Interface IInferenceDetails

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IInferenceDetails
This interface contains the methods that can be used to retrieve inference information from a single attribute from the profile.
A. Pragt, O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns an array containing the references to the attribute values that used this value, corresponding with this details object, to determine their own value.
    This method returns the ID of the justification text that the rule who sourced the value provided.
    This method returns the name of the rule that inferenced the value.
    This method returns the source type of the attribute.
    This method returns an array containing the references to the values that were used to determine the current value.
  • Method Details

    • getSourceType

      SourceType getSourceType()
      This method returns the source type of the attribute.
      The source type of the attribute.
      See Also:
    • getRuleName

      String getRuleName()
      This method returns the name of the rule that inferenced the value. As not all values in the profile are sourced by a rule, this method may return a null value. The rule-rule is only relevant for attributes which have a source type SYSTEM or DEFAULT.
      The name of the business rule that inferenced the values.
    • getJustificationId

      String getJustificationId()
      This method returns the ID of the justification text that the rule who sourced the value provided. For attribute values that were not sourced by a rule, or for rules that don't have a justification text defined, this method will return a null value.
      the ID of the justification text that the rule who sourced the value provided.
    • getDependentValues

      ValueReference[] getDependentValues()
      This method returns an array containing the references to the attribute values that used this value, corresponding with this details object, to determine their own value.
      Array containing the references of the values that depend on this value.
    • getUsedValues

      ValueReference[] getUsedValues()
      This method returns an array containing the references to the values that were used to determine the current value.
      an array containing the references to the values that were used to determine the current value.