Class FlowCrawler


public class FlowCrawler extends Object
This class is part of a visitors pattern and implements a method to follow all flow-paths within a flowModel. For each nodeType found in the model, the corresponding visit-x method will be called. The main difference between a flow-evaluator and this class is that the flow evaluator stop at the first result-node it finds, whether this class follows all paths and flows recursively. It may stop following a path at a result-node depending on the given flow-node-visitor.
It's current purpose is to find all sub-flows of a specific type to use as a basis to create menu-items in case of free flow navigation
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • accept

      public void accept(String flowName, IFlowNodeVisitor flowNodeVisitor)
      Crawls the provided flow and visits every node using the flowNodeVisitor.
      flowName - the name of the flow which needs to be crawled.
      flowNodeVisitor - the instance of a flow node visitor which is used to store the crawled nodes in.