Interface IApplicationDS

All Superinterfaces:
IModuleDS, IReportingDS
All Known Implementing Classes:
ApplicationDelegateDS, ApplicationDS, ConfigApplicationDS, ConfigApplicationDS, ExtXmlMatchApplicationDS, PrefixedApplicationDS, ReportingApplicationDS, XmlApplicationDS, XmlApplicationDS

public interface IApplicationDS extends IModuleDS
This interface provides the information needed to initialize an application project.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getApplicationId

      ApplicationID getApplicationId()
      This method returns the ID of the application.
      the ID of the application.
    • getProcessEngine

      IProcessModuleDS getProcessEngine()
      This method returns the module containing process definitions. When no process engine is used this will return null
      the module containing the process definitions
    • iterateModules

      void iterateModules(IModuleVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all modules that are used by the application, and add a data source implementation for each of them to the visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the module data sources to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the modules could not be initialized.
    • getProjectDS

      IProjectDS getProjectDS()
      This method returns the data source that should be used to initialize the objects that are defined project wide and used by all modules in the project.
      Data source providing the definitions of the global objects.
    • getProcessMappingDS

      IProcessMappingDS getProcessMappingDS()
      This method returns the mapping that should be used for the processes. If the application does not use a process engine, as null value should be returned. Usually an application using a process engine does not define any processes.
      the mapping that should be used for the processes.
    • getApplicationMode

      ApplicationMode getApplicationMode()
      This method returns the application mode for the portal engine.
      The application mode for the portal engine.
    • getFactoryManager

      IFactoryManager getFactoryManager()
      This method should return a factory manager implementation for the application.
      a factory manager implementation for the application.
    • getResourceManager

      IResourceManager getResourceManager()
      This method should return a resource manager implementation for the application.
      a resource manager implementation for the application.
    • getConnectionManager

      IConnectionManager getConnectionManager()
      This method may return an application specific connection manager.
      an application specific connection manager, or null if no predefined connections are available in the application.
    • iterateMappings

      void iterateMappings(IMappingVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the mappings and add them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the mapping definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the mapping definitions could not be initialized.
    • wrapFailedElements

      boolean wrapFailedElements()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects.
    • outputFailedMasks

      boolean outputFailedMasks()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if failed masks must be included, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      a boolean indicating if mask that fails should be included in the expanded element
    • iterateWebServices

      void iterateWebServices(IWebServiceVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the exposed web services and add them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the exposed web service definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the exposed web service definitions could not be initialized.
    • getTraceDao

      ITraceDao getTraceDao()
      Returns the trace dao that will be used by the trace engine
    • getTimelineCreator

      ITimelineCreator getTimelineCreator()
      Returns the timeline dao that will be used by the trace engine
      The Timeline Creator DAO
    • getProjectMetadata

      ProjectMetadata getProjectMetadata()
      Returns the project metadata containing webservice calls and library references