Class Mapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
IMapping, Serializable

public class Mapping extends Object implements IMapping
Maps two profiles based on a mapping definition.
Jon van Leuven
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Mapping

      public Mapping(IMappingDefinition definition)
      Construct a mapping based on mapping definitions.
      definition - The Mapping definitions containing information how to map.
  • Method Details

    • getDefinitions

      public IMappingDefinition getDefinitions()
      Description copied from interface: IMapping
      This method returns the definitions of this profile mapper.
      Specified by:
      getDefinitions in interface IMapping
      The mapping definitions, never null.
    • update

      public void update(IProfile source, IProfile target, IDebugger debugger)
      Description copied from interface: IMapping
      This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile. The source profile that is used is considered read-only, and may not be modified by the implementation of this method. Does not create a IMappingReport and doesn't map a justification tree
      Specified by:
      update in interface IMapping
      source - The source profile containing the instances that should be mapped to the target profile.
      target - The target profile that needs to be updated using the instances from the source profile.
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
    • update

      public void update(IMappingContext sourceMappingContext, IProfile target, IDebugger debugger)
      Description copied from interface: IMapping
      This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile. The source profile that is used is considered read-only, and may not be modified by the implementation of this method.Also creates a IMappedJustificationTree on the target profile if specified
      Specified by:
      update in interface IMapping
      sourceMappingContext - The source context containing the InferenceContext with the instances that should be mapped to the target profile
      target - The target profile that needs to be updated using the instances from the source profile.
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
    • update

      public void update(IProfile source, IProfile target, IMappingReport mappingReport, IDebugger debugger)
      Description copied from interface: IMapping
      This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile. The source profile that is used is considered read-only, and may not be modified by the implementation of this method. Also creates a IMappingReport.
      Specified by:
      update in interface IMapping
      source - The source profile containing the instances that should be mapped to the target profile.
      target - The target profile that needs to be updated using the instances from the source profile.
      mappingReport - the mapping report where the information will be gathered on
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.