Interface IFieldValidationDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FieldValidationDelegateDS, FieldValidationDS, ReportingFieldValidationDS, XmlFieldValidationDS, XmlFieldValidationDS

public interface IFieldValidationDS extends IReportingDS
This data source provides the information needed to initialize a field validation (definition).
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the condition that should be evaluated to determine if the validation should be active.
    This method returns the text that should be shown when a value does not pass the validation.
    this method return the name of the validator type.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation is blocking (or a warning).
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation may be considered a fatal error, and further validation of the value is not needed.
    This method returns a map containing parameters for the validator.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getType

      String getType()
      this method return the name of the validator type.
      the name of the validator type.
    • isBlocking

      boolean isBlocking()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation is blocking (or a warning).
      boolean indicating if the validation is blocking.
    • isEssential

      boolean isEssential()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation may be considered a fatal error, and further validation of the value is not needed.
      Boolean indicating that the validation is essential and must succeed for any further validation to be useful.
    • getMessage

      IMultilingualText getMessage()
      This method returns the text that should be shown when a value does not pass the validation. The text may contain TSL, but the message will be expanded before the (invalid) value is evaluated.
      text that should be shown when a value does not pass the validation.
    • getCondition

      String getCondition()
      This method returns the condition that should be evaluated to determine if the validation should be active.
      the condition that should be evaluated to determine if the validation should be active.
    • iterateParameters

      void iterateParameters(IFieldValidationParameterVisitor visitor)
      This method returns a map containing parameters for the validator. If the validator does not require any parameters.
      visitor - the visitor which accepts the parameter information