Interface IModuleDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ApplicationDelegateDS, ApplicationDS, ConfigApplicationDS, ConfigApplicationDS, ConfigModuleDS, ConfigModuleDS, ExtXmlMatchApplicationDS, ExtXmlMatchModuleDS, ModuleDelegateDS, ModuleDS, ModuleDS, PrefixedApplicationDS, ReportingApplicationDS, ReportingModuleDS, XmlApplicationDS, XmlApplicationDS, XmlModuleDS, XmlModuleDS

public interface IModuleDS extends IReportingDS
This data-source interface is used to initialise an application. The implementation of this interface is requested by the portal engine through the IPortalEngineDS interface.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Indicating if models should be cached on the server.
    This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the communication engine for the application.
    This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the composer for the application.
    This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the flow engine for the application.
    This method should return a data source implementation that can be used to initialize a match engine for the application.
    This method should return a meta-model datasource implementation for the application this interface represents.
    This method should return the unique identifier of the application.
    This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the rule engine for the application.
    This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the tree engine for the application.
    This method should iterate over all the (dynamic) container expanders, and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.
    This method should iterate over all the function calls and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.
    This method should iterate over all the mask calls and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.
    This method should iterate over all the service calls and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • cachingEnabled

      boolean cachingEnabled()
      Indicating if models should be cached on the server. At the moment the caching is enabled or disabled for all applications running on the server.
      boolean indicating if application models should be cached.
    • getModuleId

      ModuleID getModuleId()
      This method should return the unique identifier of the application. The identifier consists of the application name and version.
      The unique identifier of the application.
    • getMetaModelDS

      IMetaModelDS getMetaModelDS()
      This method should return a meta-model datasource implementation for the application this interface represents. The returned datasource will be used to initialize the meta-model component.
      IMetaModelDS implementation for the application.
    • getRuleEngineDS

      IRuleEngineDS getRuleEngineDS()
      This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the rule engine for the application.
      Rule engine datasource implementation for the current application.
    • getComposerDS

      IComposerDS getComposerDS()
      This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the composer for the application.
      Composer datasource implementation for the current application.
    • getFlowEngineDS

      IFlowEngineDS getFlowEngineDS()
      This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the flow engine for the application.
      Flow engine datasource implementation for the current application.
    • getTreeEngineDS

      ITreeEngineDS getTreeEngineDS()
      This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the tree engine for the application.
      Tree engine datasource implementation for the current application.
    • getMatchEngineDS

      IMatchEngineDS getMatchEngineDS()
      This method should return a data source implementation that can be used to initialize a match engine for the application.
      The match engine data-source implementation.
    • iterateServiceCalls

      void iterateServiceCalls(IServiceCallVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the service calls and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add service call definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the service call could not be initialized.
    • iterateFunctionCalls

      void iterateFunctionCalls(IFunctionCallVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the function calls and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add function call definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the function call could not be initialized.
    • iterateMaskCalls

      void iterateMaskCalls(IMaskCallVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the mask calls and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add mask call definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the mask call could not be initialized.
    • iterateContainerExpanders

      void iterateContainerExpanders(IContainerExpanderVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the (dynamic) container expanders, and invoke the visitor for each call definition that should be added.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add dynamic container expander definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the container expander(s) could not be initialized.
    • getCommunicationEngineDS

      ICommunicationEngineDS getCommunicationEngineDS()
      This method should return a datasource implementation that can be used to initialize the communication engine for the application.
      Communication engine datasource implementation for the current application.