Interface IComposerContext

All Superinterfaces:
IEventChannel, InferenceContext, IProfile, IProfileLifecycle, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IComposerContext extends InferenceContext
The composer context interface a specialization of the inference context interface, and is used during the composure of containers and elements. The main addition to the inference context that this interface defines, is the ability to request the ContainerId of the container which is actively composed.
  • Method Details

    • getContainerId

      ContainerId getContainerId()
      This method returns the ContainerId of the container which is being composed in this context.
      The container id.
    • forContainerId

      IComposerContext forContainerId(String containerId)
      This method creates a child context of active composer context. It uses the provided container id to create a new ContainerId as the container id of the child context.
      containerId - id of the container for which the child context is created.
      The child context.
    • forInstance

      IComposerContext forInstance(EntityValue instance)
      This method creates a child context of active composer context, using this method the provided instance is used as the active instance in the underlying inference context. It uses the provided instance to create a new ContainerId as the container id of the child context.
      instance - instance for which the child context is created.
      The child context.