Interface ISessionScope

All Superinterfaces:
IDisposableScope, IPortalMessageScope, IPortalScope, ISessionLifecycle, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConcurrentSessionScope, ProcessEnabledSessionScope, ReadonlySessionScope, SessionScope, SessionScopeDelegate, SessionScopeWrapper

public interface ISessionScope extends IPortalMessageScope, IDisposableScope, ISessionLifecycle
The portalengine holds and constructs session scopes and passes these to services and container methods. This object's life time is for the entire session. This means from the portalsession is created until it has been destroyed. One could say the session scope lives at least as long as one is working with a specific application and profile.
f.van.der.meer, Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • notifyPortalMessage

      void notifyPortalMessage(IPortalMessage message)
      Notifies a portal message after the current event has been processed.
      message - The portalmessage, not null.
    • removePendingPortalMessages

      IPortalMessage[] removePendingPortalMessages()
      Retrieves and clears the currently pending portal messages to process.
      The portal messages, not null.
    • getPendingPortalMessages

      IPortalMessage[] getPendingPortalMessages()
      Retrieves the currently pending portal messages to process.
      The portalmessages, not null.
    • clearPendingPortalMessages

      void clearPendingPortalMessages()
      Clears all currently pending portal messages.
    • getCurrentFlowState

      IFlowState getCurrentFlowState()
      Returns the current flow state N.B. We recommend one does not use this method in services and containers.
      A flowstate
    • getActiveChannel

      Channel getActiveChannel()
      This functions returns the current active channel if there is a channel active, otherwise when no channel is active null is returned.
      The current active channel.
    • getActiveUser

      IUserData getActiveUser()
      This function returns the current active user for the current session.
      The current active user, never null.
    • setUser

      void setUser(IUserData user)
      This method will set the user for the current session. The existing user information will be discarded.
      user - The user, may not be null.
    • getTestPath

      String getTestPath()
      This function returns the testPath for the current session.
      The testPath for the current session
    • setTestPath

      void setTestPath(String testPath)
      This method will set the testPath for the current session. The existing testPath will be discarded.
      testPath - The testpath, may be null.