Interface INodeDetails

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IActionNodeDetails, IConditionNodeDetails, IEndNodeDetails, IEventNodeDetails, IFlowNodeDetails, INodeDetailsWithDebugIdentifier, IResultNodeDetails, IRetryNodeDetails
All Known Implementing Classes:
CompletedFlowNode, DefaultActionNodeDetails, DefaultConditionNodeDetails, DefaultDcmEventDetails, DefaultFlowNodeDetails, DefaultResultNodeDetails, FlowActionNodeDetails, FlowNodeDelegate, FlowNodeDetails, FlowResultNodeDetails, FunctionNode, NodeBase, NodeDetails, OpenCaseEventDetails, PageNode, RetryNodeDetails, ServiceNode, StartCaseEventDetails, StartedFlowNode, StartTaskEventDetails

public interface INodeDetails extends Serializable
This interface defines the basic properties of a node in a flow. Important aspects of a node are that they need to be uniquely identifyable, and that they should be lightweight. The lightweight restriction is needed as the nodes will be passed to the client through the handler (upon an action of control point) and as part of the flow state. As the nodes will be passed to the client, the serializable interface is added to ensure remote clients can work with this interface.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    This methode should return the unique ID that has been assigned to the node.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getNodeId Link icon

      NodeID getNodeId()
      This methode should return the unique ID that has been assigned to the node. The ID of a node is unique within the flow that contains the node.
      String containing the unique ID of the node.