Class ServiceNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
IActionNodeDetails, INodeDetails, INodeDetailsWithDebugIdentifier, Serializable

public class ServiceNode extends NodeBase implements IActionNodeDetails, INodeDetailsWithDebugIdentifier
Node class for the flow engine to represent a service.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceNode

      public ServiceNode(NodeID id, String serviceCallName, String serviceTypeName, IParameters parameters, ExitEvent[] exitEvents)
      Constructs a service node with the specified ID, name, type and parameters. This constructor is used when restoring a session from XML.
      id - The ID of the node.
      serviceCallName - The invocation name of the service.
      serviceTypeName - The type name of the service.
      parameters - The parameters of the service.
      exitEvents - The exit events for this service node.
    • ServiceNode

      protected ServiceNode(NodeID id, IServiceCallDefinition definition)
  • Method Details

    • getActionId

      public String getActionId()
      This method returns the call name of the service this node represents.
      Specified by:
      getActionId in interface IActionNodeDetails
      The call name of the service
    • getServiceTypeName

      public String getServiceTypeName()
      This method returns the type name of the service this node represents.
      The type name of the service
    • getParameters

      public IParameters getParameters()
      This method returns the parameters for the service.
      the parameters for the service.
    • getExitStates

      public ExitEvent[] getExitStates()
      Description copied from interface: IActionNodeDetails
      This method returns an array with the possible exit states of the action. Each exit state will be mapped to an edge in the flow to determine the next node. The actual result of the action node (executed by the flow handler) will be used to choose the correct edge.
      Specified by:
      getExitStates in interface IActionNodeDetails
      an array with the possible exit states of the action.
    • getDebugIdentifier

      public String getDebugIdentifier()
      Specified by:
      getDebugIdentifier in interface INodeDetailsWithDebugIdentifier
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object