Interface IProjectDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConfigProjectDS, ConfigProjectDS, PrefixedProjectDS, ProjectDelegateDS, ProjectDS, ProjectDS, ReportingProjectDS, XmlProjectDS, XmlProjectDS

public interface IProjectDS extends IReportingDS
This data source is used during initialization to gather the definition of the objects that are globally defined.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Field Details


      static final Category CATEGORY
      Category that should be used when reporting errors or warnings that are encountered during initialization.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the unique name of the application.
      The name of the application.
    • getVersion

      Version getVersion()
      This method returns the version of the application.
      The version of the application.
    • iterateRoles

      void iterateRoles(IRoleVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the roles and add them to the visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the role to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the role could not be initialized.
    • iterateChannels

      void iterateChannels(IChannelVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over the various channels that are available in the application. Components may use channels to restrict access to certain functionality. This method should return the super-set of all the channels that are used throughout the application.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the channel definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when an invalid channel definition is added.
    • iterateTeams

      void iterateTeams(ITeamVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over the various teams that are available in the application. Components may use teams to restrict access to certain functionality. This method should return the super-set of all the teams that are used throughout the application.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the team definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when an invalid team definition is added.
    • getDefaultLanguageName

      String getDefaultLanguageName()
      Returns the name of the default language, null when not specified.
      The name of the language that should be used as default.
    • iterateLanguages

      void iterateLanguages(ILanguageVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over the available languages and add them to the visitor. At least one language should be provided.
      visitor - The visitor to which the languages should be added.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when invalid language data is provided.
    • iterateThemes

      void iterateThemes(IThemeVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the themes that are available and add them to the visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the themes to.
      InitializationException - this exception is thrown when an invalid theme definition is added.
    • getDefaultThemeName

      String getDefaultThemeName()
      Returns the name of the default theme, null when not specified.
      The name of the theme that should be used as default.
    • iterateMessages

      void iterateMessages(IMessageVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the static messages and invoke the visitor for each message that should be added to the model.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the messages to.
      InitializationException - This error is thrown when an error is encountered during the processing of the messages.
    • iterateValueFormats

      void iterateValueFormats(IValueFormatVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the value formats, and invoke the visitor for each format that should be added to the model.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add value formats to.
      InitializationException - this exception is thrown when an error is encountered during the processing of the value formats.
    • iterateServices

      void iterateServices(IServiceVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the service definitions, and add them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the service definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the service definitions could not be initialized.
    • iterateExpanders

      void iterateExpanders(IExpanderVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the expander definitions and add them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the expander definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the expander definitions could not be initialized.
    • iterateValidators

      void iterateValidators(IValidatorVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the validator types and add them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the validator type definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the validator type definitions could not be initialized.
    • iterateConnections

      void iterateConnections(IConnectionVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the connections and add them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the connections definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the data connections could not be initialized.
    • iteratePortalMessages

      void iteratePortalMessages(IPortalMessageVisitor visitor)
    • iterateGlobalParameters

      void iterateGlobalParameters(IGlobalParameterVisitor visitor)
    • iterateFieldTypes

      void iterateFieldTypes(IFieldTypeVisitor visitor)