Interface IWebServices

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public interface IWebServices extends Serializable
This interface describes methods retrieve the exposed soap services that are available.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • getServiceNames

      String[] getServiceNames()
      This method returns all the available service names.
      The service names, never null, but may be an empty array.
    • getService

      IWebServiceDefinition getService(String name)
      This method returns the service for the specified name.
      name - The name of the service.
      The service, never null.
      UnknownWebServiceException - This exception is thrown when no service is available for the specified name.
    • writeWsdl

      void writeWsdl(String serviceName, String wsdlName, IResourceResolver resourceResolver, OutputStream result) throws IOException
      This method may be used to write the WSDL for a specified service.
      serviceName - The name of the service, may not be null.
      wsdlName - The name of the wsdl, when null the main wsdl of the service is used.
      resourceResolver - The resolver to write the resources used, may not be null.
      result - The outputstream to write the resulting data to, may not be null.
      UnknownWebServiceException - This exception is thrown when no service is available for the specified name.
      IOException - This exception is thrown when a problem occurs writing to the result writer.
    • writeXsd

      void writeXsd(String serviceName, String schemaName, IResourceResolver resourceResolver, OutputStream result) throws IOException
      This method may be used to write the XSD for a specified service.
      serviceName - The name of the service, may not be null.
      schemaName - The name of the schema, may not be null.
      resourceResolver - The resolver to write the resources used, may not be null.
      result - The outputstream to write the resulting data to, may not be null.
      UnknownWebServiceException - This exception is thrown when no service is available for the specified name.
      IOException - This exception is thrown when a problem occurs writing to the result writer.