Interface IActionNodeDetails

All Superinterfaces:
INodeDetails, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultActionNodeDetails, FlowActionNodeDetails, FunctionNode, ServiceNode

public interface IActionNodeDetails extends INodeDetails
Interface for action nodes in a flow. The flow handler will be invoked with this node when the flow engine encounters an action node.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the name/ID of the action node.
    This method returns an array with the possible exit states of the action.

    Methods inherited from interface com.aquima.interactions.flow.INodeDetails

  • Method Details

    • getActionId

      String getActionId()
      This method returns the name/ID of the action node.
      the name/ID of the action node.
    • getExitStates

      ExitEvent[] getExitStates()
      This method returns an array with the possible exit states of the action. Each exit state will be mapped to an edge in the flow to determine the next node. The actual result of the action node (executed by the flow handler) will be used to choose the correct edge.
      an array with the possible exit states of the action.