Interface IMapping

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public interface IMapping extends Serializable
The mapping interface defines the methods that may be used to map a profile to another profile.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the definitions of this profile mapper.
    update(IMappingContext sourceMappingContext, IProfile target, IDebugger debugger)
    This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile.
    update(IProfile source, IProfile target, IDebugger debugger)
    This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile.
    update(IProfile source, IProfile target, IMappingReport mappingReport, IDebugger debugger)
    This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile.
  • Method Details

    • getDefinitions

      IMappingDefinition getDefinitions()
      This method returns the definitions of this profile mapper.
      The mapping definitions, never null.
    • update

      void update(IProfile source, IProfile target, IDebugger debugger)
      This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile. The source profile that is used is considered read-only, and may not be modified by the implementation of this method. Does not create a IMappingReport and doesn't map a justification tree
      source - The source profile containing the instances that should be mapped to the target profile.
      target - The target profile that needs to be updated using the instances from the source profile.
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the update operation could not be performed.
    • update

      void update(IProfile source, IProfile target, IMappingReport mappingReport, IDebugger debugger)
      This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile. The source profile that is used is considered read-only, and may not be modified by the implementation of this method. Also creates a IMappingReport.
      source - The source profile containing the instances that should be mapped to the target profile.
      target - The target profile that needs to be updated using the instances from the source profile.
      mappingReport - the mapping report where the information will be gathered on
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the update operation could not be performed.
    • update

      void update(IMappingContext sourceMappingContext, IProfile target, IDebugger debugger)
      This method may be used to update the target profile using the definitions from the source profile. The source profile that is used is considered read-only, and may not be modified by the implementation of this method.Also creates a IMappedJustificationTree on the target profile if specified
      sourceMappingContext - The source context containing the InferenceContext with the instances that should be mapped to the target profile
      target - The target profile that needs to be updated using the instances from the source profile.
      debugger - A debugger instance that is attached, may be null.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the update operation could not be performed.