversed and the flow is complete.
    • getExitLabel

      String getExitLabel()
      This method returns the exit event which designates the exit-state label of the flow structure, the method will only return an exit event when the flow structure is completely traversed and {isComplete() is true. It will return a null pointer otherwise.
      The ExitEvent label which is the ExitEvent of the root flow, when the flow has ended.
    • getExitState

      ExitState getExitState()
      This method returns the exit type of the flow exit, it contains information whether the flow has either completed as
      The exit type of the exit of the root flow, when the flow has ended. Otherwise a null pointer is returned.
    • duplicate

      IFlowState duplicate()
      This method returns a deep copy (clone) of itself.
      A deep copy of the flow state.
    • continueOnError

      boolean continueOnError()
      Method used to determine if the flowEngine will allow flowing even if there page-errors
      true if flowing can continue, false otherwise
    • preValidateFields

      boolean preValidateFields()
      Method to determine if field errors should be included when expanding a page. For standard flowing this is false ( errors are only included after submit/refresh )
      true if current page should show field errors when it is expanded, false otherwise
    • getVisitedPages

      VisitedPages getVisitedPages()
      The return value is an instance of VisitedPages, a class that defines the state of every flow of type SinglePageFlow visited during the active session.
      instance of VisitedPages
    • getFlowEvaluatorType

      FlowEvaluatorType getFlowEvaluatorType()
      Returns the type of the flow-evaluator used is the current started flow in the current session. THe type is determined on basis of the flowtype of the exposed flow.
      one of the values of enum FlowEvaluatorType